I need advice on my game


Jan 19, 2010
But first can someone tell me how to post my game on here so others can see it? I really dont feel like writing about everything thats going on.
Welcome! You can post a save and that is a good way to let people look and give advice. Hit reply, then scroll down to "Additional Options and find the "Manage Attachments" button. Click on that and you can browse and find your save and upload it. A quick description of your dilemma will also help.

I had to learn to attach a save to explain, so you get a save from my current game :)


  • Derp AD-1847.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1,006.2 KB · Views: 40
It said I didn't own any attachments, whatever I'll just try to explain. I'm playing as Rome on a Noble large 4 continent map that started off with i think 14 civs, not sure though, it could be 12 or 13. And every victory condition is on besides time. It's 1958 and I own 40 cities, my own continent. I'm number one in everything besides diplo and troops but i'm a close second in troops, plus I've turned a large chunk of empire into a war machine so I'm pumping out an average of 5-7 units per turn. So basicaly, I'm kicking ass. But through out the whole game since ive been focused on warfare Ive never been the lead in techs so right now theres 4 nations that are 2 or 3 techs ahead of me. But my primary concerns are egypt and inca with about 15 cites each and not that far behind in score. I'm going for a domination victory and the problem is if i invade either of them since im spread out so thin the maintence cost will destroy my whole economy and ultimatly my empire(ive already placed the palace and forbiden palace in the best places too.) So what should I do?
If you're not making heavy use of corporations, you could switch to state property. Eliminates distance to palace and colonial upkeep costs completely, as well as boosting workshops and watermills - in itself good for a domination victory, since more hammers means more units. Otherwise, you can also spin off all cities you own on a particular landmass as a colony, which becomes your vassal, or make your enemies capitulate to you and then gift them back the cities you conquered. Either way, this means you get half the population/land value of these lands to count towards the domination criteria, without worrying about maintenance costs.
Oh ok thanks I totally forgot about state property, im just so use to using universal sufferage every game I play. I cant use corparations and I cant vassalize though. I lost my copy of bts so im stuck with original civ 4 lol.
Oh ok thanks I totally forgot about state property, im just so use to using universal sufferage every game I play. I cant use corparations and I cant vassalize though. I lost my copy of bts so im stuck with original civ 4 lol.

Universal Suffrage is compatible with State Property, they're different kinds of civics.

Also, if you still have Beyond the Sword installed on your computer, just patch it with v3.19 as with this official patch you won't require the CD to play.
Yeah I got the civics mixed up lol. Thanks for the advice but my computers memory got wiped clean so I cant do that, Im just gonna have to stop being lazy and go out and buy it this week. Actually I was thinking of getting civ 5 too but after reading somethings on this site and hearing everyone trash it I dunno if I should, do you think civ 5 is worth it?
That's a question you want to ask here.

I can try and save you the trouble of telling you right now that, as of now, you really shouldn't bother with Civ5, it's just not worth it, but then again I also think you should try and listen to the community as a whole to help you make the best decision.
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