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Hidden Nationality Question

Dark Sheer

Nov 15, 2001
Penang, Malaysia
I have posted this in the Bug Report thread but don't seems to get any replies.

I guess I will post it here to see if anyone come across this while modding. :confused:

If I mod a unit to have hidden nationality and invisible I can't use it to attack enemy towns unless I am at war with that nation. However, this does not apply to the AI! :mad:

The same problem happens in the Sengoku scenario in C3C where the Ninja cannot attack an enemy town but AI's Ninja have no such problem :rolleyes:

Anybody else encounter this or is there a workaround for this problem? :sad:
Yes this happens all the time, but I figure that since the AI is usually too dumb to use such units effectively, I consider the handicap acceptable....

Well that, and I don't make any invisible HN units in any of my mods, so that way you can at least see the SOB's when they try to sneak into your territory, and you can then kill them :D
It's probably to give the AI a "Leg-Up", because if a human had a HN unit that could attack cities, they'd have taken over half the world in a few turns. The A, however probably doesn't recognise the potential of this, and therefore wouldn't have taken over the world in a few turns...
There are no ways around this that I know of aside from removing it entierly.
I've seen it used properly. It should only be used once or mybe twice, but in a seprate era. thus there is a signifigant time period for the threat to be realized and countered by the player.
The AI will make them for a certain amount of time (depending on its research pace) than change to a stronger unit when its available. It makes the game intresting if new challanges are presented once and a while. Ones that you're not used to.
While keeping your head up!:sleep: it also diverts your miltary to citys and worksites to defend from sabatouers. A real threat that was never adressed in any Civ game.
Mybe the intent is to give the AI a leg up for once. Anyway its a nice change if implemented correctly. Balancer Reloaded was the first mod that I played that got the hang of it, after a patch or two!;)
I keep the AI (and humans) from spamming HN units in the FF mod by making them only available through SW.... The Intel Agency (available to all), Shinra BLDG (available only to Coporate Republic Govt), and Secret Police HQ (available only to Commies) all generate a HN "Turk" unit every 5 turns.... To keep things balanced a bit, democracies get a Non-HN defensive unit called a "Citizen Militia" that does not require support through their SW, Constitutional Government (the right to bear arms type deal)....

Such changes I'm thinking about adding to my first mod, Tweked Out.... I had problems with the AI spamming Mercs all the time... One solution that I'll add (once I get some time away from my current projects) is to have a "Mercenary Guild Charter" SW that requires Silver (strat resource) and pumps out a merc every 5 turns, that eventually becomes obsolete with Replaceable parts (I'm also going to change it so that the Intel Agency produces a "Secret Agent" (Kinboat's James Bond unit) every 5 turns), and make the Mercs upgrade to Geurrillas (so that they can be upgraded to something useful, since by that time, Mercs will be completely out-classed by all other units)
What I do is having 1 HN unit each at each Era except Ancient time. :)

Ninja (Feudulism/Jade) ---> Guerilla (Replaceable Part/Jade+Herbs) ---> Special Forces (Smart Weapon/Herbs+Aluminium)

And believe me the AI knows how to use it very well indeed! Too bad it is broken in C3C so that only the AI can use them to attack city and not player. It used to work just fine with Vanila and PTW though. Still, I am keeping them in my mod to aviod triggering MPP when I am at war. ;)
Stormrage said:
Um, what do smart weapons, aluminium and special forces have to do with herbs? :confused:

Well, to me these people learn to live off the land and herbs helps in a way :p
I simply deal with the problem by making them upgrade relitivly early into something non-HN, and stronger.

EX: (From playground mod)
Barbarian (weak, but HN. Upgrades late) -> Mercenary
Soccer (strong, but upgrades early) -> Mercenary
Death Strike Trooper (Really strong, but upgrades really early) -> Gaiden
No, if it isn't invisible, same thing happens. No attacking cities unless if war has been declared.
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