HMM1 - French Monarch Sucession Game

A victory condition that combines a little of all of that is the 100K Culture victory. First, you need a lot of cities. You usually can't build as many as you need. Because you need a lot of cities and you can't build them all, you need to capture a lot of cities.

You also have to build a lot of wonders and cultural buildings while building and maintaining an army to capture all those cities you need.

It is an interesting combination that may satisfy everyone's needs.
Sounds good to me Bugsy.. Lets go for 100K then.

The 4000BC is there now (in the opening post). I shall let you play the first 20 Bugsy, let us all know what you think :)

Lets try to keep this to got in 24 hours and played in 48 hours.

Have fun,


P.s. I think 5 is enough for now, but if anyone else comes along who wants to play then it would be good to get a couple more in.
OK team. I've got the game and will start tonight. I'll post within 24 hours.
Do we finish the 20th turn, or do we stop at "Click to end turn?"

Let's rock and roll!
Here's the way it works. I'll play 20 turns and stop at "Click to end turn." It is usually nice to not do any diplomacy on that turn. So I won't. I will save the game at that point and post it. I'll also post a detailed turn log and a link to the save. There is a thread stickied at the top of this section on how to upload stuff. Within 24 hours, you post a "got it" and download the save.

When you open the save you'll do your "pre-turn" work. You'll want to check the cities and make sure they'll managed properly, that they're building what should be built. You'll want to check out the map to see what has changed since the last time you played. One of the cool things about an SG is that you might see something that the previous player didn't. It is one of the things that we can learn from each other. Everyone other than the first player will play 10 turns. Sometimes in the late game you may even play less than ten turns. In ER1 right now we are only playing 5 turns because each turn is taking about 45 minutes to play.

I will keep a copy of notepad open and make notes in there. Then when it comes time to post my turn log, I just copy and paste into this space. That way I don't have to be on-line when I'm playing, and I don't have to worry about the dreaded "Server Capacity is full" message.

I will usually put down most of what I do (at least during the early portion of the game) in the turn log. I will also put down my reasoning behind my decisions. This serves a three-fold purpose. First, the team can see what I did and why I did it. Second, we can discuss any future direction that we think the game should take. And finally, it gives an explanation to the follow-on player when he or she sees something out of the ordinary. Like, "I wonder why these three knights are off over here all by themselves." I will make a copy of the previous two or three players' turn logs so I can go back during the game and say. "Oh, that's right, Hmmm saw some enemy archers run that way and these knights are there to kick their butts when they try to attack us."

You may already know all of this, but it is nice to have some one explain it sometimes. I know a lot of people helped me when I started.

One last thing... remember the Golden Rule. Don't slam a teammate, least ye be slammed back. Criticism is always welcome, but it is usually a good idea to do it in a non-threatening manner. A lot of people will outlaw the :smoke: smilie from their SGs to keep the atmosphere appropriate.

Hope that helps.

Thanks alot, Bugsy! That did clear a few things up.

Now only if that worked on Mac...Oh well. I type fast.

Oh, and is the :groucho: smiley a :nono:?
Hello all! If you still have the space available, I wouldn't mind joining this game. I've been a lurker in this forum for a few monthes now, so I figure it's time to try a game, and this looks like a great oppurtunity. The starting position just screams four-turn settler factory to me....and with industrious workers to improve all that's just so yummy :love:

As for experience, I have two Deity wins on my record. One was GOTM 20 and the other was a random game that I recently completed on a map similar to this. So, I'd say I'm fairly comfortable at Monarch.
@ Reddwarfian - Personally I like the :groucho: smiley

To all - we lost power last night due to a wind storm. I was unable to start it. I finished up my turns in DI1 and went to eat Mrs. Bugsy's dinner when we lost power. If work isn't too busy, I'll sneak in some turns here. :groucho:
Turn 1 – 4000 BC – Move the worker to the game tile. Mostly to check out terrain. I realize that ideally I should move to the wheat to irrigate and road it, but I want to see what is to our east. We see plains tile to the east and more river to the north and east. After much study I decide to move our settler NE one tile. My thoughts here are as follows: By settling in place we would have five mountain tiles in our initial 9. Following the cracker formula, the gains we will get by moving will offset the loss of a settled turn.

Turn 2 – 3950 BC – Found Paris – Set to build warrior. 13 of our 21 tiles will have a river commerce bonus. I feel good about the move. Start roading game tile. I will save the forest chop for the granary. A space race check reveals our competion: Iroquois, Japan, India, Persia, Aztecs, Rome, Zulu, China, England, America, and Egypt. Since there are no obvious advantages to be gained researching one tech over another on the trading front. I’ll go for what is best for us… Pottery at 90%, due in 18 turns.

