How balanced are the ideologies?


Jun 18, 2015
How balanced are the ideologies?

I've been wondering about this for a while, and I always either seem to go for Freedom or Autocracy, but I know that Order can be powerful. Not all tenets are created equal, but chances are you usually won't take more than 7, maybe 8 or 9 tenets in any given ideology so it can be safe to ignore the weaker ones. Regardless, I want to talk about them just to see if I'm underestimating their effects.

Across all ideologies, I always feel like Universal Healthcare seems underpowered considering the kind of hammers that need to go into producing them, especially if you go wide. Not all National Wonders are created equal though (looking at you, National Intelligence Agency). Realistically, you're probably looking at 6 or 7 happiness, from the Circus Maximus, Hermitage, Ironworks, National College, National Epic, the Palace and Oxford. Obviously it'll be more if you alsobuild the Heroic Epic, East India Company, Grand Temple and National Visitor Center, but it's pretty game dependant. Maybe I'm alone on neglecting building all the national wonders, but the hammers for some of them are just too bad to justify when you could be building/buying units or science/culture/production buildings.

Autocracy has Elite Forces which sounds underwhelming, but can be situationally useful, unless you're Japan.
United front seems a bit underpowerd considering the timeframe that ideologies come into play. It seems like it might be a total of 5 or 6 more units before the game's settled, but not all at once like Volunteer Army, and they might be crap like Lancers or Anti-Tank guns (yuck). I'm not sure if Siam benefits from Militaristic city states more or not, but if they do, this would be a better tenet for them to take.

For Freedom, there seem to be some very weak tenets. Creative Expression is worthless, unless you've already snatched a lot of great works by warmongering - but if you've wamrongered that much by this point, why are you going Freedom?
Covert Action seems even more worthless. How often do you actually fail to rig elections? It'd be much better if it doubled the frequency at which elections are rigged, or if it increased the chance of a coup succeeding.
Economic Union is also really weak considering you need to count on other civs going for Freedom, and then also considering that you want to be using some of your trade routes internally. +3 gold for a trade route at this stage of the game seems like a really bad joke.
Urbanization looks bad compared to other happiness tenets, unless you've managed to found all your cities on rivers (or lakes if you're the Aztecs, and freedom can be pretty interesting for them). It'd be a lot better if Aqueducts were included in this to help even the field.
Their Finest Hour is bad simply because you don't want to be on the defense that much, and it doesn't really give you much in the way of actually improving your science, culture, military or furthering your victory by any means other than helping you to not lose. I'd only take this if it was one of the last policies available to me in the post-game.

For Order, Double Agents is a bit weak, but then again I do get irritated when another Civ steals a nice tech, especially a key military one, so I can see its utility. Otherwise it kind of feels like Their Finest Hour to me, too defensive in nature.
Resettlement seems kind of poor. I rarely want to expand by founding new cities at this point of the game, other than to secure coal or aluminum, but since this is a level two tenet it just seems to come way too late.
Dictatorship of the Proletariat seems kind of bad for single player at higher levels since the AI gets those crazy happiness benefits, but I feel like I could definitely be wrong on this one since I've played so few Order games.
Iron Curtain comes a bit too late for the internal trade routes to be especially useful, The free courthouse also seems like a bit of a joke since at this point of the game it shouldn't be too bad to either outright buy a courthouse or take the happiness penalty to buy them. It feels like an oddball for a 3rd level tenet. Again, I could be wrong about this one.

The Good Level One Tenets

Now, as for actually winning the game, this is where I want to see if the ideologies are balanced.
First, the first two level one ideologies that you'll want to take from each ideology, since regardless of if you get early adopter tenets or not, you'll need at least two before you can take a level two tenet or a third level one tenet.

This seems to be the weakest part of Autocracy, since only one thing in particular screams "take me" like the ones for Freedom and Order, Futurism.
Futurism is absolutely crazy. If you can time your guilds right and get to ideologies early, Futurism almost seems game-breakingly good, since early on it each great person's birth can be worth 10 or more turns of tourism, all up front, and those early boosts of tourism can be powerful, maybe even enough
to put you up at exotic when it really counts.
Otherwise, Mobilization is pretty nice. Fortified borders is okay, but its power doesn't really come to the
fore until a bit later. However, it stacks really nicely with Neuschwanstein. It kind of sucks that there isn't a great person boost like Freedom or Order, but the later tenets really seem to make up for it.

