i had a little bit of time at hand. just enough to give a domination game on demigod a try.

standard pangaea, 80% water, opponents: Byz, Dutch, Spain, Arabs. myself playing as the Iros.

i got an ok start, but i think i overdid it a bit with the core development. maybe i should have started to build units earlier. anyway, i managed the slingshot and traded for HB. then no more own research. in the end, i reached the MA, but for no practical purpose.

i got all 3 wonders i like in such a game: ToA, Pyramids, and SoZ. all captured, of course. however, the two latter i got way too late for them to matter. ToA is sure nice and probably even pivotal for a good date.

this was defenitely the hardest game i ever played. completely different than my other HOF entries.

it took me several tries, with good starts, to get started the way needed for a good date. Moonsinger´s dates are really great, even though i could have beaten #2. it should not happen.

i only settled in 3850bc! got an army very early in my first war, with the first e victory. just to lose it again 4 turns later. after that it took me 60 e victories to get another MGL. altogether i got only 4, with over 100 e victories. this was the only thing that did not turn out fine at all.

otherwise the 4 opponents, England, Korea, Portugal, and Byzanz, were pretty helpful. England was quite strong, and when i reached 66% of land, it still took me a while to gain the few % of pop to finish. in the end, i had to fight muskets with gallics, and England was pretty close to reaching the IA! :eek:

my game crashed once, and my autosaves were lost after i accidentally hit "play new world" when i started the program again. i did not know that starting a new game automatically deletes the old autosaves... i had to play 1,5 turns again, too many moves to say everything was 100% the same, but totally unintentional.
plus i had to create a new 4000bc file with the seed, as i had not saved it in the beginning. when the game gets accepted, and someone is interested, i could post the starting location. it is funny because usually anyone would start a new world, with such a poor start. but i use to move around 2 or 3 moves with many starts, and what i saw i liked and gave it a try.

i am not sure whether i will play such a difficult HOF game again in the nearer future. it´s time consuming and it takes a lot of things that go in your favour:
+ fairly ok REX (any % of land you settle yourself you don´t need to take from the AI)
+ good commerce (if you go the upgrading path)
+ good production (doesn´t matter in the beginning with the Celts - warriors - but later on it does)
+ no runaway AI (you could hardly beat it)
+ a trading chance (if you want to switch governments, otherwise not important with the Celts)
+ an early MGL, many MGLs
+ a good map layout in many details
+ the chance to start your attack when not everyone has pikes or even muskets
+ at least not every AI to have iron
+ luck ;-)

If you check the post "Sid Strategies" in the strategy forum and scroll down to about post 9 or so, I help elucidate a technique that almost certainly will enable an HoF win on Sid. It requires almost no luck with consistent use of a helper program and some care.
Yeah, but your method, while clearly legal for the HoF, feels like cheating to me. The AI does some peculiar things; some of them I'm willing to take advantage of, and some I'm not.
what is more, i am always aiming for #1 in a certain board. i do not start the game to just make it into a board.

and even on Sid with its few entries, the #1 is often hard to beat. so you´ll need all of the points i raised above, plus luck. especially if some Ms Moonsinger has ever tried for that victory condition...

i tried again for this one, putting myself in between the two Moonsinger games. her #1 is just awesome.

for quite a while i thought i could beat it this time. but my leader luck was sleeping this time and my progress stalled at a very important point in the game.

everything else seemed to go right. but i got MGLs only with the 26th e victory in 850bc, the 40th in 570bc and the 79th in 110bc. in total i had 89 e victories and only 3 MGLs...

very late i learned that there is a rather big island, which is not good in such a game.

i fear that will be quite the last of these epic games for a while. i got married two days ago, we´re expecting our child in November, and we are just about to move to a larger flat even before that. plus that little occupation during the days called work...

at least i got a new personal record score with 18305 points.

Thanks, Aabra! I just saw the game got accepted also.

It´s not too long ago when I visited this site for the first time, enjoyed reading one of your stories and decided to become a better player than i was by learning from the experts here around.

