How do you keep peace?

Dec 19, 2000
Civ Fanatics
It's easy to keep peace in Civ2, but how do you keep peace in Civ1? Once, I had 100+ points for peace, and then the stupid zulus attacked and managed to take one of my cities. Of course, I took them back easily, but loss about 1 million people in total. It really sucks that you cant send emissaries, so what's your strategy to keep peace?
Peace is for cowards. Forget KEEPING it. If you have it in the first place, ditch it and fight like a man.

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Civilization I Master of masters
Webmaster of Civilization I Fanatics Center
Artificial Intelligence in Civilization 1 was just too stupid to maintain peace very long. This way they could fit civ1 on 1 maybe two floppy disks. AI for a peaceful civ would require a number of CD's.

So you see, WAR=STUPID
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But Vlad...Civ (1 or 2) isn't all about score.

It's about CRUSHING the enemies Civs into submission and then taking their remains and sowing the fields for the next harvest, so that EVERYTIME you eat your vegies you can say, "HA I'm eating you, you dumb (insert mortal enemy Civ here)" MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

But on a more serious note....I didn't do much peace in Civ 1 so I can't really help you. Just kill them and forget about score.

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See, here is a guy who knows what he is talking about... except that whole talking about civ1 in the past tense is kind of eerie. It's not like there's worthwhile sequel out there, so this guy must play OTHER games. I don't trust him.

And you know, Pedro, if you have 3 or 4 disks (some of which have DOS on them), you can play Civilization on a computer which has no harddrive! Now talk about compatibility and flexibility. Civilization is also compatible with all sound cards and also if you have no sound card, it sounds just as good. Or no mouse, for that matter. The game can also be played on greyscale monitors. WOOHOO!

If Civ3 doesn't meet these requirements, I'm going to kick some serious *** over at firaxis. Or apolyton, whichever is closer.

Anyway, what were we talking about? Peace? And I agree with crum-master anyway... just don't get all Hannibalistic in the fields there. I don't want to have to quote the forum rules on you, but you should know that Civfantics does not support cannibalism or mutilation of human remains.

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Civilization I Master of masters
Webmaster of Civilization I Fanatics Center
I don't know - I liked to play Civ1 for the score - I even competed with a couple of my friends about that, since we couldn't play multi at that time. And one good thing about Civ1 was that the percentage wasn't very high, at least I never got more than 356% in Civ1.

Veni Vidi Vici.
Yea - lets face it the answer to your question is:
You don't - Unless you can isolate another Civ on some small island.


Veni Vidi Vici.
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