How to deal with a "STRIKE"


Oct 27, 2005
So Im playing a game and Im dominating (on Noble) expanding, building new cities and simply just rolling. I get into a major war and Im almost about to defeat them when....

My gold per turn drops to -5 and my research jumps from 12 turns to 257 turns. The game in the upper left near the the gold value says "Strike"

My units start getting disbanded, I start losing cities and I go from first to last in about 6 turns.

Anyone know how to combat this? did I expand to fast? did I have too many cities? was it the wrong government or religion? what did I mismanage that would cause such a catastrophe?

At the very least I was extremely pissed, but mostly I want to know what to do next time. Thanks for any insight into the problem.
:lol: I bet its because you expanded too fast, it might not have happened if you razed some cities instead of appointing new governors. Though its the first time I hear about it....
It happened to me in the American Revolution Scenario. This happens when you have more expenses than incomes, and your treasury is in zero.
Yeah, this is exactly what causes it. If this happens, you need to disband units immediately until you can get out of the red, or you'll be very sorry.

By the way, I suggest you give away some cities that are not netting you good income if this happens, if they are a long way from your capital and you have a ton already, at least... give them to someone you hate that will end up being pulled down by them. :)
hmmm, i never had that problem but then again before i go to war i try to get marketplaces/banks to my core cities. When i conquer nation i leave the goveners in charge of conquered cities, if i need something asap from them i just over ride the governer....oh its good to be king :)
Couldn't we just sell war bonds? ;)

What about running a national debt? Sure people would not be happy, but the country, and war, would continue.
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