I can't win on prince...


Jun 1, 2013
It's depressing. I'm reading and trying to learn but getting no where. Can anyone help me with a quick strategy? It would be great. The closest I have come was a science victory. I was the first one anywhere near the spaceship and then Siam comes and destroys me with there huge military. Any tips are greatly appreciated.

I'm a civ noob. Just got it and only 30 hours played
Maybe you should start on difficulty level Chieftain, or even Settler. Try playing on a tiny map. As you don't mention a specific victory, I can't really give you any advice on strategies. Just keep in mind: don't ever neglect your military. Always have units ready to defend. Sign some defensive pacts and seek allies with strong militaries themselves. Furthermore, it's just practice. My first-ever victory on Prince was after 80 hours or something.
I really don't even know how to decide what victory to go for.. Should I have it in mind from the get go or should I decide after a certain turn?
Concentrate on your science (gained in CiV from population), this allows you to keep your options open and decide what your best potential victory is. It may be impossible to achieve a certain victory type, and many times i've had to rush a space race victory while rich-ass AI greece is snapping up city states left and right looking for a diplo, or bang out a culture victory, frantically repairing landmarks while it's raining nukes from a warlike enemy in an online game.

I also reccomend reading the fantastic 4 city tradition opener. The defacto starting guide for a tall empire.


Hope this basic stuff helps! I have more tips but don't want to take your whole day with stuff you may or may not already know.
Thanks a lot. I basically only know the basic basics, translating it to an in game situation is my current issue. Ill be giving that a read.
When people provide screenies on these 'I'm on warlord/prince/king and can't win' posts the answer always seems to be 'get your science buildings up sooner', 'scout around more', or 'build more units', but it sounds like a you're getting invaded rather than falling behind in tech. Since even beginning players are generally better at the AI at fighting, I find 5-7 ranged units is normally more than enough to defend yourself for most of the game on prince.
I agree with the poster that said scale back on the difficulty to understand the mechanics. I played every difficulty up to King, and I am now winning King somewhat regularly. Prince was the first difficulty where I felt that relationships mattered. Trade extra resources with the AI for gold and use that gold for units, buildings, or City-State relationships.

Smaller maps are easier too. I think my first game was Settler difficulty tiny map, me vs. one AI. My first King victory was a tiny map again, then I worked my way back up to standard.
A couple of "basic" strategies for you to employ to get you going:

The 1-2 city National College (NC) approach: There is a thread about it somewhere, but basically start 1 or 2 cities, build order Scout/Monument/Granary/Library. When you have a library in both, build your NC. You need to get your tech order sorted, include archery so you can buy an archer or two.

4 City Tradition: Lots of discussions about this one and a huge thread on the subject. After 100's of hours, this is still my mainstay strategy, but I do incorporate it with the NC strategy above, and sometimes wait until iron for my 4th city. I also sometimes substitute Liberty for tradition, or mix them both up.

Once you have your NC, your research should then bee line: Construction (for CB's), Education (for Universities) and Civil Service as it's a very strong tech.

After this you should be in a reasonably strong position to choose your VC, which will also depend on the Civ you're playing. I found that playing as Babylon on the above approach gave me 100% wins on King. Just watch your wonder building, and keep an eye on the size of your military. Post look outs a few hex's from your city to pick up on any potential raiders.

Make sure you get a religion and use your second Prophet to enhance it.

My wonder list is generally: The Oracle, Petra (situational), Chichen Itza, Hagia Sophia, Pisa, Porcelain Tower and Louvre. I won't get all of them, but they're the ones I look for.

Also important are: NC, Oxford University, Ironworks & Grand Temple.

That should set you up nicely.....
I'm in a game as Ethiopia right now and it's looking good. The score on the otherhand says the opposite, can anyone tell me how important score is? According to info addict, I'm leading in science, culture, and have the second best military. When I go to other civs to trade they almost always compliment my great economy, why is my score not as high? If anyone can answer that would be great, thanks.
Score is not that important. It is based mostly on land area, and wonders. Neither of which is necessary to win. Sounds like you are doing good based on leading in science. A good thing to keep in mind is if you are ahead in science you can have better army units than the AI. Having crossbows while they still have composite bows, will help any battles you have.
I'm in a game as Ethiopia right now and it's looking good. The score on the otherhand says the opposite, can anyone tell me how important score is? According to info addict, I'm leading in science, culture, and have the second best military. When I go to other civs to trade they almost always compliment my great economy, why is my score not as high? If anyone can answer that would be great, thanks.

As Ethiopia, you need to work the religion really hard. You should be one of the highest faith producers. Many of the faith buildings also give you culture, so it's a good line to follow. Get temples in every city then build the Grand Temple to push that faith. I tend to use faith to earn happiness or gold, if you have one you can afford the other :D
Ethiopia is the best civ to build a tall empire, and meanwhile infect the world with your religion. Its excellent for defensive play and a cultural victory. (although that is one of the hardest victory types, it is also very beneficial because of the policies you unlock). Piety is a must have for ethiopia.

As long as you keep a decent size military, the AI usually wont attack you. Ally with a close by CS to make invading you even harder.

I've got to say that prince is a lot easier than it was 1.5y ago. But yes, play on lower difficulty levels to learn the ropes
Note: The following summation is a loose guide and is flexible depending on your desired victory.

Production, Production, Production. I'd recommend playing as England (navy and spies), France (culture), or the Celts (faith) for your first go. Pick a standard-sized map; continents is best and found your capital city.