Freedom has two of my favorite level 1 tenets - Avant Garde (which is identical to Order's Hero of the People), and Civil Society. Civil Society has really great synergy with Universal Suffrage, and is particularly wonderful for Korea (but they were OP to begin with). However, the downside to this is that you aren't getting anything to boost your happiness, and if you do take something to boost your happiness, you're potentially losing out on a lot of turns of either increased GP generation or faster city growth, and chances are you're going to face a lot of ideology pressure from the AI by picking Freedom. On Emperor this isn't really a problem for me though, but certainly something to consider on Immortal or Deity.

Order's level 1 tenets seem pretty strong. You've got Hero of the People, and Socialist Realism, which are both excellent first picks. If you're already wide and have a good amount of workshops and got to ideology by having three factories, then Young Pioneers is also an excellent first choice, but it might be better for a third choice since you're pretty much guaranteed to already have your monuments up and running, and you can build them so quickly.

Picking up the Pace with Level Two Tenets

So far when it comes to initial level one tenets, if you ignore the rest, Order seems to be the strongest, with Freedom being situationally better and Autocracy falling kind of short. But level one tenets don't make the game, they just set the field for level two tenets, which is where the game's pace seems to accelerate quite a bit. IMO, the level two tenets are more important to the game than the level three tenets, which mostly cement the victory you'll pursue.

Autocracy seems to be at its strongest in relation to the other ideologies here, since you have so many good ones to pick from. Militarism is just insane, since barracks are so cheap and I usually find myself with at least a couple armories by this point, so this really drives happiness in Autocratic empires.
Then you also have Lightning Warfare, which is crazy good. +3 mov for GGs and Armor ignore's ZOC? Sign me up.
Police State is almost broken in how good it is - you can annex to your cold, rotten heart's content.
Nationalism is pretty good, but I prefer to take other tenets if my gold is already solid. I might just be underestimating how much I can save here, however.
Third Alternative is also strong, and Total war is pretty damn spiffy too. I would take both of these above Nationalism, but I'm not sure if I'd take either above Militarism or Police State.

Freedom's level twos seem a lot more situational than Autocracy's. Volunteer Army doesn't seem that great, but it actually saved my bacon in my first Immortal game, and if you get it pretty early you can warmonger very well with it. If you're not warmongering or in a defensive war, you can just ignore it.
Universal Suffrage is just too good to ignore. 50% longer golden ages, and 1/2 unhappiness from specialists. What's not to love if you're running a specialist Empire? Again, Korea strongly benefits from this, and if you combine it with Civil Society and you have good growth tiles, this is amazing. It's even better if you get Chichen Itza (regardless of if you build it or capture it).
New Deal is very situational. If you get a couple landmarks, plant a few acadamies, and/or have some holy sites or manufactories, then it's a no brainer. If you only have a couple acadamies you can safely skip it. Again, Korea benefits disproportionately from this one since they also get science from GP tile improvements.
Arsenal of Democracy isn't too shabby, but kind of pales in comparison to the military benefits Autocracy gets and the production that Order can get.

Order's second level tenets are much less situational than Freedom's.
Five Year Plan is great, +2 hammers per city and +1 hammer for every mine and quarry is amazing if you have a decent number of these in your cities - which you should. Factor in +10% for a workshop and +10% for a factory, and it's even better.
Worker's Faculties is incredible. Half-hammer cost factories which raise science by 25% is enough to make me want to get enough coal to build factories in every city I own. Percent modifiers on science is always a good thing, no matter what.
Academy of Sciences is another good happiness boost since you always want science buildings.
Cultural Revolution is mostly solid considering how frequently the AI goes for Order, but if you find yourself in that strange game where everyone else has gone for Freedom or Autocracy then it's kind of a stinker.
Party Leadership is a nice boost, but again, I don't find myself playing that wide. The other tenets seem to be a lot better than this, except of course resettlement.

The Level Two tenets honestly all seem very balanced to me. They all offer strong benefits to growth, science, happiness and military. However, Freedom is just too situational here. You've either been planning all game to go Freedom, or you're playing Korea, a tall Persia, or a very tall Aztecs.

Wrapping up the Victory

Level three sets the final stages for your victory, but I think they're usually more about speeding up your victory than anything else. But hey, my time is valuable and it's this point of the game where I really just want to wrap it up, so I'm not complaining.

