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Heirs to Heaven

Updated detailed map and current stats. Note that the stats will change as more players and npcs are added. It's also still subject to change, as trade is currently massively overpowered (tolni is making roughly 50% of all trade income...).

Maybe some sort of resource system, where people need to have things to trade to limit total trade in a certain way? Something basic like have/don't have, and the trade hub would also count as a trade resource? Maybe that's too simple, as it won't change anything....

Also, why did some of us already lose some LG?
The lake off Sthulhein (typo name "Stulhein" on map) can be Lake Dovidia.
Maybe some sort of resource system, where people need to have things to trade to limit total trade in a certain way? Something basic like have/don't have, and the trade hub would also count as a trade resource? Maybe that's too simple, as it won't change anything....

Also, why did some of us already lose some LG?

While I like the idea of resource trading, I don't think I want to completely overhaul the system yet. If I have time and motivation, the farthest I go might be to split agriculture/industry into separate trade 'markets' with their own trade power/value. Maybe. For now I'm just going to tweak some numbers.

Everyone starts with 60 LG, but the blue section indicates LG + LG change. Most of you will be losing LG from the start, unless you buffed it with traits and special provinces.

Note: IC also seems a bit goofed. I'll look into it a bit later.
I like what you did with the borders on the map. How did you pull that off?
Thanks Ninja, I'll fix that tonight too.

@Sonereal - making every province its own layer, then give them inwards glow effects. Takes a bit of time, but I think it looks neat.
A few things:

* Stats say House Baxton instead of Braxton
* Navy is called Seagul-Trident instead of just Trident
* Both my rulers have Trader as secondary trait, not Trainer

Other than that, 'tis all good bby
Wups, I'll fix the names and traits.

Edit: Glad to see you again Shirogane!

And with that, all 3 province houses are finished. Players can still join as smaller houses until Wednesday, otherwise they will become npcs.

EDIT AGAIN: Found out what was goofed with the IC, everyone has more now. Also, I'm thinking instead of heavily nerfing trade, I'll buff IC and MP a bit so they are useful for things outside of combat. I'm thinking of:

-letting players use any IC not used in constructing military units of fortifications be used as EP for the purposes of developing provinces' agriculture, industry and administration, rather than have the IC be useless. Idea is production not being used to pump out swords can be used for civilian purposes.

-having banked MP be an IC multiplier. Idea is people military age adults not in service can work rather than sit around doing jack.

Maybe trade should be the selling of your IC/MP in return for someone else EC? Traders should make more EC or pay less EC then they are supposed to in the deal, and trade hubs should make that bonus even bigger? That way trade is completely up to us and isn't just a casual money source? Selling IC would be like selling finished products or raw resources, and selling MP would be like selling food.

It would also make sense since right now according to stats me and the holy capital control together nearly 40% of the population of the entire kingdom (with me having almost 20% and them a tiny bit less). If that MP is actually "food points that can become MP" then it makes me the breadbasket as I wanted rather than the source of humans...

oh and can the map include player names?

Also in the linked stats, I'm pretty sure IC is messed up, as I have 10 but the worker industrialist crafter has 1 (faulhamer)
The stat sheet has a ridiculous amount of scrolling. Either shorten header names (AGRI, IND, ADM, FORT, for example), reduce column width (especially in the military section), freeze the first column/first row, or a combination of all three. If you're doing the freezing, move the group names next to faction names.

For example,

Spoiler :

You can also really get rid of faction codes and total upkeep columns in that and just use SUMIF functions too. Since it doesn't look like the military section tracks which province groups are in anyway.

On the faction page under Upkeep, the formula would look more or less like this =SUMIF(military!A:A,A2,military!C:C) Military!C:C assumes aforementioned column removals and group name rearrangements. At least this way, you can add and remove groups with the minimum amount of effort (just add new ones to the bottom and delete the rows of removed groups) and sort the columns using the sort function without worrying about the whole workbook imploding.
House Name: Arimathea
House Trait: Monarchists.
Ruler Name: James Arimathea
Ruler Trait 1: Infantry Hero
Ruler Trait 2:Regal
Heir Name: Matthew Arimathea
Heir Trait 1: Bow Master
Heir Trait 2: Regal
Capital and Claims: Hamlets (Capital - 25), Uplland (34)
Special: Holy - The basilica in Hamlets is a place reputed to hold many old and revered relics.
Starting Army/Fleet: The Uplland Clansmen (Army in Uplland), The White Flags (Fleet in Hamlets)
Sigil: A Lying Lamb
House Words: Feet of the Hills of Old

Background: One of the Oldest Houses the Arematheans have held onto their position through dutiful observance of the traditional practices as well as their careful diplomacy in keeping the balance between the Clans of the Upllands.

