I don't know. Creativity is not really my thing.

Johannes Moebus, Iron Duke VII of the Iron Fleet, sits at the bridge of Homeship 1, reading a Dersite paper and nursing a cup of steaming Alman coffee.

The headlines are intriguing today. Something about a "Kiss My Ass" incident between Utopia and the State. The Skaians have mobilized, and war could break out. And war means work......

"Wilhelm, get me the latest mining reports," Moebus demands. What went for a fortune in Derse yesterday may not for a while more. No one has time for colorful sky crystals when there is ammunition to be made.

Wilhelm has returned. Moebus holds the thin stack of paper for a minute, reflecting on how soft the leather of the chair is, how busy all of the navigators and administrators below him in the command center are, how filled the sky is with the harsh black curves of the Iron Fleet, and above all how fortunate he is to have command of it all.

Nothing much in the initial reports today. Next destination intended to be Huzyck, in perhaps the most crystal dense part of the sky. No point in mining those if they are already found. Mining division head has directed for mining ships to mine iron.

Convenient, Moebus thinks.

"Wilhelm, order a change of course."

Wilhelm Reiss, Head Secretary to the Iron Duke, is over from his place at the Duke's side in an instant.

"To where, sir?"


"Ahh. Of course."

"And Wilhelm?"


"One more thing - tell the Manufacturer General to commission three million rounds of ammunition in the 15 centimeter caliber. Give the Miner General a pat on the back and tell him to continue with his current plans. Tell the Statesman General to get together a show of force. We're going to play mercenary for a while."
OOC: Time to make things even more interesting with a new "nation"

On the Landless

By Sir Canton, Historian Extraordinaire

While most of the people of this world have well documented histories there is one that still remains a mystery to all, the Landless. The reason for the lack of knowledge is their unfortunate habit of boarding first and negotiating never and their superior arms will likely see this trend continue. What little we know is due to dedicated observations and the rare prisoner from an unsuccessful boarding. I have gone to great lengths to track down first hand accounts of all those who have claimed to have knowledge of the Landless and have recorded my findings here.

Physical Traits
The distinctive red eyes of the Landless is probably the most widespread fact regarding the Landless. Beyond their unique eye color little else separates the Landless from the common man. I suspect there may be other differences in physique but the rarity of corpses make finding out a difficult task.

The current home of the Landless is obvious fact, any child can tell you that the Landless live on massive Relics that roam the sky. I speculate that these Relics function as flying cities for the Landless and most likely supply both food a water for them. How many of these massive Relics exist are unknown but it is unlikely that they exist in great numbers as Landless are typically encountered using smaller Relics which are used as raiding vessals. The obvious question is where did they come from before they roamed the sky? This question still alludes me. From what I've gathered their homeland was destroyed or ruined some how. I don't know if this "homeland" refers to their nation or perhaps the actual land mass. Though if it is the latter the implications are staggering.

The chief belief among the Landless is that they are the inheritors of the of the airships that were left behind from what they see as a divine race. They seem to tolerate other people using the airships up until they decided that they have greater need of the ship, then our right to them seems to be forfeit. Their are numerous reports the Landless seizing ships typically when the ship is isolated or after it has engaged in combat with another ship when their targets forces are depleted. After taking the ship using advance personal weapons they generally let the survivors escape using balloons making it clear that they only care for the ships. The one exception to their careful preservation of the airships is whenever they encounter a newly made airship, or "Shinies" as they are often called. Their typical response is to blow the ship and all those aboard them out of the sky. Testimony from a captured Landless indicates that these new ships are seen as a blasphemy which must be destroyed.

Little else is known about the Landless but up until recently they have been content to mostly coexist with us except for when they feel that they need an airship in another's possession. However with the recent progresses in industry and science I foresee a violent future regarding the Landless.
The city state of Kalpanga sits on one of the most mineral rich mountains in this world. Once, Kalpanga was a massive relic leading a mining fleet similar to the Iron Fleet, but the opportunities of this island drew the ships closer and closer into it's embrace. Finally, about fifty years ago when the first crude shinies were built, the Kalpanga and it's most loyal ships willingly turned off their engines and landed, fully investing into the mines they found. Other captains refused to give up the mobility of their lifestyle, and drifted off to form smaller roving fleets, several of whom eventually joined the growing power of the Iron Fleet.

Kalpanga's heart consists of several beached airships, composing the political, economic and social center of the city. The engines of these buildings are still active, as can be seen during the Mutiny of 3544, where miners on strike attacked one of the buildings, activated the engines, and were lifted off the pages of history. Surrounding these are various wooden buildings, which are partially or completely faced with brick as time goes on.

