I play monarch SP, looking for a weekly MP game


Aug 11, 2006
I can win 97%+ of the time on prince, and monarch is my current difficulty level. Sometimes I win on monarch, sometimes I lose. Is anyone else at roughly this difficulty level? I usually play standard size/epic games. I don't like the Blazing turn setting. I'm looking for a weekly MP game, and I live in the EST zone. Or, if none like this exist, I'd like to start one.

Edit: I have Warlords EP
What time of day in EST and day of the week would you be playing? I'm from Australia but keep very odd hours and I can often make time for civ.
Well, so far orangedude, zarakand, and vilemerchant are interested. I think orange & zara can both do thursdays 7pm (EST) or so. Most nights I can play from 7pm EST on. I'm usually available weekend afternoons too.
I played with Doug over the weekend it was a lot of fun. Can all of us coordinate for this Thursday 9/28 at 7pm EST?
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