I still enjoy reading your stories, but your updates got a bit rare lately... ;)

i thought i could try one quick last HOF game for now. and quick it was. on a not even so optimal pangaea i achieved conquest in 850bc.

i built only very few towns but kept those at good production. only 3 workers built, which soon went off to build roads to my enemies.

this was finished in the AA. i revolted but do not think that this did matter at all, especially since i drew a 7 turn anarchy.

i think i was lucky that no one connected iron. on the other hand, the AIs built even very few 20s-units.

with optimal settings i believe a conquest victory around 1000bc should be possible.

sorry Tone... but sure i am happy you are back! ;)

I'm still hoping to get some updates soon, but I was really congratulating you on the wedding and baby . . .

sorry, i did not see this - and thank your for *these* congratulations!

i can tell you that my cause has already been lost for quite some time... ;)

thanks for the congratulations.

regarding your post, a wonderful quote of a famous austrian writer comes to my mind (Karl Kraus) who said:

"In Österreich einen Brief zur Post bringen heißt ihn aufgeben."

which translates to:
"In Austria, posting a letter means to give it up."

the payoff lies in the meaning of the word "aufgeben" in German, which has both meanings of "to post" and "to give up".

the fact i am circumnavigating with this story is that we refused to send any invitations. i even rejected the demand of one of the very few guests to text message him the address, as i would esteem this as an invitation technically.
because my lady and myself perceive traditional marriages as too square for our taste, we really had to go into details to avoid any indication of being "normal".... :crazyeye:

I could not finish on time for the January gauntlet.

It was about fastest Deity Large Pangaea.

I took the Celts and the usual settings for this kind of game. I did not take a lot of notes, but those details I have got:

- i settled very dense in the core, as i had a dream start with lots of food and shields.
- 3 granaries! and ultra rex.
- nearly everything worked fine. only two things that did not go well was that first i could not get a government tech before i had the GA, and second that the enemy´s town that i waited for to finish ToA did not do so. but it was not built far away at all.
- in my GA i had a despotic 2-turn SF, and it even was not in my capital! (i had to disband a reg warrior every 2 turns though, as i lacked 2 shields on 30s)
- i got 4 MGLs with 60 e victories, with the 5th, the 38th, the 39th, and the 42nd. all built armies. i lost one and disbanded one for a settler in the late game.
- i never built the FP or any wonder
- i was quite lucky with the iron and techs. Byz did not draw Feud, but still was the only one to research it AND get iron and pikes up. otherwise only few maces, horses, and swords.
- i hardly did research. only till IW, the rest of the techs i clubbed out of the AIs. reached the MA and revolted to Monarchy late in the game so to have some use for the cash.
- i finished in 50bc with 67% land and 82% pop, scoring 16842 Firaxis points.

i really tried to play as good as i could in this game to pull off that bc victory, and it worked! :cool:



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    celts finish.JPG
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  • celts start.JPG
    celts start.JPG
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I could not finish on time for the January gauntlet.

It was about fastest Deity Large Pangaea.



Two questions, how many Gallics did you have, and do you raze cities or keep them before the TOA
when I started the first war, I only had two handful of gallics.

the first major war against the Arabs, which were my 3rd foe and by then the largest power, i had about 50-60.

in the late game over 100.

in an ultra fast conquest game one has to strike early, even with inferior forces. and in such games i never raze, just retake towns when they flip.

Here I got ToA really late, I believe not even 10 turns before the end of the game. I had hand built quite a few temples already by then. It would have lasted only 1 or 2, max 3 turns longer if i had not acquired ToA at all.

I am quoting I believe Memento who put it so nicely: It is necessary to play excellent to be able to beat your result! ;)

the 50bc Celts Deity Large Pangaea Domination game got accepted. I am quite satisfied with this.

after some abstinence from single player games in general and HoF-games in particular i happened to stumble into another HoF-attempt recently.
it is another DG Domination game and resulted from a really mediocre start. everything standard settings just from the 1st or 2nd roll. actually i just wanted to "practice" some while waiting for another save in the slow going triel succession game.
it turned out that at least theoretically even a #1-position would be possible, however, by now it seems unlikely that the ToA will be built and could be captured, which may make a better date impossible.

anyway, if i can finish with a date that would make it to the table, you will get some more Information about it here.

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