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[HELP NEEDED] Making my first custom Civ


Jan 21, 2016
I'm rather green when it comes to Modbuddy and using XML, but I would really like to make a custom Civilization for private use. I've tried to follow a number of how-to's, but some were never finished, and the rest didn't end up working for me. JFD kindly helped me get started, but I didn't want to take more of his time.

How the Civ is supposed to be:

UA: "Can settle on Mountains. Mountain cities yield 4 Production and has a notable combat bonus. (Twice that of a Hill's) Cities receive each Defensive Military Building the moment they are available. Military Buildings yield 2 Culture."

UB: Rain Chalice (Aqueduct Replacement)
"+40% of Food Food is carried over after a new Citizen is born. Gives 2 Food, 2 Happiness and 1 Culture during War and Golden Ages."

UB: Deepmountain Organ (Grand Temple Replacement)
"+1 Culture, +8 Faith; Doubles religious pressure emanating from this City. Gains points towards Golden Ages equal to the Faith generated in the empire. Must be built in a Mountain City. (Rather than a Holy City)"

Most of the Civ seems easy enough to fix, and I have the artwork, Civ Sigil, city names and a lot of text string ready, but I see some more difficult parts:

1. How can I mod my Settlers so they can move onto Mountains and settle there?
2. How can I make enemy units capable of invading and actually take my cities?
3. Will the city sprite be visible on the Mountain?

These three makes me think I should make a separate file for Mountain settlement, into which I can incorporate the Production yield and Combat Bonus. That way I can also just make Deepmountain Organ reference that file. (Or just have it be built in Holy Cities like the rest of them)

4. The last bit of my UA is designed to automatically give new-founded cities the Defensive Military Buildings I have available through research, and to give new ones to all of my already established cities when I get the right Tech. Do I have to make a custom lua for it?

Smaller headscratchers:
5. Making my Rain Chalices give extra stuff during Golden Ages and War.
6. Making Deepmountain Organ give Golden Age points equal to my empire-wide Faith.

I know this seems like a lot, but I have lots of ambition and very miniscule experience with Modbuddy. Help would be very appreciated!
You posted this in the wrong forum. This is for beyond earth.

However, I figured I might as well tell you enabling cities to be settled on mountains is impossible with XML. You may even have to get into the core files for that, the DLL, which is not easy.
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