how to smooth your game?


May 25, 2002
simple questions, i either couldnt find them in the manual or there are no positive answers.

1) i know how to queue several build orders in a city by multiple shift+clicking on buildings/units in the city menu. but apart from that, i get loads of "blah has finished riflemen. what shall be built now?" messages every single turn once i have a bunch of cities. it's so tedious, i have to issue new "build the damn riflemen!" orders all the time, and often enough, the AI recommends stupid units i dont like so i even have to scroll the list all the way down to the desired unit.
-> is there an option to build an infinite amount of a single unit until further notice?
2) what about rally points? can i order newly-built units from different cities to automatically move towards specified locations?
1) Holding ALT when selecting which unit to build will set it to be built indefinitely.
2) Yes, there is a way to set rally points, but I do not remember what it is...
I think I saw it under 'Game Hints' in the Civilopedia.
oh lol.. i realize that shift, alt and strg are some kind of magic keys within civ4. it obviously doesnt hurt to try them on every possible left-click at least once just to see if something special would happen. :)

thx a lot!
Rally points make all units created in a city go to a tile when they pop out. To set one, select the city bar on the map, and SHIFT + Right Click the tile you want to set as the rally point. To clear a rally point, SHIFT + click on the city itself and it'll go away.

Waypoints, a similar topic, order units to move to position X, then perform orders Y and Z, or whatever. To issue waypoints hold down SHIFT with a unit selected and give it the orders. So for example, you can select a worker, hold down shift, and then click a hill, click the Mine command, click Road, and then click somewhere else, and it'll add all those orders to the worker's command queue.
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