I am not noob and not expert and need advices


Jun 29, 2011
I played CIV 4 5 months ago, i didn't read the Manuel or read any help documents, after many games online and make some teams games. i can now play and win.
I know where to settle, how to research and how to play,
but i need to improve my self with some tactics or some!
latest i read the manuel and know some tips, but i have some questions too:
1. when and how to make some specialist persons ( merchants scientists ....) and how to make them grow up fastly?
I need a complete reference on how to manage cities by my own????? This is very important for me, How to manage a city by my own???

anyone can help me??? plz
This is a good place to start:

CIV IV War Academy

Includes some articles on MP as well.

Also, check out the Strategy and Tips forum, although it almost exclusively focuses on SP.
First off: Welcome to CFC!


Good advice above from lymond. This site is chock full of excellent reference material to help you enjoy the game even more.

To try to address a couple of specific questions in your post (in brief--definitely read up on them):

  • Specialists: The best place to run specialists is in a city that can provide the extra food required. Each specialist requires you to take a citizen away from working a tile. The specialists consumes 2 food each turn but does not contribute any (unlike a citizen working a tile with food), therefore you need extra food, the more of it the better. Ideally a city running specialists should have 2 or more food resource tiles within its big fat cross (BFC, the 21 tiles surrounding the city which citizens can work), and/or a water source (river or lake) so you can irrigate several of the tiles to also provide more food. Remember you also have to construct buildings within that city (library, market, forge, etc.) that allow you to run specialists, unless you run the Caste System civic which allows you to run unlimited merchants, scientists, and artists.
  • Great People: This is related to the above point on specialists and you seem to be asking about it as well. Great People are eventually born in cities where Great Person Points (GPP) are produced. Two things in the game produce GPP: (1) wonders (both world and national) and (2) specialists. The more wonders you build and/or specialists you run in a city, the faster a Great Person will be born. Also remember that (a) some wonders (National Epic, Parthenon), some civics (Pacifism) and Golden Ages (if you play with the Beyond the Sword expansion pack) accelerate the production rate of Great People, and (b) the type of Great Person you get is based upon the types of GPP produced by the wonders and/or by the specialists.
  • Managing cities: Hoo boy. There's no way to cover this briefly. Definitely do some reading in the War Academy. In general, the consensus of Civ IV players is that you are far better off micro-managing your cities than letting the AI do it for you. Thus, you need to take a tour of your cities' screens frequently. I do so once every turn or so in the early through the mid-game, less often in the late game. You'll need to adjust things like the tiles your citizens are working and the specialists (if any) that you're running. You'll also need to check the statistics in that screen carefully and plan accordingly. Again, more detail is provided in the relevant War Academy articles. If you don't play using the BUG mod, definitely consider it, as it makes the information you need to make decisions more readily available without altering game play.
And what if i can't make religions just Med, Hindu,....., if all is done by others, what should i do in order to make the city keep more happy people than unhappy ones...
Thanks in advance....
And what if i can't make religions just Med, Hindu,....., if all is done by others, what should i do in order to make the city keep more happy people than unhappy ones...
Thanks in advance....

You can hook up resources, build buildings that give a happy bonus, or go to Hereditary Rule by discovering Monarchy (one happy per unit stationed in a city). HR is one of the reasons why I tend to emphasize health over happy resources and strategize around it, seeing as happy points become theoretically unlimited (a good use for old obsolete units too).
And what if i can't make religions just Med, Hindu,....., if all is done by others, what should i do in order to make the city keep more happy people than unhappy ones...
Thanks in advance....
Have a look at Cabert's article, Ways into Happiness.

Basically, get an Open Borders agreement(s) with whoever owns the holy city of the religion(s) you want to have spread to your city. Religions will spread automatically over trade routes, but you need OB to have those trade routes existing (OB also encourages the AI to send its missionaries to you, which is another way to get religions in your city).
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