How to set up multiplayer game WITHOUT Steam?


Jun 11, 2012
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hello everybody. I bought Civ 5 + DLC's from the Mac Appstore, not on steam. When I go to Multiplayer I have only two options: Host Game, or Local Network. Does anybody know how to join an online game, or how to set up a game and play against friends?
I hear that civ 5 MP sucks, but I'd like to give it a shot at least... Thanx in advance!

Moderator Action: Moved to MP.
There I can set up a game, like host one myself. The problem is that There's not a place where I can find other gamers to set up a match with. Also there is no possibility to "join" an existing game...
In which case you're going to have to find someone to play with through other means, (message boards etc), and set it up that way. If the game only natively supports LAN play you will have to jump through a lot of hoops to get it working across the Internet though.

There is a thread here: discussing the "Campaign Edition" where it is suggested that Internet play isn't possible with that version. So you might be out of luck.
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