Having trouble using modbuddy


Sep 30, 2013
I am trying to make a temp update mod for Time x10 all in one mod. Until the mod author can update it. I am trying to change the era's for the new ages mechanic. I want the turns to be 10x bigger. If I directly change the xml I can increase it, but when I try to make a mod using modbuddy, It either doesn't work or the game resets to the main menu when trying to start it.

So this is what I am doing
solution 1
Time x10 eras
x10 eras.xml

the xml looks like this

<Where EraType="ERA_CLASSICAL" />
<Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />
<Where EraType="ERA_MEDIEVAL" />
<Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />
<Where EraType="ERA_RENAISSANCE" />
<Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />
<Where EraType="ERA_INDUSTRIAL" />
<Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />
<Where EraType="ERA_MODERN" />
<Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />
<Where EraType="ERA_ATOMIC" />
<Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />

I hope that is correct. The next step i guess is to figure out how the **** to add actions. I right click Time x10 eras and open up the properties. This part is the confusing part. I have no idea what to do on this screen. I don't know what the hell custom properties are and associations I guess is just linking the mod to other mods, so they all have to be activated. The comes front end actions and ingame actions, I added this to both.

type udatedatabase
id Time x10 eras
file x10 eras.xml

I tried just adding front end actions and it loads up but no change. I do in game action and it cuts back to main menu. I am extremely frustrated at this point. I need help. Was also planning on updating the R.E.D. mod but if i can't get this simple xml mod to work, then i can't fix a bigger mod. Hopefully someone helps me soon while I am still on vacation and can enjoy this game.
Ingame actions, as you have probably already guessed, is the right place to put that xml (unless eras work differently to everything else: I'm very new to Civ 6 modding, please correct me if I'm wrong about anything and/or everything).

Crashes to main menu are generally caused by errors that are recorded in database.log. Have you tried looking to see what the error message is that shows up in that file after your crash?
The game returning you to the main menu is a sign that something went wrong with loading your mod into the game's database. As Homusubi mentioned, any errors are recorded in Database.log in your Documents/My Games/Civilization IV/Logs folder. Take a gander at that and see what errors it's yelling at you for.

Also, something I noticed in your code:
<Where EraType="ERA_CLASSICAL" />
<Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />
This is incorrect syntax and will result in an XML error. You can't have two <Set> tags within a <Where> clause. What you're looking for is most likely:
    <Where EraType="ERA_CLASSICAL" />
    <Set GameEraMinimumTurns="400" GameEraMaximumTurns="600" />
One <Set> tag can change multiple things at once. That said, I doubt it would be causing an issue so critical that it would send you back to the main menu, but you never know. Regardless, your changes won't work unless you fix that syntax for all of your <Update> statements.

As a brief aside, to clear up any misunderstanding:
  • FrontEndActions affect the menus before any game is started. This includes the Civilization selection screen, the settings screen, etc.
  • InGameActions do what they say--they're for in-game changes, after you've picked a Civilization and hit "Start Game."
The changes you want to make would be best for "InGameActions."
Last edited:
Data Log

[2449835.288] [Localization]: StartupErrorMessages.xml
[2449835.288] [Localization]: Input XML does not contain database entry tags. GameData, GameInfo or Database
[2449838.830] [Localization]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449838.830] [Localization]: Passed Validation.
[2449838.847] [Configuration]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449838.847] [Configuration]: Passed Validation.
[2449850.888] [FullTextSearch]: Initializing FullTextSearch
[2449851.287] [Gameplay]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449851.299] [Gameplay]: Passed Validation.
[2449852.314] [Configuration]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449852.314] [Configuration]: Passed Validation.
[2449879.128] [FullTextSearch]: FTS - Creating Context
[2449886.012] [Configuration]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449886.012] [Configuration]: Passed Validation.
[2449888.645] [Gameplay] ERROR: near "x10": syntax error
[2449888.646] [Gameplay] ERROR: near "x10": syntax error
[2449888.646] [Gameplay]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449888.662] [Gameplay]: Passed Validation.
[2449888.662] [Gameplay] ERROR: near "x10": syntax error
[2449888.662] [Gameplay] ERROR: near "x10": syntax error
[2449888.893] [Gameplay]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449888.910] [Gameplay]: Passed Validation.
[2449890.951] [Configuration]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[2449890.952] [Configuration]: Passed Validation.
[2449891.384] [FullTextSearch]: FTS - Creating Context
[2449896.377] [FullTextSearch]: FullTextSearch - Shutting down

I deleted the old one and started a new one. So this should only be from the most resent attempt. I have done the changes you wanted me to do. I also fixed a oversite and added in ancient era too lol

here is the updated code.

