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"Hidden" Pueblo Files?

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Apr 7, 2013
Isn't it completely possible that the devs will leave all of the files they had for the cancelled Pueblo civ in the game files for BNW?
There is certainly a precedent for many companies leaving unused files in the game.

Couldn't modders then, hopefully, make a fairly easy pueblo civ, prehaps with all but the leader audio?

That would be a best case scenario of course, but I'd imagine some files will still remain.
They said in the video that they had created all the art, I think.

I can't see them leaving it in the game files if they've been asked not to include it, though.
Yes I do believe they said they were essentially done with the civ other than the leader dialogue. I don't have time to find that quote right now, I'm procrastinating on an essay...

but the only things that a modder lacks that the devs have are 3-d models and the art, which could potentially be left for them to find in the files.
They won't after seeing this thread.


Although they did leave the cancelled LHC and Three Gorges damn art in, and have left a lot of art in before, including the Taizong leader head for the Chinese version of Civ IV if I remember correctly.
They won't after seeing this thread.

why would they be motivated to remove it? they might as well leave it in there. it doesn't matter if we do it...
Because they were asked not to include the civilization. Leaving the files in easily could've been an oversight, but since somebody brought it up, they'll probably be sure to delete them now.
I doubt this thread will have an impact (even if you were right, that would only be true if they reply in the thread). My hope is they at least include the concept art, even if they don't include the actual files. Sure, one is better for modding, but it would at least be nice to see everything.

Although they did leave the cancelled LHC and Three Gorges damn art in, and have left a lot of art in before, including the Taizong leader head for the Chinese version of Civ IV if I remember correctly.

Furthermore, they had a scrapped set of diplomacy themes for a civilization in vanilla, I think it was the Incas. These themes were just put into the American ambient music files, and that civ got a new diplomacy theme when it was released as DLC afterwards, but it's still worth noting.

So they might leave some Pueblo-based files in the game, just use them differently.
Also considering that the Civil War models were left in GaK despite the scenario being unfinished, I think it's highly likely that if there were new art assets they'll be in, with the exception of the leaderhead.
I hope there are. But they will still be liable if they get sued by the Pueblo. Back in the day some franchise got in a mess with the ratings board because they left nude female art files in the software, even though they weren't used. Some modder had created a way to have nude women in the game using the art files and the company was found liable even though they didn't actually make the characters nude in the released version.
I hope there are. But they will still be liable if they get sued by the Pueblo. Back in the day some franchise got in a mess with the ratings board because they left nude female art files in the software, even though they weren't used. Some modder had created a way to have nude women in the game using the art files and the company was found liable even though they didn't actually make the characters nude in the released version.

It was GTA San Andreas, right?
It was GTA San Andreas, right?

To be honest, I can't remember. I'm torn between Tomb Raider, GTA, and some fighting game that had bouncy anatomy and a name I can't remember.

PS, bouncy anatomy and a name I can't remember sounds like what you wake up next to after a good night at the bar.:lol:
I actually remember hearing something like that about an RPG. Oblivion, maybe? GTA had the Hot Coffee minigame though so it may just be that, heheh.
They said in the video that they had created all the art, I think.

I don't remember them saying they had finished all the art at all. I highly doubt they made the leaderscene for one.

In fact, they could have made nothing besides the concept art for the leader and only had the rest of the civ planned out.
also any art could have been re-purposed into other features
They won't after seeing this thread.

additionally it would be pretty disrespectful to mod in a civilization that has explicitly stated (through it's community) that it doesnt wish to be included in a video game.
that should be reason enough not to put file relics back into the game.
Question from an ignoramus: How exactly did they 'ask' the Pueblo? Is there one central group, or a de-facto head of the Pueblo culture, or?

It seems very strange - respectful and the right thing to do, yes, but strange. After all, I seriously doubt that Firaxis sent a message to Vladimir Putin asking if Russia could be in the game!
Question from an ignoramus: How exactly did they 'ask' the Pueblo? Is there one central group, or a de-facto head of the Pueblo culture, or?

It seems very strange - respectful and the right thing to do, yes, but strange.
from what i ve heard they approached the pueblo community (something as the "Zentralrat der Juden" in germany, i guess) in search of a voice artist. during that they found out that there was no appropriate voice artist to be found and that the depiction of their (dead) ancestors offended the pueblo people.

After all, I seriously doubt that Firaxis sent a message to Vladimir Putin asking if Russia could be in the game!

you honestly wanted this as russias leaderscreen?
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