Autocracy's Cult of Personality can be extremely potent, if you can set up the wars well and you have strong tourism at that point. Even without having particularly strong Tourism, it's still a signicant boost, since it stacks. Not so useful if you find yourself the pariah amongst peacemongers.
Gunboat Diplomacy is awesome when you utilize it yourself, and nightmarish if you find yourself facing it, as I found when I had a game where Greece took it. I wouldn't ever underestimate this one, and I think it's much less situational than Freedom's Treaty Organization which can be thwarted by a city state embargo. This one is better where more CS's have coastal tiles that you can park your naval forces.
Clausewitz's Legacy is always good, unless for some bizarre reason you haven't built your military up after taking Autocracy. Why would you do that? The only other situation I can see where it wouldn't be good is if you've let yourself fall too far behind in tech (why would you do this?). IMO, even if you don't win in the 50 turns you have this, you can parlay it into your victory by getting that momentum for it.

Freedom's Media Culture is very powerful, and something fun to do here if you can warmonger effectively is to build the CN Tower and start capturing the tourism leader's cities. They'll all get a free broadcast tower, and any of them with a decent number of great works or artefacts will help you even more.
Treaty Organization is nice, but it doesn't give as much influence per turn as Gunboat Diplomacy, and can be neutered by a city state embargo. Additionally your cargo ships and caravans are vulnerable to being plundered, and some CSs will be well behind enemy lines. It's pretty frustrating to find a coastal CS which has been locked by ice behind an enemy on another continent with hundreds of influence in their favor. One other thing to factor in here is if you're playing as Germany, enjoy getting even more value out of those Hanse.
Space Procurements is probably more reliable than Spaceflight Pioneers when it comes to actually getting the parts, and if you're feeling cheesy and are friends with someone who has a lot of money, you can pretty much instantly win the game by trading an arm and a leg for enough gold to rush all the parts instantly. You can also prepare to get the parts at a great discount by going commerce, and combining Mercantilism with Big Ben. Even just having one of these is a big deal considering how expensive the parts are to rush purchase.

Order's 3rd tier tenets are a bit weaker than Autocracy or Freedom, imo. Consider Dictatorship of the Proletariat again - it's dependant on having more happiness than other civs, so if you have a few super-happy autocracy AIs, it's not especially appealing. If, on the other hand, most everyone has gone order and/or the autocracy and freedom Civs have been crippled or eliminated, I could potentially see it being useful. Again, it stinks that the AI gets as many happiness bonuses as they do.
Iron Curtain just doesn't seem like a good way to win to me, compared to everything else. Getting a free courthouse doesn't make you dominate quicker, and more effective internal trade routes at this stage is pretty weak. The extra hammers could be the difference between winning and losing the Space Race though, I suppose.
Edit: I've found out that 50% actually only applies to the base rate of the trade route, which for a caravan is 3, so you'll get another 1.5 food on top of that. This is complete garbage.
Spaceflight Pioneers is excellent, even if it's less reliable than Space Procurements. If you've decided to save up all your faith for this moment to rush GEs for the non-booster parts, it can significantly speed up victory. If you also have a city with wonders that have GE points (like Stonehenge, the Pyramids, Chichen Itza and some others), it gets easier to time the GEs for this. However, I generally dislike removing my Science specialists to not pop a GS before getting a GE, and idling GEs just for the spaceship parts feels like a big waste compared to rushing a good wonder.

Wonders and Overview

Finally, the wonders, which are all nice to have but not critical for the overall strategy.
Prora gives +2 Happiness, and +1 for every 2 social policies you've taken, and another free social policy. I'd be happy to take the city which built this.
The Statue of Liberty makes every specialist yield an (additional) hammer, making those freedom specialists that much better. Also +1 culture and a free social policy. If a city on my border built this I'd probably go to war with that civ for this wonder, but that'd take an AI going Freedom and not getting wiped out to happen in the first place.
The Kremlin boosts production of armored units by 50%, yields 3 culture and gives a free social policy. It's... pretty underwhelming.

So, for the endgame, it looks like Autocracy's 3rd level tenets are all dependable and solid, Freedom has 2 very solid choices, and Order has Spaceflight Pioneers. You can win under any of these conditions, but Order's 3rd level tenets just feel like you're being boxed in a bit.