Turns 3 =>4 – 3900 BC=>3850 BC :sleep:
Turn 5 – 3800 BC – Move worker to wheat
Turn 6 – 3750 BC – Warrior=>Warrior. Start irrigating wheat. Start exploring with our warrior, Pierre. Pierre heads west to work the mountain range.
Turn 7 – 3700 BC – Pierre finds the coast. He’ll search out a good Colossus city location.
Turn 8 – 3650 BC – Worker completes irrigation, starts road. City will grow next turn. Pierre moves along mountain chain. We have a mountain range running between us and the sea. Good thing we have industrious workers.
Turn 9 – 3600 BC – City grows, check citizen assignments, everyone is content. Warrior in 2 grow in five. Pierre heading north. He can see a vast jungle to the north of Paris. This will be a challenging start. Thank goodness we have some food at the start.
IBT – Attend a meeting on smoking batteries :(

Turn 10 – 3550 BC - Move worker to forest tile. Pierre following mountains.
Turn 11 – 3500 BC – Warrior=> Warrior This will be the last warrior then I’ll start a granary pre-build. Pierre spots a GH. New warrior, Jean first heads south to look for city sites. Worker starts road. Science bumped to 100% - Pottery now due in 5. Breaking even.
IBT – Boarder expansion.

Turn 12 – 3450 BC – Jean heads south. Disappointing lands. Pierre heads west towards GH.
Turn 13 – 3400 BC – Jean turns east on mountains. Pierre pops hut and the Celts teach us CB [dance]
IBT – Warrior=>Rax(granary pre-build)

Turn 14 – 3350 BC - Plan for new warrior, François – quick scout mission east then back for MP duty. Paris grows so adjust sliders – lux to 10%, science to 80%, Pottery still due in 2. Worker moves to game tile and starts 5 turn forest chop. Jean is following mountains. Pierre is just finding more coast.
Turn 15 – 3300 BC – Pottery due next turn. Science to 70%. Jean sees a wheat SW of Paris (read worker factory) François sees more forest, but there is a fur NE of Paris. Pierre looks to have almost run out of dirt to walk on, but he does spot some incense.
Turn 16 – 3250 BC – Pottery comes in. Start a 40 turn min science on Writing. We may need Map Making if we don’t start running into some other civs soon. Pierre hasn’t run out of dirt. More land to the NW. Jean sees mountains and desert. François sees more mountains. Paris changed to granary, due in 10 turns.

Turn 17 – 3200 BC – More exploring. François is circling around to the north.
Turn 18 – 3150 BC - :sleep: wake up Bugsy!! François spots another fur. Jean sees two wheat in the worker factory site.
Turn 19 – 3100 BC – Worker completes forestry work. Reveals plains tile. Starts irrigating game. Our valiant explorers find….more mountains.
Turn 20 – 3050 BC – Pierre spots a GH. Jean finds some silks.

My original plan was to bring François back for MP duty, but with no contacts, I’ve kept him exploring.

For our settler factory we only have 4 extra food and 3 shields. The game tile will give us the fifth food. We will need to watch our shields. The plains tile across the river will be helpful. You’ll probably need to clear another forest and irrigate it. For those that don’t know we want to have 5 EXTRA food every turn. The shield production needs to be 7 – 7 – 8 – 8. That way the city continues to grow and we get enough shields (30) to build a settler every four turns. We will want the population to start at 5, grow to 7 on the same turn that the settler is built. Pop will drop back to 5 – rinse and repeat. We are not there yet.

Here is our situation:

The green dot will be our colossus city. Red dot grabs the furs. Blue dot is a worker factory. I would say settle Green - Blue - Red, but that may change.

Here's the Save
On further study, we will want blue dot to be one tile north of where I placed it. That way it will be on the river.
Are the Colossus city build only that? if so, then we should found the blue city first.

Sweet plan for Paris.

Got it. Mind if I play tonight? Kinda in a hurry.
Don't know if you'll have a settler ready by the end of your ten turns. Hopefully we'll have some contact and more terrain information by the end of your turns. If you can get Bronze Working from anyone, go for it if the price is right.

You can play right now if you wanted.
No can do, they don't have Civ3 at school.
Originally posted by Sir Bugsy
On further study, we will want blue dot to be one tile north of where I placed it. That way it will be on the river.
That will nicely close our border as well.
Nice going Bugsy, I did warn of an interesting start... you dot map looks good and I agree with moving Blue one tile north. It might be worth grabing the silks as well before the furs.

Good luck Reddwarfian (actually do you mind if I call you Red from now on? saves having to copy and paste your name all of the time).

Post got in 24 and play in 48.
Play Order
1) Sir Bugsy
2) Reddwarfian (To Play)
3) zurichuk (On Deck)
4) Frollo
5) Kaiser_Berger
6) Hmm
Sure, you can call me Red.

On a more frustrating note, my computer's being a [BLEEPITY] [BLEEP], and I can't get the save onto it.

As such, you may have to skip me, and move on to the next player. If you move me to after Kaiser, I would appreciate it.

I would have loved to play, but after 4 hours of trying to figure out the [BLEEP] thing, I think I'm going to bed. I usually don't curse this much when I'm awake, you see.

I'l figure out a better system before I come up again.

Wish me good luck or good thinking on the SAT II's this weekend. You know what they say, "Sometimes it's better to be lucky than to be good." (This is why I can't play tomorrow)

Oh, and if I come back up on Sunday or before, feel free to skip me.
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