I must confess...


Jump jump on the tiger!
Feb 8, 2009
I have been avoiding all of the big balance mods and economy mods so far. I had been sticking to just the Unofficial Patch and the UI stuff. I wanted to at least have some idea how the core game flowed before trying mods(just to keep pace with the community if nothing else). After I realized that I was starting to hate Civ5 more and more I finally loaded up Thal's various Balance mods in a desperate bid to stay interested.

'Oh Em Gee' as they say. Thalassicus has already done the game so much good. I think it may be reasonable to ask Firaxis to simply adopt the majority of Thal's changes outright. The aqueduct and the improved Great Person improvements alone already make a night and day difference.

Firaxis, just do this stuff. I've looked it high and low and I'm not sure there is actually one thing Thal's mods do that isn't at least a slight improvement. You'll need to do more than *just* this, but this isn't a bad start.
Hmm I also hope that firaxis will adopt many of the good mods because without it i think it will cause many problems when activating a lot of them....
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