As such the House finds its base of power in the Upllands amongst the clansmen and the shepherds and in Hamlets the great city sitting on the River Wiy, seat of their family and home of a great many churches and basilicas.
Stats and map updated and tidied up a little bit. Fixed IC (I think). Other numbers have changed a bit due to changing how the legitimacy modifier was applied (before the base stat was multipled by the LG modifier, then multiplied again by traits. Now the LG modifier is added to the traits modifier before multiplying the base stat.)

If you still find errors or misspellings, do tell.

A larger rules/stats update is still coming before T0, so know the stats are still WiP.

Spoiler map :

Reminder that signups are due Wednesday. Which happens to be tomorrow for me. I'm going to put out a [TIMER=6/15/2016 12:00 PM UTC+9;Round Over][/TIMER] counter on it.
@Mephisels, Braxton, Faulhamer

Anybody have an idea for our shared bay?
Had to change my heir because this was just too dang perfect
Spoiler :
Rules and stats in the OP updated a bit again.
-Unused IC can now be used as EP for developing agriculture, industry and administration.
-Banked MP now multiplies IC to small extent.
-Houses can only have 3 marriages.
-Added embargoes. Basically opposite of trade deals, can be made unilaterally and reduce trade power for both houses by 5.
-When capturing provinces, development will be destroyed and EP gained due to pillaging. If players don't want to capture provinces, they can raid the province.
Did you also change MP calculation? I think mine lowered by quite a bit. Some people who took greenthumb have less MP than others who didn't... How is it calculated? Is it because of terrain? I guess it is because of terrain.

@Mephisels, Braxton, Faulhamer

Anybody have an idea for our shared bay?

Summer Bay

House Name: Natt och Dag
House Trait: Farmers
House Words: Enade vi stå, söndrade vi falla. (United we stand, divided we fall.)

Ruler Name: Birgitta Månsdotter (formally styled Lady Birgitta Natt och Dag)
Ruler Trait 1: Defensive
Ruler Trait 2: Green Finger

Heir Name: Johan Månsson
Heir Trait 1: Trader
Heir Trait 2: Trainer

Capital and Claims: Västra härad (46, Capital), Östra härad (50)
Special: Östra härad (Natural Fortress)
Starting Army: In Östra härad, Östra härads regemente (Eastern Hundred Regiment)
Starting Fleet: In Västra härad, Första sjöstridsflottiljen (1st Naval Warfare Flotilla)

Background: House Natt och Dag traces its origins back to the legendary marriage between Natt and Dag, two immortal sky deities who submitted to God and chose to step down to Ehar as mortal humans and aid his cause. According to legend Natt and Dag had twelve children and upon their death Sigtrygg, their first-born son, took their place in the Kingdom of Heaven. As their heir he is the mythical founding father of House Natt och Dag. All of the house's subjects are said to descend from Natt and Dag's eleven other children which makes them one big family lead by Sigtrygg's descendants. Current head of the house Lady Birgitta and her heir and brother Johan are the two living children of now deceased Lord Måns who instituted a change in the hereditary laws of his family, allowing his older daughter to take precedence over his younger son. Before Lady Birgitta, no woman had ever lead House Natt och Dag.

The two hereditary lands of House Natt och Dag, Västra härad and Östra härad, make up the greater region of Njudung which is separated down the middle by the province of Nalo under House Iskariota. Nalo is sometimes called Mellersta härad (Middle Hundred) by people in Njudung, referring to its position in between Västra härad (Western Hundred) and Östra härad (Eastern Hundred), but it is not considered to be a part of the historical Natt och Dag lands. Most people in Njudung speak, or at least understand the basics of, a distinct local tongue known as Njudungsmål which is derived from the ancient literary language used in En saga om Natt och Dag (A Tale of Night and Day), a historical collection of legends written down in the early days of the Kingdom of Heaven. Njudungsmål is related to the common Ehari tongue, and some believe it may even be a living relic of the old Ehari tongue as it was spoken in the early days.
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