Kalpanga still retains their nomadic fleet power structure.

What is noteworthy is that Kalpanga does NOT have a defensive fleet of it's own. It is rare that another Nomadic Fleet would wish to sour their relationship to the open leadership at Kalpanga by attacking (and risk becoming so weak as to become targets as well). And it is even rarer that another state would risk becoming a target by all the Nomadic Fleets by attacking as well, for any policy above "We did ours, you dig yours, no taxes, enjoy!" is certainly to rouse their anger.

The Nomadic Fleets speak for the mercenary/mining/manufacturing complexes such as the Iron Fleet. These are different than The Landless insofar as the Nomadic Fleets retain communication with current technology, and they participate in civilized society, economy, and policy. Although some Nomadic Fleets are sponsored by a state, most are their own thing, and many are willing to turn pirate during hard times.
Beyond the endless sky islands, great empires and displaced peoples, on what seems to be the edge of the earth, lies what could almost be described as a pontoon, a platform, of air-going vessels of all kinds. Bridges link them together, and above the ships a platform has been placed, where people from all the corners of the world gather to trade, talk, debate, politik, commit crime, perform justice and ply the thousand trades; the Cloudbreakers' Association operates a chapter here, in a tall building right at the centre of the platform level. The 'island' has never obtained an official name, but colloquially has become known as 'the Last Port'. Beyond is only sky, filled increasingly with greyer, darker clouds as one sails on into the unknown...
One of the last sky-continents to be colonised by the Great Guilds is the land of Terranova, or the New World. The Great Guilds and other powers have largely carved up Terranova for profit, maintaining colonies and fortresses across the continent. However, a few pockets of resistance still remain, fighting against the Guilds and their exploitation.

One such island of resistance is the kingdom of Bergh Fairghul, nestled in the Maghil mountains that tower over Terranova. The Fairghuls are a race of large, beefy men and women, sporting red hair and beards. They have resisted the colonisation of Terranova thanks to the fierce warlike natures - the Fairghuls warred with the other tribes and peoples of the Maghil long before the Guilds arrived.

The Fairghul have been slow to take up the airship, preferring to fight on land, where they can feel the sold earth between their feet. They were, however, fast adopters of the rifle and the firearm, combining it with their great swords to become a terror to their enemies. The mountains are hard to take by air, and guild colonists, explorers and colonists must trek on foot across the mountains, and their treacherous passes. This is where the Fairghul excel, attacking travellers who seek to take their ancestral lands by force.

These are dark days for the Fairghul, however. The world is changing, mechanising, and mobilising. Great war-engines now churn out from the factories of the Guilds and the State, seeking conquest. Unbeknownst to them, but known to Guild prospectors, the kingdom sits on some of the largest deposits of Chromium in the world. And with the war between Utopia and the State coming, Chromium will be valuable for the construction of Shinies and other weapons of war. Perhaps the Fiarghul's tenuous independence will soon be a thing of the past, perhaps not. It all depends on them.
10/4/3552, Guarden of Knowledge, Capital of Utopia

"Well, this isn't what I expected."

"What's the problem, Gerald? The Council has accepted your idea..."

"Yeah. But Dick, I didn't picture myself doing it myself..."

"And your offer to volunteer for the job." finished Richard Ph.D, "For which the Utopian Council shall be supremely grateful."

"Damnit! I knew I shouldn't have mixed brandy and tea." muttered Gerald. He took a sip from a metal canteen before continuing, "Only a few days left before my family dies with a bang instead of a whimper. Only a few days before I die before achieving my doctorate degree, and end the dishonorable history of my line."

Richard gently placed a hand on his fellow Utopian, "Contrary to the fact, you have been awarded an honorary Ph.D as well as an Certificate of Prosperity, First Class for your presumed actions. Now come, the Iron Fleet will arrive in a few days. You will convince them to lead a night attack at their cruising formation in the attempt to stall the Statists while we find the credit to pay for their new ships, and you shall detonate once you come to the heart of the fleet itself."

"And my family name will be cleansed?"

"And your family name will be cleansed."
13/4/3552 The Confederate Caller


In a confirmed report from our foreign correspondent at Utopia, the Iron Fleet has docked at the Utopian Skydock and even as we speak, the Iron Duke Johannes Moebus has entered into talks with the officially appointed spokesperson of the Utopian Council, Gerald, Ph.d. This has led to both the State issuing their Ultimatium to the Utopia, as well as the Skaian League promising Utopian independence from the State. News also come of delicate negotiation between our own Scattered Confederation's ambassador and the Utopian high professor Richard on their relationship in this tumultuous time. More on International Events I6.


