[Help!] Why Can't I Raze Cities?!

Nov 12, 2005
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I've been playing an Earth Map that I modified to include the Celts, who start in Ireland just for the sake of keeping central Europe less crowded, and because I like playing Island nations.

I've been fighting England for awhile, simply trying to raze london (when I take it over, culture from an English city to the south surrounds it and makes it a useless city). However, no matter the size of the city (even 1) or who controls it, it won't give me the option to destroy it.

Why is this and how can I fix it?
Check the "Victory Conditions," usually F8, to see if "No City Razing" is turned on. Perhaps the option just happens to be intrinsic in your WB save.
I checked, and it wasn't turned on...
Why is this and how can I fix it?
It's got some of your culture in it. Cities that you have previously owned or (I'm not sure of the exact details) have a significant amount of your culture cannot be raised.

It's a feature not a bug. You can't burn down the homes of your own people.
Whatever happened to those good ol' tactics of scorched earth. Speaking of which, maybe a feature should be added that Stalin can raze anything he wants :o
Whatever happened to those good ol' tactics of scorched earth. Speaking of which, maybe a feature should be added that Stalin can raze anything he wants :o
Actually, it would make sense if the Police State civic, or something similar, gave you that option.
It's got some of your culture in it. Cities that you have previously owned or (I'm not sure of the exact details) have a significant amount of your culture cannot be raised.

...er, cannot be RAZED. sorry, the editor in me could not resist pointing out the paradox of this misspelling. :crazyeye:
turn off "no razeing cities" or somthin like that
ok, it was probably the culture then. I already said earlier "no razing cities" wasn't turned on.

Thanks for your responses!
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