Help! BE Crashes


Oct 24, 2014
BE crashes pretty much everytime I try to load a new game. I am running it on windows mode and have tried many "fixes" in this and similar forums.

I went back to try Civ5 again and I get a similar crash with I load the DX11 version. I have played many hours with the DX9 version without any trouble.

So I think my problem is related to that .. DX11 ... anybody have any ideas for a fix? I believe all my drivers are up to date.

I have attached the specs of my computer.

Would rather not go out and buy a new laptop .. so help would be appreciated! :D


  • DxDiag.txt
    25.4 KB · Views: 172
Thanks for posting your DxDiag file. It shows that the drivers for your ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 are dated 9/9/2009. That's pretty old and is probably the problem. Since your laptop is from Dell, you should first go to and search there for newer drivers. Please post again if this doesn't help.
I'm having same problem with BE and had similar issue with Civ5, had to use DX9.

Have just updated my card's drivers but still no luck! :-(

Also attaching DxDiag in case anyone has any suggestions


  • DxDiag.txt
    25.5 KB · Views: 192

Please, let's confine discussion of your problem to this thread. That will make it easier to provide you with advice. Thanks!

YES!!! seems to have worked .. I downloaded updated drivers for the graphic card .. and so far so good.

Thanks for your help, for some reason I thought I had updated the latest version, but clearly drivers for 2009 are ancient.

Appreciaate the help!
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