HMM1 - French Monarch Sucession Game

Great turns Handy. I think you did just fine in trading. We're definitly in a good position now.

As far as the workers go, I don't think it should be anything too major (I myself almost bought a few during my turns before remembering). I say just give them back and let bygones be bygones.
Originally posted by Sir Bugsy

Embassies - We need these ASAP. That way we can at least know who's at war with whom...

Handy - Great trading!

Slow day at work...

Thank you for bringing embassies up. I meant to ask the team about the embassies. I usually do not build in them in solo games until I need an ROP with someone. This is not the result of any strategic thinking; I just like to hoard my cash. If you say buy them I'm all for it.

Don't embassies improve the AI attitude toward us a little?
Okay got it now and now playing, will post back when done.
I shall give the workers back and we shall continue.

1) Shall make my aims to populate dot map
2) Get:
a) Worker Factory
b) Miltary Factory (or two or three ;)
c) Another Settler Factory
3) Embassies.

BTW I am certainly not going to kick anyone of the team. Lets get going... Will be back with you shortly, I am fully armed with a large cup of tea, a pack of cigerettes and a veggie sausage sandwich..
Embassies do improve the AI attitude, and lowers the price of things slightly... IIRC it is a couple of percentage points, not worth the return on investment. The big thing you get is information.
Bravo Hmmm. Another Tea drinker!

Although the Worker trade was a good move, it was against the rules. I compliment you Handy, however, on your intiative.

Also, my mother is on the warpath at this moment. I am trying to be on my best behavior, but I will probably have to need another day to finish my upcoming turns.

I am keeping track. Great job all!
@ Hmm - Thanks for the screen shots. Great intel. The Iroquois do not have horses and X-man does. I think Hiawatha won't be around very long in this game.

That will create a 800-lb gorilla by the name of Xerxes. We should be careful not to feed him very much more.
The year is 1525.
I activate both workers in order to return them.
Build an Embassy with the Inquous, Japan, India and Persia. (see screenies)
Change Production
1) Lyon ->Temple.. use that wood chop
2) Paris -> Warrior to let it recover its size.

Stop Worker near Orleans building road outside borders, he will mine inside border to help with production of our create project the colossus

Click Next

Hiawatha asks me to join an alliance against the Persians, I politely decline

Turn 1 (1500)
Paris completes Warrior, change to settler build in 5 grow in 2
The japanese are building the pyrimads

Send Warrior from Paris to Lyon

Explore a bit

Turn 2 (1475)
Paris Culture Grows
Worker starts building road to silks
Return Worker to Persia
Warrior arrives in Lyon and fortifies

Turn 3 (1450)
Build Tours near Incense, Grows in 10 worker in 10.
Can't get four turn settler factory, Handy was right, will try doing pop 6-8

Turn 4 (1425)
Rhiems builds Warrior -> Warrior Next Turn
Marseilles Is built on Silks. Will build temple in 60, worker is nearly there building road, will then chop wood
Return Worker to Inquous

Turn 5 (1400)
Wood chop complete near Lyon, Temple now done in 6
Settler Build in Paris to build on black dot.
Horse Babarian appears near Rhiems

Diplo Check
Iroquois: Same Tech, still don;t know japan or india, no gold
Japan: Down Pottery, Iron Working, Mysticism, HBR, don;t know Iroquois, Indians or Persia.. Will pay 50gld for Pottery, I take it. We get Polite instead of Cautious
India: Down Masonry, Writing, Mysticism, HBR, don;t know Iroquois, Japanese or Persia.. Will pay 17gld for Masonry, I take it.
Persian: Down Writing, Mysticism, Don't know japan or india. Have 11gld.

Barb horse attacks, we lose one bar and kill horseman.. no upgrade :(

Turn 6 (1375)
Movement: not a lot to report

Turn 7 (1350)
The road to silks is complete.. move worker to chop wood for temple.
Settler and warrior on the way to black spot come accross a barb camp, next to city placement so we will pop it anyway but there are two barbs there so I guess one will attack bt.

Barb attacks settler and warrior pair.. no upgrade.
Barb attacks warrior in the distance..

Turn 8 (1325)
Paris builds spearman, will grow to 6 in 2 turns. so now build warrior in 2.
Will leave spearman in Paris for next player
Mine near Lyon complete: Lyon builds temple in 2.
Exploring warrior pops hut with barbs in :(
Mine near Orleans complete.. worker goes to mine horse square next
ARGHHHH.. Orleans now has zero growth.. Ideas.. Orleans completes Colossus in 33 (although noone else is building colossus at the moment).

