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Hussar (Steph) MF

Originally posted by zulu9812
nice, what civs should it be used with?
Any European civilization - historically hussars became one of the "trendy" cavalry types in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Of the vanilla Civ3 nations, France, England, Germany (esp as Prussia), and Russia all used hussars.

If you think of Rome and Greece as representing continuous civilizations up to the present, they would also conceivably have done so.

Egypt, Babylon, China, Japan, Aztecs, Zulus, India, Persia, Iroquois and America should not use hussars if you want to be vaguely historical.
So use this for European civs, and Dark Sheer's Bandit for the American civs - but which culture group should the Civ3 Cavalry go to?
Sweet. Where's the single unit for this posted at?

In the thread "Help needed to convert Cossacks units."

Originally posted by zulu9812
nice, what civs should it be used with?

This unit is in fact a Russian hussar. If you find some similarities between the picture and the unit, it's normal: Shaun made the unit from a picture I send him
Originally posted by Arne
GREAT! :goodjob:

Dos that mean, it is possible to convert every unit from "Cossacks" to Civ3? That would be great! How could it be done?

Technically Yes. But it doesn't work with American Conquest yet (it may work with some palette tweaking, I will try when I'm done with Cossacks).
How is it done? You need:
- Cossacks
- GP Viewer to display every frame of the cossacks animation
- A keyboard (ALT + PrintScreen! Hit 254 times to produce the Ironside animation)
- Paint Shop pro (or other, it's just to paste the screenshot and save it as bmp with the right name)
- A special version of SBB to extract only the interesting part of the screenshot (see below), and to produce the eastern animation from a mirror of western ones (cossacks has no east animation), and create a storyboard
- A nice guy like Smoking Mirror to modify the palette of the storyboard to meet FLICSTER requirement.
Originally posted by Steph
This unit is in fact a Russian hussar.
Thanks for the pic - impossible to tell just from the unit. But then, that's the great joy about hussars - the whole "look" was so much a fashion statement in Europe that everybody's hussars looked superficially the same. Which makes it a far more widely-usable unit than say the vanilla rifleman, which any fule knos could only possibly be a Yank...:D
Looks absolutely wonder!
Originally posted by Steph

How is it done? You need:
- Cossacks
Hmmh, I have the original (European Wars). But not the XP.

Originally posted by Steph

- GP Viewer to display every frame of the cossacks animation
Is there such a free tool somewhere?

Originally posted by Steph
- A keyboard (ALT + PrintScreen! Hit 254 times to produce the Ironside animation)
A keyboard. I have to look if this is present... :rolleyes: Hitting 254 times!?! Lot of work, like it seems.
Originally posted by Steph
- Paint Shop pro (or other, it's just to paste the screenshot and save it as bmp with the right name)
Paint Shop Pro is present.
Originally posted by Steph
- A special version of SBB to extract only the interesting part of the screenshot (see below), and to produce the eastern animation from a mirror of western ones (cossacks has no east animation), and create a storyboard
SBB? Well here I miss something. What is SBB and where I get it/this special version? Actualy I didn't look closer for creating Multiunits. This was my first look here and immediately I saw this great Cossacks unit. So I guess SBB is your(?) tool for creating Multi units?
Originally posted by Steph
- A nice guy like Smoking Mirror to modify the palette of the storyboard to meet FLICSTER requirement.
If this will work with Paint Shop Pro, I could do this by myself, i hope. But actualy I can't, because I'm working on gfx for the Civ2 Colonize 4.0 scenario by John Ellis. If this is done, then I will look closer.

@Illustrious: I think you are absolutely right. As far I know, every european hussar looked like the russian. And I'm glad, to see there is a possibility making excelent looking european units from the renissance aera up to napoleonic wars by converting these "Cossacks" units.
Originally posted by Arne

Hmmh, I have the original (European Wars). But not the XP.
To bad, the unit we are allowed to convert are in the XP.

Originally posted by Arne

Is there such a free tool somewhere?
You don't know if it can be found freely, I know I have it on my computer

Originally posted by Arne
Hitting 254 times!?! Lot of work, like it seems.
Yes, lot of work

Originally posted by Arne

SBB? ?
Story Board Builder. It's a program I've created. You can find it in the utility program forum. It's use to create unit (single or multi figures). I'm the only one to have the special version for converting Cossacks unit
Originally posted by Steph

To bad, the unit we are allowed to convert are in the XP.
You don't know if it can be found freely, I know I have it on my computer
Story Board Builder. It's a program I've created. You can find it in the utility program forum. It's use to create unit (single or multi figures). I'm the only one to have the special version for converting Cossacks unit
You are right: to bad. So it seems, I couldn't help you, making Cossacks units for Civ3. Hope you are still working on it.

Well, I had read about SBB in the utility program forum after posting my last post here. Looks like it is a usefull tool! :)
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