Huge AutoSave_Initial (140 GB)?


Jan 29, 2011
Windows notified me it has no more room on C:, and I discovered a huge AutoSave_Initial of 140 GB eating up my memory? OK to delete it? It's about a month old, and I won't start that same game anytime.
Autosaves should be hundreds of kilobytes at most, unless you were playing a mod with huge changes and maps. However, in any case, Autosaves are only for you to use to restart a game from the point that the Autosave was made. So, if you never plan to reload that game from that Autosave, there is no reason not to delete it. I routinely delete all Autosaves when I finish a game.
Under rare circumstances (forgot the details) a save got infinite size (only blocked by OS). I've got it several times by loading a WorldBuilder file (scenario file) with slight issues.
I assume it will not occur again.
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