As I said earlier, however, it's the 2nd level tenets which really set you up to win, not the 3rd level. Having written all of this out, I do actually think the ideologies are very well balanced, but I think Autocracy edges out the other two in more situations. Freedom seems to be an all or nothing kind of deal, and if you don't have particular reasons for picking it, you'd probably be better off with Order or Autocracy.

I feel like I've ragged on Order more than it deserves, and it does have excellent first level and second level tenets, but that endgame situation really annoys me. The thing is though, it seems like some of its tenets don't synergize as well as Freedom's or Autocracy's. The devs have punished going wide a lot, and it just doesn't seem like settling new cities is worth it at all in the last third of the game. You could take Resettlement, sure, but what about finishing the Rationalism tree? However, Order does provide science and production boosts, and a 25% science modifier is a 25% science modifier. Maybe the wide players out there can tell me why I'm wrong and how Order is actually the best ;)

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The following is my love letter for Order, since it isn't getting a lot of love:

For the most part I like nearly all the picks. There are a few I never choose, even if wanting to do something "different" just to mix things up, but even in those cases it is mostly due to going against the way I tend to play.

I think Order is the strongest overall. Or, at least I think it is the most flexible. Freedom and Autocracy have a lot of niche uses where you need to plan around. Most of Order's perks apply to every game.

Happiness on buildings you are going to have as top priority anyway (monuments, workshops/factories, science buildings) where as you tend to need to go out of your way to build barracks/castles. Even the gold buildings on Freedom sometimes get delayed because gold just isn't as high priority as science buildings. Hospitals are pretty good, but you don't always have water mills and medical labs come way too late.

25% science is always good. Autocracy isn't a science tree (+5 science on one pick doesn't count). Freedom technically would do well with academy spam and getting an extra +4, but it is an odd scenario where the better your science game, the less likely you'll be making academies--lot of players even choosing to never make them unless it is Babylon's Writing academy.

Resettlement is absolute garbage. It isn't just "kind of poor", it is extremely poor. A settled city without resettlement is going to get to size 4 very quickly anyway. Fertilizer + any maritime city-states, and if I'm settling a city-that late I will be rush-buying granaries and aqueducts, which are cheap even without Big Ben or Order's discount. Total waste of a policy, and one of the few which should never be taken. Ever.

Order's Tier 3's are a bit weaker, but not weak enough to harm the overall tree. Even if you don't have perfectly timed GE's to rush spaceship parts, it is still useful just for the free GS and GE. Also, Iron Curtain is the "war-themed pick". It isn't needed, for sure, but it does have synergy for that purpose. External routes are not as reliable (factions at war or already dead, city-state routes weaker and potentially unsafe due to war). Plus you are already swimming in gpt from trading post spammed puppets. So why not just fuel internal routes to a city with Heroic Epic and Brandenburg? It is a minor bonus, sure, but in the big picture so is 25% combat strength (Auto's war-themed pick).

On that note, how does Order stack up against Autocracy for war? I think pretty well. The combination of raw hammers and happiness on buildings you'll already have is efficient in much the same way as Liberty is usually better for warmongering than Honor. Autocracy boosts military units, but as well all know, ease of war is more often determined by tech advantages from a strong empire than from the actual military units. Throw on 25% science for overkill. The lack of Prora sucks, but half the time you are using that extra happiness just to counter how much AI's hate Autocracy. Since AI's love Order almost as much as Piety, you often have less issues with Ideology pressure.

So, all things considered, you can never go wrong with Order. Except for diplo victories, but diplo victories suck.

Love, Matthew.
IMO Order is the best ideology in most cases. Loads of happiness, 25% great person production, tons of production from mines, 25% science from factories!!!! Free scientist AND engineer, 50% trade route yields. Holy crap!

When I look at freedom I don't even see that many I like. Getting foreign legions is of course incredible and the statue of liberty is awesome but that's about it for me on freedom. I rarely have lots of GP tiles and don't feel that the specialist bonuses are particularly strong.

Compare them to +1 production for every mine and 25% science from factories. Then there's the level 3 tenets which IMO completely suck for Freedom, I don't even pick them. Order on the other hand has amazing level 3 tenets.

Then theres autocracy which is just fail in comparison to the other two.
How balanced are the ideologies?

I would argue that this is one of the best tuned aspects of the game. My priority is the free tenets -- so I get to play all three.