Build a monument for culture, go down the Liberty policy-track, and pump out 2-3 more warriors. Explore and gain experience from killing barbarians - keep one unit in your city to avoid any pillaging. Tech-wise, if you're not playing Boudicca, try for Animal Husbandry or Pottery first, and get the techs that will allow you to improve your tiles. Early gold, food, and production helps to no end.

Build a couple of military units and continue founding cities. By turn 75 or so, you should have at least three. Make sure you research writing fairly quickly (no need to rush though) and build libraries in your cities. Go for the early two military techs and then beeline for Philosophy - create the National College in your capital while still building military units or markets in your other cities. Watch your income and maintenance. You should have two -three workers by the time you complete the NC, and by then a military of about 8-9 assorted spearmen, archers, and (maybe) horsemen. Research mathematics for the catapult and station one in your capital.

Continue building yourself up - markets, lighthouses, WONDERS, etc. - but don't build unnecessary buildings (maintenance costs are high). When you've researched Iron Working and the tech required for Trebuchets, ATTACK your closest neighbor if your third or fourth cities border his lands; cripple him, and, if possible, take his capital. Now with him crippled, you will be relatively free to build up in a somewhat safe environment. Continue researching, building culture and science-related wonders, and make your way in the world.

If you see other civs who are close to victory, bribe their neighbors to war with them if you'd rather not attack yourself. Keep a siege weapon in your capital and stack a small but technologically-advanced navy off your coasts. You should be safe from invasion and in a comfortable position. As you near the industrial and modern eras, focus less on growth and more on production (workshops, factories, etc.) - buy coal from your neighbors if you absolutely have to. Round up a few CS allies (cultured, maritime, or mercantile) and build as many useful wonders as you can.

As you near a Scientific Victory, make sure you have a strong military and a respected diplomatic position. Stir up conflicts if you have to. Make sure you don't neglect happiness and culture growth.

Sorry for the short, choppy guide - but it should be enough to help you win!

Good luck! :)
Note: The following summation is a loose guide and is flexible depending on your desired victory.

Production, Production, Production. I'd recommend playing as England (navy and spies), France (culture), or the Celts (faith) for your first go. Pick a standard-sized map;

Sorry for the short, choppy guide - but it should be enough to help you win!

Good luck! :)

on prince or king maybe? :rolleyes:

Come on, get a siege unit and put it in cap? What for?

Continents is easiest? And what do you do with a runaway on the other side of the world?

Production?.....:confused: is meaningless, it comes as a result of growth and not as priority, grow you cities for high science, gold and production.

Wonders are nice, get what you can but don't neglect growth and infrastructure.

Do beeline NC and education though. Do attack and take over a neighbor, just do it with CB and few melee. Prioritize science techs and buildings and staff scientist slots and this will serve you long past prince diff.

And build a scout first, to find CS, good terrain to settle, AI to trade with and RUINS.
If you have room for few nice cities take tradition, if you plan on warring and big puppet empire liberty works well.
on prince or king maybe? :rolleyes:

Come on, get a siege unit and put it in cap? What for?

Continents is easiest? And what do you do with a runaway on the other side of the world?

Production?.....:confused: is meaningless, it comes as a result of growth and not as priority, grow you cities for high science, gold and production.

Wonders are nice, get what you can but don't neglect growth and infrastructure.

Actually, I like to build my capital in an area with a lot of hils so I can get production. You can have 20 pop in your capital but if you have nothing but food/water tiles you're not going to produce very much.....

And when not at war, I will often place siege units in a capital, allowing me to kill barbs in 1 turn.
If you really want to learn and improve, don't play on lower difficulties. They will contribute nothing but bad habits, e.g. overusing happiness. Watch some high level LP's instead. There is a link in my sig.

^^ This

I've only been playing since January of this year and I've improved the most by playing at the higher levels. I'm now on Immortal and my skills continue to improve.

Also, like Pilgrim says, watch some of the top Let's Plays and see how they roll.

Keep your cities growing and focus on units and buildings that will help you reach your victory of choice. Building/acquiring workers to get the tiles improved early is key. Make sure you are getting your lux online and improve all your food tiles/farms ASAP.

Sell lux and extra resources early to buy workers/settlers. Get 3-4 cites up as soon as possible so they can grow and get your National College up to kick-off your science.

I can't stress it enough to watch some good Let's plays.
Actually, I like to build my capital in an area with a lot of hils so I can get production. You can have 20 pop in your capital but if you have nothing but food/water tiles you're not going to produce very much.....

And when not at war, I will often place siege units in a capital, allowing me to kill barbs in 1 turn.

I am not saying build your cap in flat grasslands, there usually is enough hills and resources to build things, sure it's slower sometimes but workable. If you work your mines early you won't have a pop 20 cap before one of your neighbors comes over and takes it because you did not prioritize growth and science. My rough guide is to work all 3+ food tiles before any that give only production. But I will work all high yielding food plus production tiles like pastures. After initial period of low production your cap gets huge and can work those tiles. And all you really need to build is monument, granny, library, NC and some archers.

I see the point now of siege in cap, but there should not be many barbs by that time, you should have cleared camps as soon as you get CS quests and hope for more to spawn.
^^ This

I've only been playing since January of this year and I've improved the most by playing at the higher levels. I'm now on Immortal and my skills continue to improve.
Well, I didn't suggest to play exclusively on higher levels, but definitely not below prince. Game rules are very different when you don't need to manage your happiness.
Production?.....:confused: is meaningless, it comes as a result of growth and not as priority, grow you cities for high science, gold and production.

Really now? Have you ever settled on grasslands without hills or full jungle tiles? Enormus pop/science but a university will take 30 turns to build. How can you hope to cope with that late game?

A balanced city is the best.
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