How long should I wait on buying civ 5?

Honestly? I say wait for a Game of the Year edition. Wait for one that has all the latest patches, the DLC, and the expansions rolled into a single package at the base game's current price of $50-60. By that point, people will have reviewed (both here and on the gaming sites -- if you trust them) all the content out there, and there should be ample info on the pros and cons of the game to help you decide if it's even worth it to buy.

In its current state, I'd say the game is worth about $20-30 -- basing that on the subjective "fun value" I pull out of it, rather than on any objective "but they worked so hard" standard. Others will tell you they love it, and that's fine and dandy, but for my money, this game's produced the "$20-$30" level of enjoyment. Other games are a steal at that price point, but this one strikes me as "fairly priced" at that level.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll probably wait on getting the game a while yet.
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