<Where EraType="ERA_ANCIENT" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" GameEraMinimumTurns="200" />
<Where EraType="ERA_CLASSICAL" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" GameEraMinimumTurns="200" />
<Where EraType="ERA_MEDIEVAL" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" GameEraMinimumTurns="200" />
<Where EraType="ERA_RENAISSANCE" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" GameEraMinimumTurns="200" />
<Where EraType="ERA_INDUSTRIAL" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" GameEraMinimumTurns="200" />
<Where EraType="ERA_MODERN" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" GameEraMinimumTurns="200" />
<Where EraType="ERA_ATOMIC" />
<Set GameEraMaximumTurns="600" GameEraMinimumTurns="200"/>

Just so it's here and maybe i am doing this wrong. This is the table I am trying to modify.


<Row GameEraMaximumTurns="60" GameEraMinimumTurns="40" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>

<Row GameEraMaximumTurns="60" GameEraMinimumTurns="40" EraType="ERA_CLASSICAL"/>

<Row GameEraMaximumTurns="60" GameEraMinimumTurns="40" EraType="ERA_MEDIEVAL"/>

<Row GameEraMaximumTurns="60" GameEraMinimumTurns="40" EraType="ERA_RENAISSANCE"/>

<Row GameEraMaximumTurns="60" GameEraMinimumTurns="40" EraType="ERA_INDUSTRIAL"/>

<Row GameEraMaximumTurns="60" GameEraMinimumTurns="40" EraType="ERA_MODERN"/>

<Row GameEraMaximumTurns="60" GameEraMinimumTurns="40" EraType="ERA_ATOMIC"/>

[2449888.645] [Gameplay] ERROR: near "x10": syntax error

This means something is wrong with your naming. If I had to guess, the issue is related to what you mentioned in your first post:
type udatedatabase
id Time x10 eras
file x10 eras.xml

Remove all spaces from any action IDs, mod names, file names, folder names, etc. and put underscores in their place (or just make the name something like x10Eras).
Thank you very much for all of your help! I am sure you helped make the mod solid and workable. Unfortunately it was the DLC mod bug that was screwing it up hahahaha When I disabled australia and aztecs it worked.
Well, fancy that! Glad it works.

By the way, if you want to circumvent that bug and still play with your DLC Civilizations, you should install this fix. It's a bit of an unofficial band-aid until Firaxis gets their act together, but it's better than being forced to disable DLC you (presumably) paid good money for.
Thanks man! your a life saver!

On a side note while I have your attention. Do you by any chance know where you can modify the tables to change the score for each era? I also want to change the score amount you get form items like going to space should be 5 points not 1 lol Anywho, ya don't have to answer just figure I ask while your reading my topic and being extremely helpful.
The data for all the Historic Moments (the things that give Era Score) is in "Expansion1_Moments.xml" in Civ6/DLC/Expansion1/Data. If you wanted to change the Era Score for, say, launching the Earth Satellite, here is its entry:
The part highlighted in red is what interests you. If you want to update it, just do something very similar to what you've been doing for Era length:
            <Set EraScore="5" />
(if you're going to copy-paste this code into your file that already exists, do not copy the <GameData> tags. Civ won't parse files that have more than one set of <GameData>, <GameInfo>, etc. tags.)

You'll have to look through the Moments XML file to find all the ones you're interested in changing. There are a lot of Historical Moments, and the file is pretty big, so good luck :p
Thanks for the help,sorrry I took so long in posting back here lol.But I forgot to tell you thank you for all your help and I have my first mod onsteam called "space_race" which does the changes I said. Oh and I was wondering if you know where you can change how much era score you need for the different ages. My mods slow down research considerably and I am getting a ridiculous amount of points since the era's last so long.
I'm pretty sure what you're looking for is in "Expansion1_GlobalParameters.xml" in Civ6/DLC/Expansion1/Data. Specifically, these:
    <Replace Name="DARK_AGE_SCORE_BASE_THRESHOLD" Value="12" />
    <Replace Name="GOLDEN_AGE_SCORE_BASE_THRESHOLD" Value="24" />
The "Value" column is what you want to change there. I don't know what "optimal" values would be to feel best with your other Era/Era Score changes, but that's up to you to test. Given you multiplied the minimum number of turns by 5, I'd recommend multiplying the base threshold by 5 as well as a place to start (i.e. Dark Age threshold becomes 60, Golden Age threshold becomes 120).
Nice, I have been hunting for that. Guess I kept over looking it lol Thanks for all your help. I probably won't put it at 5 times though because their just isn't enough things for that huge of a era score. I will probably just double it. I have been getting about 50 a era and I feel that was stretching it a little lol but thanks again for all your help broski.
@Cyphose, @yutterh,
I opened ModBuddy for the first time and I can not get it to produce a simple .modinfo file, please help!

If someone knows of a good reference for ModBuddy Please point me to it!!!
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