help merge 40civ and civchanger dll's

althoug picking 19+ civs works and loading 19+ maps when launching the game crashes for me :/ althou realy appriciate you trying to help maybe its not all that easy to make it work... hmm its strange

umm okay custom game works with 19+ but loading a scenario doesnt work dont know why exactly but thanks for the merge anyway i can make custom game new map
okay the reason why it crashed is becouse i didnt have 40 teams in the map/scenario 0 - 39 teams even if some of them are empty you still need them, next problem is when the game starts i get "You have been defeated!!!" no matter what civ i choose

creating a new random map by custom game works, and saveing the worldbuilder for it and playing it as scenario no problems. but if u want to use an old map or edit the saved random map you get the problem above.

anyone got any ideas? :confused:
I'd still check your WBS file. Do you have 0-39 teams and 0-39 players?
ye i have 40 teams, team 0 threw team 39 but i only have about 31 players/civs on the map, ill be checking it more today if i get it to work ill tell what i did so if someone has the same problem. ;)
Make sure to have 0-39 players too. Even if they are empty.
i got a solution, some bugg happens with the maps you need to do this


in map so all starts random civs and locations, then take custom scenario run the map with the civs u like then place them on new start locations so on and it works

thanks again :)
I have a question. I have built a 40 civ mod

that uses giant earth with a load of civs i added. But the list of civs on the right of the screen are too many for the space they have to display them. In short the run off the top of the screen.

Does any one know if their is a mod that allows you to scroll this list, or does any one know where to find code to make the font smaller so they show all 40 civs on the screen. ?
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