Commodore Hornsucker is a free-lance commander of a small nomadic fleet of two relics and seven shinies. While under license by Prince Dorofey of the Begganbeg Empire, he apparently was attacked by a massive fleet of Landless relics, utterly crushing his shinies and capturing one of his relics. The Actuarian Guild accuses him of falsifying such a grievous loss in the attempt to collect insurance money. More on Fringe Skyways F3.


The glamorous and well traveled Princeling Georgeos, famous for his patronage of sky-knights and the Cloud Breakers, declares a long running affair with State Secretary Harris Kumdinger of the island-state of Wentrum. This scandal broke after he slapped his bethrothed wife, Duchess of Lyon, last weak. This hero was almost immediately disinherited by his father and fled to Wentrum, where he plans his next moves. More on Celebrity Misfortunes on C8.
The Commandless Commodore
'Who can say what lies out there, far below our feet, beneath the skies we call home? What secrets lie beyond the dangerous skies of the north? We will never know, unless we are prepared to witness the willful sacrifice of life in the noble pursuit of truth. Sacrifices must be made." - an acolyte at the Cloud Breakers' Chapter of the Last Port, during their meeting of 18/4/3552

All kinds dock at the Last Port, from the nobles of Begganbeg, undergoing business or politics, to the well-off middle class of Serek and the merchants of the Skaian League. The first rule of the Last Port is 'mind your own business'. That said, some reckless fool will often come fresh off a merchant ship, determined to find out everything he can about other people. This kind of behaviour is not welcomed. Particularly coming from a down-on-his-luck commodore who has lost half of his command.

Unbelievably, though, it had happened. The cocky young lad had come to Sars' mechanicals shop on the Base Level, lingering by people's conversations, eavesdropping on everybody in the room. Only Sars had realised: the kid was looking for something. Better help him. In a sense of: stop him getting himself killed.

'Can I help you?'

The young man looked around, startled. Up close he looked older, his face weather-beaten and flecked with water droplets, his hair unruly, leaves stuck in it in odd places. Probably a sailor, one of those idiots who'd tried breaching the clouds to the north of the Last Port.

He gathered his wits after a while, then spoke. 'As a matter of fact, yes. Could you tell me where the Cloud Breakers' building is?

That simple? 'Right up on the top tier. Pretty much exactly in the centre. It's a fracking heavenscraper. You can't miss it.'

'Thanks for your help, kind sir. I'll be going there now, then.' He walked out, pushing one of the double doors forward with his cane, painted a very light grey. It was only later that Sars realised the significance of it.

The commodore was blind.
Reiss turns.
"We are doing what!?"

Moebus sits, calmly as ever, nursing a cup of his coffee.
"I said we were fighting as mercenaries, not allies. Turns out that the State is surprisingly generous."

Reiss nods.
"Shall I fetch Luftmarschall Waldecker?"

"Yes, I suppose so. We need to do this the right damn way. You might also want to fetch our new friend Commandant Corrian; we have some topics of great import to discuss."

Reiss departs. A few moments later the thumping clang of heavy boots on metal stairs fills Moebus' ears. The doorway behind the chair divulges Luftmarschall Waldecker, highest ranking military officer of the Iron Fleet.

"You had a plan?" Waldecker asks.

"Yes. It is simple. We need advance scouts to depart now and contact the State. I suggest sending your most trusted officer and men for this mission; we must do it in secrecy. In other terms, put the envoys from Utopia - particularly that Gerald man - on a cruiser. Not a homeship, a cruiser, you hear me?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Well, when we exit the sight range of Utopia itself, you are to imprison those men. Shoot anyone who offers resistance, but keep that Gerald fellow alive. Interrogation could offer some good intelligence."

"Yes sir."

"Share the news of the change in targets with only your most trusted officers. Under no circumstances are they allowed off ship."

"Yes sir."

Waldecker turns and leaves. By the time he has reached the bottom of the stairs, Moebus can hear two pairs of boots tramping up the stairs. That would be Corrian and Reiss. A satisfied smile on his face, he turns in the chair.

