Huge problem with unhappiness - advice required


Sep 9, 2006
After I attacked another good civ and conquered all their cities, I suffered a sudden strike of unhappiness in all my cities. We are talking about 10 new unhappy faces, the description reads "The world considers you a villain!". The conequence is, that my productivity as well as my finances are down, my empire is weaker then ever. But it doesn't make sense to me, as one civ is furious, one is cautious, two are pleased and three are even friendly. So actually the world is quite fond of me ;).
It all started when I adopted the "Crusade"-civic to crush my enemies. After this was done, I abandoned Crusade and wanted to get on rebuilding the conquered territroy. But the unhappiness remained and I am hardly able to build or research anything.
Hence I have two questions: Why do my people think, that the world considers me a villain and what can I do about it? :confused:

I play the Bannor and have the Order as state religion, the conquered civ had the Order as state religion as well. Maybe this has something to do with that? The difficulty is Prince.

Any advice is appreciated. I really don't know what to do. The recent war was supposed to provide the necessary power boost to conquer the world, not to disable every single city of mine. :sad:
the "the world considers you a villain!" penalty is a result of defying an Overcouncil resolution IIRC. the solution would be to rejoin the council and vote yes to one of their resolutions, that should cancel the unhappiness. don't take my word for it though ;)
what ? I'm very fond of the Overcouncil. The resolution on foreign trade is fantastic. What I don't like are the resolutions on Liberty and Public Healers though. I don't give a damn about death mana if I play a good civ (likely to be in the Overcouncil) since winning with the Altar of Luonnotar is a lot easier than the Tower of Mastery, plus you get a diplomacy penalty with other good civs if you use death and entropy and shadow mana. Anyways, trying to be elected as Head Councelor is the best solution to these problems, but I still think there should be resolutions to void previous resolutions.
Btw, IIRC, if you are not in the (over/under)Council anymore you shouldn't suffer unhappiness penalties. So another solution would be to just quit the Council.
I still think there should be resolutions to void previous resolutions.

You can pick passed resolutions for votes again, can't you? Will a different result not void the previous? I was almost certain I had done that in a game...
it does. You'll need a clear majority of nay- sayers though. And there are some issues with that... (the number of votes per player should really be doubled. That would fix all those if i get the whole thing right...)
I at least once voted down secret codes on undercouncil. (together with the other member...)
"Just" vote an allready passed resolution and have a clear majority (here lie some of the aforementioned issues...) vote no to "unpass" it.

Oh and the enforced liberty is as good as a necessity if you want an early cultural victory (+ gives a cheap replacement for those obelisks and gives a huge edge in every culture war fought against non-members of your council). So it has its place. (Even though it really can suck if you don't or if you are in a large-scale war, of course.)
Public Healers largely is another matter unless you are playing a non-expansive leader or (if) it will be changed (which the compassion-line really should... in case of protect the meek and Public Healers)

Btw. how much unhappiness do you get from defying a resolution? Are there any other drawbacks? If the penalty to happiness is not huge and there is nothing else of a penalty i might value the overcouncil even more...

Does voting yes to a resolution also make you accept previously defied solutions?
I would assume, that you recieve two unhappy faces for every defy.
I'd much prefer if the council members just had declared war on me. But no those sneaky intriguers have to use my pop against me. Cowards!
EDIT: By the way leaving the over council doesn't do the trick. But after I rejoiend half of the unhappy faces vanished.
Well since you're the order, get a few priors and Sphener if you have him, and just use unyielding order in the top 4 (or 5 with Sphener) cities in terms of unhappiness.
the problem with voting the same resolution is that the AI will vote yes again. The AI is utmostly stupid when it comes to voting.
I've always thought that when a vot comes up you should have an opportunity to influence the other votes. Bribes, pleading, threats, usual diplomacy.
hehe, did you play SMAC ? ;)
Is the penalty for defying resolutions forever? That's kind of harsh if so.
No it is not. After a few more turns the happiness vanished totally - without any new votes ^^.
And I discovered another thing. When you are in anarchy at the time, the OC forces you to adobt a certain civic and you are in arnachy because you change a civic in the civic category the counciles votes are concerned, this actually will not be enforced til the next vote on something is enforced. Meaning if you don't want to let the Council tell u what civic to choose, you just have to change the civic in the concerned catagory a round before the choice of council will be enforced (only works if you have more than one turn of anarchy).
If you repeat that everytime a new decision was made, you get a lot of anarchy, but no civics you don't like.

Though I am not sure if it is worth that. ^^
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