I hope that in next patch will resolve memory allocation problem


Zaphod Beeblebrox
Jun 25, 2007
I hope that in next patch will resolve memory allocation problem.Thanks Bhruic for everything.I wonder if(or someone else) he can resolve memory allocation,so we can enjoy completely.Greetings to all CivFanatcs...
It's been a memory leaker since vanilla, can't see any reason for that to change now!
Vanilla was horrible when it first came out, but BTS seems to be much better. After playing for a few hours, I don't notice anything left on the heap. They also differ doing some AI calculations till during your turn, rather than all at the beginning so that late game on big maps don't slow down.
Vanilla was horrible when it first came out, but BTS seems to be much better.
Same here. With 1 GB of RAM, I have no problems even playing super-huge maps. The only thing to keep in mind is that I need to go back to the main menu if I want to reload a savegame. Loading a savegame from within a running game takes ages and is prone to crashes. But since I very rarely reload games, that hasn't been more than a very, very minor annoyance for me.

After playing for a few hours, I don't notice anything left on the heap.
How do you check this? Is there a freeware tool that can log and analyze heap memory usage? That would be handy.
Haha, good luck with getting the memory leak fixed.

My computer always goes kaput around 1850 on large maps.
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