The Iron Fleet steams on.
Republic of Aurgest
An "old-world" state roughly analagous in cultural motif and feel to imperial Spain, Aurgest was once a kingdom compromised of various feudatory states held in thrall by the royal family to whom they owed their loyalty. However, in recent years, the technocratic guilds of Aurgest seized varying degrees of political power as well as social authority culminating in a coup d'etat and the abolition of the monarchy as well as the aristocracy. The technocrats were quick to use the resources at their disposal to purge the new state of all enemies of the revolution, arguably freeing the Aurgestine people from centuries of pseudo-feudal oppression, but commissioning one of the most significant bloodbaths in history. These acts of heroism, or at least sponsorship of the poor and downtrodden in Aurgest, earned the technocrats the fanatical loyalty of the people. Expansion of the definition of "enemies of the revolution" to Ludeists and other undesirables has seen, in recent years, a protracted and systematic campaign of political and cultural repression in the name of the Republic. A "generalissimo" elected by representatives of the technocrat guilds has been appointed with dictatorial powers in order to protect the Republic and its citizens. The Aurgestines now owe their loyalty to Generalissimo Fidras Costelli, whose followers now call themselves the Costellinas -- whether the technocrats will embrace or be alarmed by the preference of the Generalissimo to the guilds is yet to be seen.
OOC: Just noting that I really like how the world is coming about and the little devious plots, plans, and character development already popping up! I would also like to say that everyone has equal creative input in the development of the story. This means a few things. It could mean that writing an epic but implausible event might have it allowed simply because of rule of cool. It could mean that something you worked on quite some time gets called out and eventually rejected. It could also mean that people might be slightly afraid in moving the plot forward. Although the first two are fine, the last should be avoided. If you don't know how your plot twist/development will be accepted, I would suggest posting it in a "news story" style format, with a note that you will expand on it later. You can also simply try to use Rule of Cool to make it pass. ;)

Anyway, we're starting to feel a bit for a map. Doesn't have to be detailed and should have plenty of room for undetailed areas, but should put the current major players in perspective. If no one wants to give a try on the map (and again, each player can utilize any other player's maps to the extent that they wish) I will see what I can do this weekend.
Hope this is good.

The Scrap Iron Armada

Fiercely nomadic, the Scrap Iron Armada steams with a cobbled together fleet of ancient warships, isolated and alone amongst the skies. Some of them tell tales of an ancient Exile that may soon come again and bring them into a new era, but for the moment, their hordes of hundreds if not thousands of ships sail in what appears to be an unguided pattern as they trace their spindly route from one end of the skies to others. While many parts of the Scrap Iron Armada are old and decrepit, they have some few diamonds in the rough, as well as carrying civilians onboard in order to assist the ships in flight, as the entire population of the Scrap Iron nation has set forth and put to the skies to carve a new dawn for them, and let their own past sink into twilight.

The World Tree

Not really a tree, but a titanic range of mountains jutting into the heavens that extend like the fingers of a fallen titan and claw at the clouds. Wrapped and wreathed in shadow and cloud cover, the World Tree expanse is the closest thing to home that the Scrap Iron Armada has at this point. Many wounded ships will limp back to the World Tree no matter the distance, and the few rocky and tiny islands that populate the area around the World Tree have been converted into shipyards and ports to keep the airships that come to them safe and able to fly and touch the clouds once more. With this known, the ships of the Scrap Iron Armada (though divided on political, social, and cultural grounds in many areas) have made pacts to come and gather together should the World Tree and it's tiny island homes be threatened.
Anyway, we're starting to feel a bit for a map. Doesn't have to be detailed and should have plenty of room for undetailed areas, but should put the current major players in perspective. If no one wants to give a try on the map (and again, each player can utilize any other player's maps to the extent that they wish) I will see what I can do this weekend.

I need a pet project - I'd love to do this! I can add stuff to the map as we fill in the details through RP.



OOC: You can detail this event, aftershocks, whatever. We gotta keep this alive. I'm sick. What's your excuse?
OOC: You can detail this event, aftershocks, whatever. We gotta keep this alive. I'm sick. What's your excuse?

I found the first one far more engrossing, I think because it was Earth for me. Just not into this fantasy world feel very much. The first one was amazing for its short period of time.
For some reason, when I have time to do things like NESing, I lose a lot of the motivation to do it... I still intend to do the map though.
The first one was more engrossing to me as well. And the place where we sort of stagnated made me a bit apprehensive about adding anything to the conflict, out of fear of doing some state or another incorrectly.
1) I guess people are too used to playing one state at a time. Thus they not only feel possessive about their "own" inventions, but also are afraid at intruding on someone "else's" work, even though in a community worldbuilding game like this it should be free for all.

2) Fantasy seems to open it a bit way too far while basing it on the real world keeps it grounded enough to "make sense" but free enough to explore.

