Hypotethical Q #2: future tech.


May 24, 2004
If you could change the meaningless "Future tech 1" into something useful, what would it be (include units/improvements/wonders in your answer)?

No Giant Death Robots please... ;)
Mini death robots. Future tech 4 would be giant death robots. Future tech 6 gives Radioactive Monkeys. Future tech 7 gives anti-radioactive monkeys.
I would just insert the whole SMAC tech tree, and designate Future Tech 1 as, say, Biogenetics. FT2 would be Doctrine: Mobility. FT3 would be Social Psych. I'd replace or take away the ones that deal with the situation on Planet though.
You mean Nanobots of death? And Future tech 10 allows the resource land fish to appear.
I would change it to Fusion and have it allow fusion power plants(150% production boost and no chance of a meltdown like a fission plant)
Cybernetics--cool units, lower corruption.
weapon of MASS destruction for FT 10, would need some sort of resource for this. And would not just wipe out 9 squares like your everyday ICBM. ;)
misterrat said:
Rock Throwing, requires Asteroid Mining. Allows you to drop a 20 km diameter rock on the planet every ten turns.

the first one would destroy the world
cheesecurds said:
the first one would destroy the world

The radioactive monkeys would survive on the surface, though they might have to acheive domination through an AA war against Kommannder Roach and his Roach Reich.
We need a mod of this!!!

As long as it includes the Land-Shark / Crocodile Alliance!
Interstellar space fleet capable of orbital bombardment.

I would add some of the lower level SMAC techs in that spot, but that's just me being sentimental.
Robotic warfare..

this topic seems familiar.. I wonder why.. :hmm:
What's Ingsoc?

@Fetus4188: is it the word "hypothetical" or the :smug: smiley that seems familiar? ;)
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