Hidden Game Rules

Meet England in the first 50 turns: Elizabeth covets your lands.
Conquer a City State: Denounced as a warmonger.
Resurrect dead civilization from liberated city: Denounced as a warmonger; AI covets your lands.
Conquer enemy city after being declared on: Denounced as a warmonger.
Conquer up to 3 cities during war: AI gives you everything but capital for peace; denounced as a warmonger in 5 turns.
Conquer 4 or more cities during war: AI never open to negotiation again; denounced a warmonger every 5 turns.
Declare Friendship with AI: Lose 1 of each luxury resource for no trade or be denounced.
Denounced by Friendly AI: Denounced by all AI within 20 turns.

It's no surprise that since coming to these forums, I've stopped playing Civ V all together.

I feel you pain dude, it just plain suck's that the game is still not polished, but wait for the expansive(I mean just a patch) & they will only charge $10.00 buck's or so, now that's pull down your pants, bend over take like a customer......:confused:
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