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HN01-The Power Of Religion

Well I say we could start and if somebody wants to join after we start it would be ok. I think that 4 is good and maybe we should do more turns with 4. BTW I am not a mathematical type. Gives me a headache. I am more the administrative type so I have to wear the skirt for that one. LOL

I will pm LuvtoBuild to let him know.

Is everybody ok with 35-40 turns on Marathon with 4 players and could consider how many at each startup.
well, sounds good to me.

did you mean 35-40 turns just in the beginning or all the time? or do we go ahead and start with 35-40 and if it needs to be revised later it can be.
I'd say 40 each. And maybe we already revise that for the second set. But for the first set of turns, I'd like to stick with this. :goodjob:
Codeman, Dot

I am in agreement.

So here's the roster:

Roster: And so it is the list is complete and the other nations stand in fear of the great Crusaders that one day will come. Oh Yea and they will come until all is theirs. MOOHAHHHAAAA (very evil laugh)

Cosmichail - (Black Knight) UP The evil one in search of bloodlust
Codeman - on deck (appointed by his Highness as "Paladin" Holy Knight)
LuvtoBuild - (Sir Brian The Noble ) a name chosen by this Great Knight from a mountaineous land he comes
Dot - (Richard the Lionheart) Great noble King from the land of The Anglo/Saxons
Xtream Rockstar - (Death Knight) all that he touches dies.....Only a black rose can survive

(Richard the Lionheart actually spoke French I read somewhere)

LuvtoBuild is offline but I sent him a pm and let him know we are starting. I was thinking about starting in a couple of hours take 40 turns and then Codeman can give it a go. What I like to do though if there are any critical decisions to be made I would like it to be a team effort with everybody's input so that we can make the best decision. Although on Prince barbs aren't as much as a nuisance as Monarch they still can be troublesome. (especially pillaging) So at some point I like archery for defence. Bronze working is important and I think CS slingshot can be fun too. So let me know what you think and what approach you like to take. We start with mysticism and hunting. I know, I know no budd/hind so we have to watch for it being discovered before we can go to priesthood for COL/oracle. Of course GP can be used for COL too so my routing usually is:

warrior, worker (once city is at 2), chop settler, warrior, worker
EDIT: I always do that want to chop but need BW first so why don't we do that after fishing? Of course city needs to grow first for fishing.

From our resources AH, agriculture, is good and the furs we can work right away. Of course fishing is good too since it will make the city grow and aid our commerce.

So start with fishing, get city to grow (few beakers fishing and really improves research) followed by AH or BW or Agriculture. What do you think for the second choice?

Edit: (gotta love the editing feature) Dot - I am going to check out that seven religions. That's a toughie to do. Anytime I try I always have Isabella/or Monty grab Buddhism first.

Also I do tend to post long ones so I will try to be brief as a long winded person can be. It also stems from I type as fast as I think.
Spacekeeper ... I'll do some thinking ... will come up with a post in about 20 minutes ... :scan:

I’d agree on fishing. That’s good for commerce and for growth. AH is nice, too. But I’d rather do archery afterwards. I usually do BW really late … but that’s just me. On the oracle/CS-slingshot … I’ve only done that once. I'd rather go for a oracle/theology-slingshot :). This way we get theocracy really fast and thereby the two extra-XP. And while building the oracle ... I research CoL.

Well, here's what I would do.
  • Fishing first. We can get the :commerce: and the :food: which will both be very helpful.
  • I'd go Archery second, since it'll help against barbs and possible other enemies. I haven't found barbs that dangerous on prince ... unless I took them in as raging ;).
  • I'd then go for Mining and Masonry. Mining will help to get that gold for us (assuming that the river next to the gold is the same river that we see in our starting position). And Masonry is absolutely needed as a prerequisite for Monotheism. Not to speak of Stone, for most of the 'religious' wonders are relying on Stone for a faster build :)undecide: Not sure whether that has been good english or not).
  • Then I'd put all available beakers into Polytheism.
    • If it's not researched by any other civ by the time we're one turn to getting it ... switch to AH > Writing. AH is obviously good for the sheep. Writing is needed for CoL as well as for Theology.
    • If it is researched by then (I consider this as more likely ;)) go straight for Monotheism.
  • After Monotheism I'd do Priesthood and then Writing --- if that hasn't been done 'til then.
  • Finally I'd go for CoL and hope that we'll still manage to grab the oracle for theology.
Well, that's it. Regards, dot

Cosmichail said:
Dot - I am going to check out that seven religions. That's a toughie to do. Anytime I try I always have Isabella/or Monty grab Buddhism first.
:lol: Hey, we are Monty!!! :lol:

so does that mean we have a rockstar for a death knight? intersting.
Xtream Rockstar,

You have filled the place of "Death Knight" great Crusader unless you wish to be called by another name. Welcome to the game and I will add you to the roster. You are the 5th player and I will now close the roster since I think 5 is enough. I will be starting sometime tonight and let me know what strategy you think we should take. From our start point fishing could be good but we need the city to grow first so maybe BW first for some chopping and hopefully early copper.

Looking forward to playing the game with you and all other team members. This should be fun.....

