Hey Jesus, let me get a dime bag.

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Vincebus Eruptum
Aug 30, 2003
Source: The Sunday Times
Date: 12 January 2003

Was there a whiff of cannabis about Jesus?


Was Jesus a Stoner? is the mischievous title of an article about the use of cannabis in ancient Judaism in next month's High Times, a pro-cannabis magazine. Its author, Chris Bennett, likes to shock. He is the host of Burning Shiva, a show on Canada's Pot-TV, and an advocate for the medical use and decriminalisation of marijuana.

Bennett first looked at the use of drugs in religion two years ago in his book Sex, Drugs, Violence, and the Bible. He postulates that Jesus's ministry was fuelled by mind-altering substances, that he may have used cannabis-based oils to heal eye and skin diseases and that his very name - Christ - derives from being anointed with cannabis-enriched oil.

His politics and television career might make it tempting to dismiss him but what Bennett says makes perfect sense. Over the centuries drugs have been used by virtually all religions. Why not Christianity?...

Full Story
This goes some way to explaining the background of the Joint Church.
Iggy said:
This goes some way to explaining the background of the Joint Church.

Iggy :lol: , you are 'ON FIRE' today :goodjob: .
ummmm....yeeeaah...and the Buddah took acid. :mischief:
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