Warrior in jungle gets attacked by 3 barbs.. gets 2 upgrades to Elite.

Turn 9 (1300)
Rheims Builds Warrior-> Warrior (leave him there for next player)
Build Chatres on Black Dot.. now building Temple but will leave for next player to change

Turn 10 (1275)
Paris builds Warrior, now size 6 so will look at settler factory possabilties.
Lyon builds temple.. change production to Spearman

Paris Settler Factory (6 -> 8)
Can get Growth in 2 and Production in 5
Will need population moving from plain working to forest working in 2 turns
Note: Check Lyons and Rhiems cause they keep working Parisian squares that are needed to settler factory

Move Lyon worker towards Chartres to build road out there OR to Rheims to help make landscape better for worker factory.

Now there are spare military (spear and warrior in paris and warrior in Rheims)
Could do plenty more exploring.. whats south west.. whats around Persia and Japan?

BTW the water to the east of Tours is fresh water (2 food) Therefore there must be another land link up to Japan.

Iroquois have built a city near our borders in the mist.

Only wonders being built are us with Colossus and Japan with Pyrimads.
1) Sir Bugsy (Up Next)
2) Reddwarfian (On Deck)
3) zurichuk
4) Frollo
5) Kaiser_Berger
6) handy900
7) Hmm

Got in 24 play in 48

Got it. Will play some time in the next 24 hours.
Will check for feedback tomorrow, going to watch manchester united give rangers a good hiding now.. The dot map is just an idea, both will be high growth cities. Blue dot can put some culture pressure on the indias, its always pleasing to watch cities flip to you :p

Could do with as many early temples and cathedrals as possible for that lovely culture in 1000 years.

Lyons should be ready to become a military factory soon once it has a couple more citizins (sp). + I have Rhiems doing the same at the moment but that should be a good worker factory if that terrian gets improved.

Anyways.. shall check up tomorrow to discuss ideas.. good luck Bugsy if you get to play tonight!!

Think the X-Man could be dangerous but he is still a way behind us at the moment.
Originally posted by Kaiser_Berger
As long as X-man doesn't have iron, he'll be about as dangerous to us as a cute cuddly little puppy :lol:

as long as that puppy doesn't get the chance to grow into an angry Rottweiler i'll be happy :mwaha:
Pre-flight checks – 1275 BC – My how we’ve grown. Good headwork to whoever decided to settle Tours on the land bridge. I don’t remember reading about that but a very good decision. Oh, that's the incense city...nevermind. :blush: MM Paris to grow in 4 turns and produce a settler in 4 turns. Handy and Hmm are right. This isn’t the most ideal location. My apologies to whomever might have struggled trying to get a 4 turn settler factory out of this location. Checking other cities… my, oh my… Marseilles was an aggressive settle. I realize we wanted the lux, but I wonder if Gandhi is going to get a little angry about that. It looks like Madras’s boundaries have already expanded. I don’t think it is a question of if Marseilles will flip, but when. Unfortunately we can’t pop rush the temple, because that might cause it to flip quicker. We probably need to start thinking about going on the warpath against India. Goal number one. Prepare for Reddwarfian to go to war.

Diplo check – nothing much. Everyone is broke and stupid. Karasu once wrote that that was a very poor way to survive in Civ.

Slider check – Lux moves from 20% to 0% keeping everyone happy and making an extra 7 gpt. I keep science where it is…60% and Literature due in 5 turns. I could go to 90% and get it at 4 turns, but at a cost of 32G I decide against that.

Military check – 10 warriors, 2 spears, and 3 workers
Turn goals:
1. Prepare Task Force India… at least 10 swords to take and raze Madras… so that is an extra 4 warriors then an upgrade
2. Settle Hmm’s orange dot.
3. More workers needed… at least one per city.

Check to see where our barracks is… We don’t have a barracks. I change Lyons from a Spear to a Rax. Press enter.

IBT – Nada

Turn 1 – 1250 BC – I will raise the garrison in Marseilles to try an prevent a flip. I’ll move any extra warriors to Lyon to upgrade as soon as the barracks is completed.
I’ll cut a forest outside of Lyon to hurry the Rax build. Lux to 10% due to removal of MPs from Paris.

