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I make too many friends...

The Fjonis

Jan 8, 2005
Trondheim, Norway

I've only played 3 multiplayer games so far, but the same thing occurred in all the games. Basically, I've found out that I am very good at making friends. The tone in all the games has been really positive and kind -- people chatting, trading etc. Which is all well and good -- up till the point when it's time to declare war on someone.

I don't know if it's only me being over-sensitive or what (probably it is), but it feels sort of weird to "backstab" the people I've been trading with, chatting with etc beforehand. Today, for example, I was by far the strongest civ, and in order to reach the second largest civ, I had to either go through the territory of a much weaker civ (only 3 cities), or go by boat. So I decided to wipe the weakling off the map on my way. He went really sore about it... I felt I'd ruined the guy's day. Think about it - he'd just invested 4 hours of hist life into building up a civ, and there I come, wiping him off the map during a matter of turns. :(

Now, I know this is probably me being foolish, but still... I think I'll consider it carefully before I declare war on weakling civs in the future, and I'll also be much clearer from the start on whom to keep good relationships and whom to attack, so that they get sort of a pre-warning. I think that is only fair.

Because at the end of the day, civ multi is supposed to be an enjoyable experience to everyone -- not just a few.:)
@Fjonis: The only way I'll play multi is cooperative vs. the computer. It doesn't give me any pleasure to attack someone I know and moreso it stresses me out.

So yeah, I agree.
I wanted to answer this post. I wanted to point out some things about playing this kinda of game. But then again, I don't want to make you cry so I'll pass. Sorry guys.
Well, one easy way to get around this is to play in teams. THen, when you declare war against another team, well, you have half the responsibility. It's true, sometimes you won't attack a player just because you have affinities with him but if HE takes it wrong, well, maybe he's just not a good player at all.
Fjonis, I know what you mean. I have met some really great people in these games but attack them anyway! I do keep my same personality in all my PBEMs so people will know what to expect. What I do with my friends is we play games like "Always war" which means as soon as we meet each other we declare war on them and can never make peace. Or I have played in team games where before the game even started we broke up teams into teams of 2 so you knew who your friends were, and who your enemies were. It's a lot of fun and I recommend you try that. That way you don't have to backstab your friend.
I love chatting with people and having a good game, but at the end of the day there can only be one winner and you have to expect to be attacked at some point in the game, even by a friendly neighbor. Yes, it can SUCK ... hell, even if the AI does it and takes a few cities it can be cause to quit out ... but it is, afterall, the point of the game and if anyone can't reconcile themselves to that, they shouldn't be playing.

And, ultimately, you'll earn yourself the reputation of being friendly in the early stages of the game, but aggressive later on, so people you play with will learn to hit you before you hit them ... things will even out.
Haha... I know what you say

But I'm neither a victim nor a example of overunning other people's civs in multiplayer so =P
Yeah, sound advice you're offering here. I played 2 team games today, and it was a lot of fun!! The teams really cooperated nicely, and things worked perfectly. No matter how good you make an AI, single player can never beat a good team game on multiplayer. It gives you so much more to fight for, and brings the whole game to a completely different level. I'm lovin' it!! :)

Enjoy your multiplayer experience, everyone. I know for sure I am!
Personally, I love playing it solo. Or enable Permenant alliances so if you make a really good friend late game, you can set it in stone. Something about team games take away the feeling of independance and self satisfaction, in my opinion. Though I still make alliances and friends diplomatically ingame, I don't like the idea of it being set from the start. Feels unnatural. Anyway, They wouldn't be playing civ if they wanted to be baby'ed. There's no situation that's impossible to get out of. He should have sued for peace and offered you complete loyalty and aid or should have made friends with AI's.

There is no call for being a sore loser.

Learn from your mistakes and, most importantly, from your enemy.
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