I like Order less than the other two, but I will pick it if I am first to ideologies (not common). The AIs love Order, so I seem to end up with Order in more than half my games. Order has a weak wonder, but is otherwise suitable for any SV, and fewer useless/underpowered tenets than the other ideologies. Also, unlike Freedom, the first Tier 2 pick is obvious. I get the factories ASAP and the free SP from Kremlin. If I end up switching to Freedom or Autocracy, all the better!

My favorite ideology is Freedom, with the synergy between the tenets and wonder, it is a very compelling tree. It is balanced by the lack of significant Tier 1 happy boosts. I will pick Freedom if comes with two free tenets (pretty common), but Order has none. In about half of my Freedom games I end up switching Ideologies anyway. But I usually hold out until the 6 FL and SoL for 3 free tenets, so still a net gain.

Autocracy is the most fun and has a great wonder -- but I am quite terrible at dom and CV, so it does not really progress my end game. Still, I will pick Autocracy if it has two free tenets, but Freedom and Order do not. Between the strong Tier 1 happy boosts and Prora, I almost never have to switch out of Autocracy, which is good since it does not have any lasting buffs (except maybe extra stolen techs).

I feel like I've ragged on Order more than it deserves, and it does have excellent first level and second level tenets, but that endgame situation really annoys me.

If the end game situation annoys you, it can only be that you are doing things wrong.

For SV, the Tier 3 pick is a free SS part plus a GS. For the Freedom Tier 3 to really be comparable, it would need to paired with 3000 gold and a GS!

For dom, the free courthouses is almost as good as the double-speed/happy courthouses from Autocracy.

Maybe the wide players out there can tell me why I'm wrong and how Order is actually the best

Order also works great for 4 city Tradition, especially for SV with being able to faith-purchase GE for the end game.

The following is my love letter for Order...
So, all things considered, you can never go wrong with Order. Except for diplo victories, but diplo victories suck.

I very much appreciated your post, I agree with everything, but especially your conclusion!

IMO Order is the best ideology in most cases. Loads of happiness, 25% great person production, tons of production from mines, 25% science from factories!!!! Free scientist AND engineer, 50% trade route yields. Holy crap!

It is my third choice, but the one I end up with in more than half my games, and I agree with you that it is very strong. I disagree that it is “best”.

When I look at freedom I don't even see that many I like.

It is the specialist taking less food and causing less unhappiness that are the strongest buffs. Cities can grow very fast, and those both synergize with the SoL. It all comes together very nicely. I would encourage you to experiment with Freedom more. The Tier 3 picks are extremely strong, 2 of the 3 supporting any VC (because CS influence and Tourism are always good). With my Freedom SV, I don’t usually even bother with Space Procurement since I am usually simultaneously building multiple parts at the end (but I am doing things wrong, and my SV are not fast).
How balanced are the ideologies?

I can answer from perspective deity player aiming for fast victories.
The most balanced ideologies are Freedom vs Order for SV (though with advantage of freedom).

In other victory conditions choices for me are pretty obvious: CV - freedom, DiploV- order.
Autocracy normally is the worst from all ideologies (because DomV is usually already decided before ideologies) with exception of super fast CV with only futurism but this require great map on deity (on lowest difficulties it should be more doable, but still SS spam would be faster)
It's kind of funny, but I have never picked order yet during any of my games. I don't get a chance to play this that often, and I have a bad habit of mothballing games when they look like crap after the first 120 turns. Every game I have played has ended with me picking Freedom regardless of what the AI thinks or Autocracy in a few select situations. My only Deity win came because I chose Autocracy so that Austria and her 1,000,000 man army would love me more. She passed world ideology, bought every single city state, and killed 4 other civs off completely, so I stole a diplo victory right under her nose next election. Another Autocracy game took me so long that I took gunboat diplomacy and landed 10 Xcoms next door to every city state and won another cheesy diplo victory that way. Not one dime spent on alliances, and every one was allied with me for the vote. The other games I have completed have been freedom based Gold purchase rushes where I save up a pile of gold and try to buy and launch every Space Ship part in the same turn. It never works out that way, my bulbing doesn't go right, but I come very close. I think I might try order in my next science game just to see how it goes, I might have better luck that with my Freedom Shopping Spree Strategy.
IMO Order is the best ideology in most cases. Loads of happiness, 25% great person production, tons of production from mines, 25% science from factories!!!! Free scientist AND engineer, 50% trade route yields. Holy crap!

Maybe in general if we consider all cases then yes, it would seem so. But I think it was agreed here that, for example, for fast SV Freedom and Order both are pretty close but for longer games Freedom can actually be better, especially with Korea.

