Help me be better


Mar 27, 2009
Can someone please explain, in a nut shell, how the diplomatic victory works? In my recent Assyrian game i was shooting for culture. i was behind on tech, second to Venice. I was about to get 100% influence with about half the AI's, leaving me with Venice and Poland to use musicians on. I had only just acquired the internet. Venice was a monster in the WC and had about 14 delegates compared to everyone else who had about 6. Venice won diplo. I didnt check on city sttae influence, but i had at least 5/6 under my control. Any pointers or suggestions on working out who is going to win before the vote? Im a bit annoyed actually, as it was a good game and barring diplo would have been a good fight to see whether i win culture before venice could launch spaceship.
You need to have a certain amount of delegates under your control. The amount varies, but there are many sources where they can be obtained: Venice could've got Globalization which grants several free delegates if they had lots of diplomat spies.
It just revolves around the number of delegates. At each WC they tell you how many you will have and on which conditions and also for the next WC. Basically you have 2, and then get more by :

- being the host of WC (1st to meet all civs)
- have allied CS : here is the main point and if you want diplo win or avoid an AI to get it you have to get more allied CS
- wonders (forbidden palace...)

So this defines how many delegates each civ has. Then each civ decides what to vote for. Coming the Globalization time and vote for diplo win, you must estimate if the leading delegates civ can win the vote. (his delegates + his potential allies)

Then you could basically do 2 things :
- Send diplomats to his potential allies and buy their votes so the other one doesn't have a majority and rally your cause
- Get some CS to become your ally

I tried to do it short, good enough ?
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