Help out Greg: Send huge future era saves to 2K!

If i understand what steam cloud is, it basically stores your saves on steams servers, no?

Why dont they create some achievements for large maps in later game times, with the cloud function?

People who enjoy the (useless imo) achievements get more to achieve, and firaxis can get the exact data they seek.
Great idea, job done.
I'm not sure that Firaxis actually have the right to use steamcloud saves without consent, or whether they even have access to them at all. Does anyone know?
Isn't it connected with your steam account? They probably don't have access at all.
Its silly to think that steam cant edit/view these cloud saves, because theyre linked to a steam account. The steam accounts are all linked to Them. The save games cant really contain any data except the games save state right? So what would be the problem? Its not like i recommended steam change peoples save games, just simply shoot a copy over to firaxis.

If steam is willing to host a users save game data on their servers, and its a steam-mandatory game, i would suspect they have the right to do whatever they want with those save files.

Heck, some free image hosting sites claim they own the rights to the photos you upload to their servers. I dont think its right, but i think steam passing cloud saves to the game producers, would be a good thing, no? Isnt the point of steam to make the lives of the devs easier (something about not having to write mp save time yadda yadda)?

From firaxis' point of view, if steam doesnt allow them the rights to these cloud saves, maybe steam isnt exactly a good choice for further products.

But hey, what do i know? Was just an idea i had, figured id post it here, and if someone who cares or has ability to pass the info on, they can.
Is anyone able to play in a huge map? I end up crashing every time it gets going good.

My system is a couple of years old, but it's still solid.

I think they just want the saves to see if anyone CAN MAKE it to future era on huge maps :)
Is anyone able to play in a huge map? I end up crashing every time it gets going good.

My system is a couple of years old, but it's still solid.

I think they just want the saves to see if anyone CAN MAKE it to future era on huge maps :)

Ive had a few huge games, sure there were some crashes especialy in one game, I got around most crashes with turning off auto cycle through units and manually move to next units since my crashes mostly came when it tried to automatic center on a new unit a full map away.

I dont have a top of the line system either but a decent one. Just had to get the new firmware for the dreaded GT220 card.
How about: player, modder, civfanatic, 2K community manager? :)

Player? : ok, agreed

Modder? : Um, that's news, he has mods?

CivFanatic? : Hmnnn, isn't that a grey area?

2k CM? : That's a highly debatable title there.

My point being, that for all the bells and whistles pertaining to 2k Greg, he hasn't exactly inspired any sense of working comradirie with the community.
As a player of Civ since 1 on the old Amiga 500, I get REALLY annoyed at the fact that I cant FINISH a game on HUGE. Ive played 3 now. Gotten to Future era, and into late 1900's/early 2000's game just crashes. My machine is no slouch. I run on

Core2Duo QuadCore @ 2.5Ghz
4GB DDR3 Ram
2x SLI Nvidia GTX260's

I hope by us submitting these saves we can all get the desired results we come to EXPECT out of a Civilization game.

thats my 2 cents!
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