How to get UnitType


Jun 8, 2008
Doesn't anybody know how to get UnitType from unit? Resp. converting int CyUnit.getUnitType to wstring or reversing gc.getInfoTypeForString ... ?
I have unit (ie Archer) and I want to rename it to "unit of city" (ie Archer of Washington) and I don't want to check unit for each type (( doing "if unit.getUnitType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('UNITTYPE_ARCHER')" for each unit ))
( Not sure what does wstring getUnitName on not-yet-named unit, but i want to avoid this due to later problems with upgrading already named units. )

I'm quite sure that there have to be some function on this, but I cannot find it ...
Would CyUnit.getNameNoDesc() work for you? I think it would always return "Archer" even if you give the unit a custom name.
Would CyUnit.getNameNoDesc() work for you? I think it would always return "Archer" even if you give the unit a custom name.

Doesn't work ... returns actual name ... :(

edit: actually no ... CyUnit.getNameNoDesc() returns "MyPreciousUnit", while CyUnit.getName returns "MyPreciousUnit (Archer)" ...
My fault, now I see how to get it ... :)
edit2: if somebody interested ...
  sUnitType = unit.getName()             ## get name in "blahblah (unittype) format"
  iPos = 0
  for iPos in range(1,len(sUnitType)):   ## for each char in string
    if sUnitType[iPos] == '(':                   ## search for "("
      break;                                             ## if found, exit loop
  sUnitType = sUnitType[iPos+1:-1]       ## get text between "(" ")"
(( this code works only if you didn't use bracket while naming unit ))
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Oops, sorry about that, I was in a hurry and didn't double check what I typed. This should work if you want to use it - gc.getUnitInfo(unit.getUnitType()).getDescription(). I even tested this one. :crazyeye:
This will only work once you've renamed the unit. Until then, getName() should return "Archer". In any case, you'll find this information and much more in the CvUnitInfo object.

info = gc.getUnitInfo(pUnit.getUnitType())
name = info.getDescription()
This will only work once you've renamed the unit. Until then, getName() should return "Archer". In any case, you'll find this information and much more in the CvUnitInfo object.

info = gc.getUnitInfo(pUnit.getUnitType())
name = info.getDescription()

oh, thanks ...:)
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