I dunno if I, or anyone else, will start a third one. But if I did I'll keep the ground rules here and make it Earth. I think, whether it is i just me or someone else, I will keep a "tally" of basic background info.

I really want people to loosen up and just express themselves WHILE respecting history and other players WITHOUT fearing or limiting themselves BY integrating their own ideas and established traditions together WITHIN a reasonable timeframe. I guess that is the main goal of these attempts.

Both of these worlds are interesting caricatures and I will consider making them into full NESes as they hit my fancy.
i'm still interested, its just that I'm trying to avoid doing the State since my last ten updates were about it but I'm out of other ideas...

Might hack out a story at some point in the near future, dunno though.
Account of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Promethean Society
As recounted by
Korlin Oltermar, PS

[Translators note: The society is actually named for the Classical god Nizrik, who gave light to mortals in defiance of his mothers edict, I have replaced this with a deity more familiar to a Tellurian readership]

Day Three
I was fortunate enough to receive an invitation to a presentation by the esteemed explorer Captain Rakkad Outis on his next expedition. I was shown to the Doltzter Library and offered a most excellent brandy.
Within the library the central reading tables had been cleared, except for one which had been cleared of the usual paraphernalia, replaced with a large brass model of an airship of peculiar design. At the bow was a large dome and the entire body was covered in vanes. A network of what appeared to be pipework was latticed across the surface and at the stern was what was unmistakeably the exhaust port of a galvanic generator. The other invitees and I were crowded around the model to examine the details closely when Captain Outis made his entrance.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," he began, "if you will take your seats I will begin."

We all reluctantly retreated to the comfortable chairs arranged in a hemicircle around the table, society waiters unobtrusively refilling any snifters that were low.

"I am sure you are all wondering precisely what I am planning this time." Said Outis.

"Damn straight," exclaimed a somewhat older member, Dertriss I believe his name was, "what are you up to now?"

"It is my intention to set sail in the vessel this model is based on two months tomorrow. I will sail south for three days to ensure a safe distance from any sub-nebular promontories and set course into the clouds.
"The Persephone [Translators note: Again I have replaced the actual name, in this case Distis, with that of an equivalent Tellurian deity] has been designed and constructed using the most modern structural techniques and materials to withstand pressures up to four thousand tarels which I have calculated should allow descent to depths of up to thirty detets, based on pressure measurements taken by previous expeditions."

"Gods, man, that's twice the depth of any previous expedition!" Sputtered my friend Joolan Aves. "They lasted two months. How are you going to take enough supplies for a four month voyage?"

"The Persephone has been designed with that in mind. For a start the voyage will not be four months. Previous expeditions have used modern engines but I secured salvage rights to the wreck of the Kalitash so the Persephone will be using a relic engine, which should shorten the voyage considerably. Secondly we will only be carrying minimal amounts of water, if I may return your attention to the model.
"The vanes you were all inspecting so earnestly are condensation plates to draw liquid water out of the clouds we will be travelling in. The pipework will direct the condensate to the pressure vessel here." At this point Outis placed a hand on the dome and slid it open. "The condensate will pool here and once sufficient has been collected atmosphere will be vented from the pressure vessel it is equalised with the ships pressure. At that point the collected condensate will be pumped into the ship where a galvanic distillery will separate potable water from any harmful chemicals that may be present in the lower cloud levels."

"And food?" Followed up Joolan.

"The most part of the rations shall be dessicated to maximise the amount that can be carried. If the lower levels also contain wildlife we hope to replenish our foodstocks with these," he indicated a pair of tethered harpoons inside the pressure vessel.

"Is there any purpose of the expedition beyond gaining yourself more plaudits, Outis?" Asked Mell Kait.

"Indeed." Responded Outis. "Current Ground-theory posits that Ground should be located between twenty-five and thirty-two detets down, as such we should be able to confirm the existence of Ground, even if we are not able to land. We will also be taking atmospheric, biological and, hopefully, soil samples for scientific analysis. On a more immediately practical level this will be a trial for technologies to be used in the navy's proposed sub-nebular fleet to defend us should the current conflicts spill into our lap."

At this point most of the important questions had been covered so I stood.

"A most enterprising venture, captain. I believe I speak for all present when I say we wish you all the best fortune." A round of "hear, hears"s came from the rest of the audience. I raised my glass, "to your success."

The toast was echoed and then there was a creaking of chairs and chinking of glass-on-glass as snifters were refilled and the attendees stood to shake hands with the captain and give him their best wishes for the voyage.
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