Diplo – nothing new, although X-man does have 11G now.

IBT – Two barb galleys sail into view. Someone has Map Making. The Indians start the Colossus.

Turn 2 – 1225 BC – Going to bring one of our explorers back home for the Indian campaign.

IBT – Forest outside Marseilles is harvested.
Tours: Worker=> Temple

Turn 3 – 1200 BC – Science to 50% for an extra 2 gpt. Lit due in 2.

IBT - Barb shows up outside of Marseilles.
Paris: Settler=>Settler It will probably be a five turn build.

Turn 4 – 1175 BC – Lux to 0. Science stays the same. Move spear to cover our worker outside Marseilles. Worker outside of Orleans completes mine. Colossus now due in 22.
Move worker to Paris to try and improve our settler factory.

Diplo check – Both Iroquois and India have workers available for sale. I almost did what Handy did and bought them. Then I remembered. Doesn’t any of these civs make their people work?

IBT – A Japanese warrior walks up to Tours to have a look.
Literature comes in. Select Math at min science.

Turn 5 – 1150 BC – Use a warrior in Marseilles to kill the barb at the gates (-1hp)

Diplo – Hiawatha has two workers for sale. There must be Persians at the gates of his city.

IBT – A barb horseman approaches Marseilles.
Rheims: Warrior=> Rax (This can be a military factory)

Turn 6 – 1125 BC – There is only one land bridge to Japan.
I just read Kaiser Burger’s and zurichuk’s posts about the X-man having Iron. He’s got it now. That would be a 800-lb Rottweiller. :o
Lux to 10% since Paris grew. The best we can do is a 5 turn settler factory in Paris.
Move our spear to face the barb horse. The Barb will have to attack across a river.

IBT – Spear wins (-1hp)

Turn 7 – 1100 BC – Incense is now available in Tours.

IBT – Lyons: Rax=>Warrior

Turn 8 – 1075 BC - :sleep:

IBT – Paris: Settler=> Spear ( the forest chop will complete next turn and we don’t want Paris to drop below pop 5.

Turn 9 – 1050 BC – Lux to 0%. Moving new settler south to settle south of horses.

IBT - Nada
Turn 10 – 1025 BC – Found Avignon. Set to build worker due in 10.

Post-turn Report – Settler is heading south of Chartres. I’m not exactly sure where, but that’s where he’s headed. There are barbs down there so escort him. Probably one of the two city sites I marked. However, you’ll need to see what’s there when you get there.

- There is a warrior south of Chartres doing some pre-settling exploring. I should have done this earlier, but that’s my mistake. We may run out of good city sites soon. If we do I’d just start settling the jungle.

- I presently have Paris MM’ed to grow in three turns to get the spear next time. When it grows, MM it to complete the same turn as the settler. If you mine the grassland that the worker is now roading, we WILL be able to get a 4-turn factory at Paris.

- Lyons is set up to be a military factory. When it grows in 6 turns it will produce a vet warrior every other turn. You will need to go back and mine the grassland.

- With some work, Rheims can be a military factory also. I have a worker over there to start improvements.

- We have three MPs in Marseilles to prevent a flip.

Here's the
Thanks, Bugsy. I got it.

Oh, and I found out that my TI-83+ Calculator's program function is compatable with a Windows text program. That'll save me some time!

Oh, and I'll have at least three workers in close proximity to that iron resource, so we can do a mass upgrade real fast. :groucho: :groucho: :groucho:
1) Sir Bugsy
2) Reddwarfian (Up Next)
3) zurichuk (On Deck)
4) Frollo
5) Kaiser_Berger
6) handy900
7) Hmm

Got in 24 play in 48
Great moves, Hmm and Bugsy! We're in fine shape now!

Just a little thought. Let's hook up the Horses S of Chartres and trade/give them to Hiawatha. That may stop the X-man from advancing. (And may get the Iroquois a GA in the process, which is nothing under Despotism.)
Of course, we need a road to Salamanca, so we can only do this if we got a few workers to spare. Which I don't whink will be the case in the near future.
We'd have to build a road through 6 jungle tiles, then 5 grassland tiles. I don't think we could get it completed in time to save Hiawatha. In the meantime it would cripple our own economy.

Good idea if he was a wee bit closer, but 11 tiles with half in jungle... that's tough.
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