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How Many People Have Stopped Playing?


Nov 12, 2001
... and are waiting for a PROPER patch to fix bugs, correct annoyances (graphical or otherwise), and just come to CivFanatics to check and see if a patch has been released?

don't get me wrong, I can't wait to play the game again, i just find it very frustrating at this point not to play it to its full potential.

i've now played about 3 full games:


some good improvements (religion a def. PLUS, corruption now gone (thank you)) but the game just doesn't have that MUST PLAY IT AGAIN factor that the previous Civs had... basically, GAMEPLAY hasn't really made any major improvements - in fact, in some cases its very much the same (perhaps streamlined in certain places)...

perhaps the patch can help turn these frustrations around?

put simply, the current game isn't SO GOOD that i feel compelled to fire up yet another game - no, i'm content to wait to see what the patch holds and what fixes it contains - THEN, i'll run it and play it again - in other words, the game is merely marginally GOOD to the point that all of these annoyances actually take away from the gameplay... if the gameplay was a VAST improvement over CivIII, then i'd def. be willing to overlook all of these other things, but as it is now - CONTENT TO WAIT.
same happened to me. I played about 10 games. First week I played almost every day til 4 or 5AM. But now, the game lost it's "fun".
I finished only 1 out of those games, as modern age sucks. It's way too slow.
And now I just don't feel like playing.
I played Civ3 til Civ4 came out. At least 1 game a week or two.
Hopefully expansion pack will add some value sometime in the future, like Conquests did.
I have put the game away until I see some change in performance. What I have seen, I have loved and certainly will play the day things get better. I will not set around and fret while there are other great games that are playable. Stuff happens and I refuse to stress over it... I have beat the CTD after many a changes to a perfectly great over spec'd comp. Bottom line is the memory leaks in which I can do little about take the fun out of playing a super complex long lived game. They are working on it and thats all that matters. PLUS the XBOX 360 comes out Tuesday and I ready to put my TV to good use for a change...lol :crazyeye:
I only play to test a lot of mods/changes out.

I won't sit down to actually "play" a game until the major issues get fixed.
werdna said:
I played about 10 games. First week I played almost every day til 4 or 5AM. But now, the game lost it's "fun".
I finished only 1 out of those games, as modern age sucks. It's way too slow.
And now I just don't feel like playing.

Sounds to me like you just simply played it too much. The trick to enjoying any game is to quit while you are having fun. I only have about 3 hours a day when I can play it and I greatly anticipate those three hours!...bugs or no bugs.
I have stopped playing the game because, even though I am above the rec. specs, the slowdown is terrible. I simply cannot play this game in the state it is in.
I will not play HUGE maps - especially not Epic games on same. Just too much for the virtual memory to handle. I am no techy but it just seems the graphics are too much to handle. So far no problems on Standard map - will inch it up to see but after you invest so much time it hurts to give up even if it freezes. Not sure that RAM will fix this.
Piemaster said:
Would I sound like a real noob if I said I hadn't even noticed any bugs yet?


Oh, wait, neither have I. At least nothing that breaks the game for me.
Nothing wrong with my game either. No bugs either.

What bugs are you all complaining about, or is it a compatability issue?

Runs fine on my self built 1.4 athlon Thunderbird. But i have a new graphics card. I think you need a newish gen graphics card to run the game.

Otherwise you could try turning the detail down a bit, thats what the options are there for. Set it to one man per unit if your computer cant cope. Good luck though!
I can't stop playing still. My addiction to civ4 is greater than it was to civ3 when I was playing that heavily. I've played I believe 8 games to completion now and have a couple uncompleted ones. None of these are small maps or fast speed. Most normal with a couple epic, all standard sized maps.
I haven't. Don't see myself stopping either. :D
The games works great for me and I've beaten twice. (Note: I've certainly played more than two games. ;) ) It started getting a little boring so I started playing at the next difficulty ... and I'm all about beating that too.

Here's how I gauge whether I made a good purchase: did I get one hour of gameplay per dollar spent? I spent about fifty, and I am absolutely certain I have already gotten my money's worth.
The only thing I stopped playing was Hotseat MP with my brother.
Due to bug with diplomacy trading between human player (it just does NOT work)

The only real problem I found with the game.

In the meantime we are both training SP, since "one more turn" syndrome is live and kicking.
Me. But i'm just waiting for good community made scenario, that doesn't use much of pc resources :rolleyes:
Crash757 said:
Me. But i'm just waiting for good community made scenario, that doesn't use much of pc resources :rolleyes:

One City Challenge is pretty damn fun if you ask me.
Im looking for a patch in order to play GOTM :)

Anyhow, go play multiplayer, its kickass fun
I find the gameplay, and depth, to be hugely improved over Civ III.

I find it as addictive as any previous version of Crackilization.

I find the glitches I experience annoying, but endurable.

I am consciously avoiding trying out certain features (like big Terra maps) until the patch comes out.

All that taken togther means that I can't imagine putting the game away. I play for a couple of hours each evening, am on my fourth full game, and am loving it!

I do still compulsively click on the "Check for Updates" button every time I launch the game.

Finally, I find both the "this is an outrage! I'm going to sue!" and the "it's perfect! shut up about the bugs, which only exist in your head anyway!" partisans around here to be bewildering and off-putting.

-- Kevin​
Count me as one - sort of.

I am a diehard civ fanatic that has not purchased the game yet. I didn't want to ruin the game for myself by playing it unfinished.

I am glad I have waited this long already. I see that the new patch is going to include game play improvements, new features, rebalancing, etc. I will play it when those are put in!

I still regret buying civ3 all the way and playing it to death unfinished. By the time it was really a really solid game I had already played the AI to death!!!
i've stopped playing for the moment...

but i will play again once i get off of work and get home...

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