I cannot patch to 3.19


Crazy Horse
Mar 20, 2009
the 1800s
I am using a Direct to Drive version of Beyond the Sword bought on the Alienware site.

However, after I download the patch, it will not install.

It just Ctds, or rather seems to not do anything at all. Not sure why it would do this, and if having a digital copy would be the reason.
For digital only copies of the game, you need to get a version of the patch from whoever you got the game from. They have to make some changes to get it to work with what they sold you.
As reported on the patch thread, I also am unable to patch 3.19. Install begins then shuts down with no report on why about midway through.
Vista, 64bit, store bought CD both for Civ4 and BtS.
So far I've gotten advice to uninstall/reinstall all... obviously, my last choice though currently my choice of one.
Any suggestions welcome and appreciated!
aasimon, if your problem is similar to mine, which it kinda sounds like, then its probably best to get the patch from Direct2Drive. (as in, digital copy needs a digital patch). Getting the patch is free.
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