EDIT: Codeman: Yes unless he wants a different name or you too if you wish another. Good one though must be Ozzy Osbourne, or Alice Cooper, or Marilyn Manson oh yea Marilyn Manson he's good and scary.
Good tunes too.
Cody got your pm so "Paladin" it is great Holy Knight
Cosmichail said:
(Richard the Lionheart actually spoke French I read somewhere)
"Ah ... non ... C'est trés triste." :(
I think I'll be Sir Brian the Noble if thats all right. I think 40 turns per player for the first go sounds good. How soon are we looking to go for Judaism? I usually play at noble so I'm not sure how quickly the AI would grab it on Prince. Since we don't want to accidentally grab Polytheism then Fishing to start sounds good but I'm wondering if we shouldn't head for Judaism pretty soon after that to be sure and get it since we'll need Masonry and Polytheism before we can get Monotheism. Its unfortunate that we don't appear to have stone nearby to make the Masonry tech useful and assist in getting Stonehenge but since there are a lot of plains it seems possible its hidden close by. I would agree that BW needs to be a priority early since we will need it to improve the furs in those forest tiles.
So shall ye be "Sir Brian the Noble" Great Crusader. As to the variants we will have to wait until Buddhism/Hinduism is discovered once that happens we can move in the direction of Judaism. I too would like to get Stonehenge since it will pop a GP. We probably get to beat the AI on prince since we have hills so again used to playing Cathy I forget Monty does not have mining so that before BW. DOH.....Learn as you go along I suppose.

Sooo the first round will be 40 turns each.
Cosmichail said:
Xtream Rockstar,

You have filled the place of "Death Knight" great Crusader unless you wish to be called by another name. Welcome to the game and I will add you to the roster. You are the 5th player and I will now close the roster since I think 5 is enough. I will be starting sometime tonight and let me know what strategy you think we should take. From our start point fishing could be good but we need the city to grow first so maybe BW first for some chopping and hopefully early copper.

Looking forward to playing the game with you and all other team members. This should be fun.....

Good tunes too.

The name Death knight is awesome i keep it
I've edited my early post on this side ... :) ...

And I disagree on chopping the fur-forests. I think that with sheep, fish and wheat nearby we could use the extra :hammers: quite well on producing units and wonders ... just mho though.

EDIT: Oops, my second post, that is :crazyeye:.

I just realized that when we settle the fish aren't in our fat cross. Why don't we hold off until the city expands. Monty isn't creative but it will still expand quickly on prince. Why not start with mining first then and Archery second.

So this I feel is the good tech order:
1. Mining
2. Archery
3. If expanded fish????

Probably that will cover my turn and once we see the some more land. (hopefully no bears/panthers are around and or I will have to sick the Death Knight on them)

As to slingshoting to Theology I am in total agreement as that is our theme. CS is nice to have but we should stay within the theme of the variants. Well put.


Here's the roster again see you don't have to do so much scrolling. (mouse wheel kaput so using old mouse) (I know, pageup pagedown too lazy to go over there I am a lefty)

Cosmichail - ([Black Knight) UP The evil one in search of bloodlust
Codeman - on deck (Paladin) appointed by his Highness as "Paladin" Holy Knight
LuvtoBuild - (Sir Brian The Noble ) a name chosen by this Great Knight from a mountaineous land he comes
Dot - (Richard the Lionheart) Great noble King from the land of The Anglo/Saxons
Xtream Rockstar - (Death Knight) all that he touches dies.....Only a black rose can survive

Well ....

:mischief: I just started a random game with monte on marathon to check what we're talking about ... :scan:

We're talking about 15 turns to pop our cultural borders and - if our single citizen is set to a tile producing 1 :commerce: - 16 turns to research fishing. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Any thoughts on this?

Archery (20), Poly (33), Masonry (27), Mining (20), Fishing (16) all if we do have 1 :commerce: extra.

Growth will be as follows:

22 turns if the tile offers 3 :food:
33 turns for 2 :food:
66 (!) turns for 1 :food:

... Considering this ... I'd either spare fishing for AH (due to the 1 commerce from sheep in a pasture) or really go for fishing first and spare AH for quite some time. Since the workboat might be a priority ...

Waiting for your thoughts, guys :).
Since we are building a worker/settler which needs food to build why not agriculture/or AH for pop to grow quick and then be able to work two tiles. 15 turns on marathon is not that bad though considering in epic would that be about 10 turns. Not anything like creative trait but we will reap the benefits of being spiritual/agg. Of course stonehenge is great for expanding those borders but again once buddhism is founded we can get meditation and same for hindu. In that event with masonary we can do polytheism and go for Monotheism for Judaism. It would mean holding off BW for a bit.

So let's consider several options and vote:

option 1:
AH first - get food/production going and quick growth (might see horses too)
Archery - for protection against barbs
Masonary - to get to Judaism

option 2:
and hope we have copper for axeman and skip Archery..... Risky

option 3:
Agriculture - more food growth less production
Polytheism or meditation if either is founded during my turn

So everybody say what option they feel is best or present another.

I personally vote for option 1 - AH will be the most benefit in the beginning.

Again once border expand with good population fishing should be considered for it's growth potential and commerce and of course those furs for their commerce too.

EDIT: replace agriculture with AH so that has to be first as wheat is also not in our fat cross until we expand doh........

AH seems the best in the beginning and seems the most logical to start with for food/production value.

Marathon is slow or lots of turns but once our fat cross comes online we can get fishing to increase commerce. Once our pop gets to 3 we could tile sheep/furs/fish and that would provide good commerce/prod/food...
I'd go d'accord with #1.

AH is 33 turns (given the 1 extra:commerce:). Hence
1) Fishing (16)
2) Mining (20)
3) Masonry (27)
might be an option?

Is the rest of the team all offline? Man ... :gripe: ;)
Okay Dot I see what you're saying so the city grows and fishing comes on line we build a work boat and voila we are on our way to commerce. Ok I agree then you make good sense. From what I can tell the rest are offline. But what you propose makes sense and mining is good to get production so I am in agreement with your idea. Once I get started I will check to see how long the city will take to grow. The citizen is best to work the sheep until it expands right? (without pasture will still get 3 food and 1 hammer 1 coin I think not sure)
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