I used to like Order a lot but then I started picking freedom and saw how huge my Tradition cities were becoming past T250, so I liked it a lot. Anyway, both are good :)
Why is order good for DiploV?

Well, fast DiploV is all about timing (to be in info era just before second WC session) and this free GS from order could be very usefull for it;
also considering the same map and normal conditions (no Austria, Venice, Mongolia on same map, etc.) DiploV should always be faster then SV, so not much time for freedom growth, not need to rush buy anything (so better to have +25% science from factories).

Good example is my game from 113 GOTM:
Even though all the ideologies have Tier 3 tenets aimed at CV, I understand why Freedom is the pretty obvious choice.

Why is order good for DiploV?

To elaborate, DiploV is a mini science game (for fast times). Reaching the right era fast enough.

Freedom gives long term advantage to science (food), Order gives short term advantage to science (free GS, direct boost with factories).

Since DiploV doesn't need that much science it implies Order is a good option to use that short term advantage. Freedom doesn't really have time to catch up.

Also one of the big reason Freedom is liked for SV is because of the rush buying of parts. This is no advantage for diplo.
Thanks for the explanations!

All my DilpoV have been due to Freedom Trade Routes.

That is a good option to simply win diplo but Ironfighter's comment was geared toward "fast" diplo. I always feel getting the city states allied is usually not a problem with just gold so fast timing is just a science problem.
This is a very interesting strategy. I did not consider this until now. So how would this work (I mean getting to Information era before the second WC session). Do you delay Printing Press? Do you finish rationalism for the free tech? I suppose investing more than 2-3 SPs in Patronage is really a waste.
Fast diploV involve either getting a quick information era (continents, deity...) or killing everyone but 2 and reaching atomic era (low difficulties).

Then you time printing press to synchronise well with how likely you'll reach the relevant era. Exact timings are described there
Maybe in general if we consider all cases then yes, it would seem so. But I think it was agreed here that, for example, for fast SV Freedom and Order both are pretty close but for longer games Freedom can actually be better, especially with Korea.

I used to like Order a lot but then I started picking freedom and saw how huge my Tradition cities were becoming past T250, so I liked it a lot. Anyway, both are good :)

In general I find Order to be the best all around ideology. It's tenets are all very useful. 25% science from factories is untouchable, +1 production from mines is hard to beat. Poeple say freedom is better for growth but Order gives +50% food from trade routes.

I choose Freedom when I have a very tall empire, no hills and no factories to benefit from with Order.

Freedom I only really like when I have 2 cities and a bunch of GP tiles.
People say freedom is better for growth but Order gives +50% food from trade routes.

That is a Tier 3 pick that nets less food the the Tier 1 food-pick from Freedom. I can say plenty of nice things about Order, but growth pales as compared to Freedom.
Fast diploV involve either getting a quick information era (continents, deity...) or killing everyone but 2 and reaching atomic era (low difficulties).

Then you time printing press to synchronise well with how likely you'll reach the relevant era. Exact timings are described there

Ok, but how do you get all things to fall into place. You would need almost all the CS right? But you still need money for science buildings (I assume that Labs aren't really worth it, but Schools are required right?) Do you get Consulates + Philanthropy or maybe get Scholasticism (and skip Consulates)?

Do you even get to Globalization? Without the Globalization bonus you will probably need FP and/or world religion (which is a risky deal).

Also can this be even performed on a Pangaea map? It seems that you can't really delay Printing Press by much, and have little control on when the WC is founded.
Ok, but how do you get all things to fall into place. You would need almost all the CS right? But you still need money for science buildings (I assume that Labs aren't really worth it, but Schools are required right?) Do you get Consulates + Philanthropy or maybe get Scholasticism (and skip Consulates)?

You need both labs and schools but usually don't have to buy them all (order policy with -33% discount is really helpful for that,also take loans from AIs).
Usually I get patronage opener to scholasticism; consulates rarely - only if i was unlucky with early CSs quests.

Do you even get to Globalization? Without the Globalization bonus you will probably need FP and/or world religion (which is a risky deal).

Before second WC session to WL vote is 10 turns - shouldn't be a problem to get globalisation via telecommunication.

Also can this be even performed on a Pangaea map? It seems that you can't really delay Printing Press by much, and have little control on when the WC is founded.

Instead to delay PP think about what to do to be in info era before second WC session ;)
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