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I want to hear from Firaxis


Nov 23, 2009
OK, so we've had a lot of criticism on these boards. I was one of many who did not like Civ 5; I checked this forum probably 20 times a day before it came out, but I was so disappointed I haven't played since Thursday. It's definitely the biggest entertainment-related disappointment I can remember.

Judging from the polls, about 1/4 to 1/3 of this forum (a forum of die-hard Civilization series loyalists who pre-ordered without a second thought) also does not like the game very much either.

At this point, it is not clear if the streamlining/dumbing down/whatever is the result of a deliberate decision to attract casuals, or because they didn't really have time to finish the game.

The company, for a variety of cynical marketing reasons, cannot tell us the true answer if it something like "yes we couldn't finish on time but shipped it anyway for the money!" And that is perfectly fine with me. I'm an adult, I understand the way the world works and why they have to behave the way they do. I even understand why they might have to ship an unfinished product, especially during a recession. They've built up enough goodwill with me over the years that I'd forgive them if they were still committed to improving the game.

Their response will basically tell us their motivation. If they were trying to attract casuals, then that means that the company is happy with the product and game design largely the way it is, even if lots of long-time fans are seriously disappointed. If that is the case, the likelihood of them ever changing it is basically zero since we are not their target market. On the other hand (the hand we all hope for), is that they just ran out of time, and the odds are good that the game might still end up being "finished".

So I would like to hear from Firaxis about how they feel about Civ launch and what their plan is going forward. A lot of it will be empty marketing, and again, we are all adults and understand that that is OK and a symptom of the modern world.

But what exactly they say should give an indication of whether or not Civ 5 is something they are proud of, or something they are committed to fixing.

The big question is, when will we here from them? I'm really surprised I'm making this topic; it's been almost a week and despite all the complaining, no clamoring for an official statement?

I guess I'll start the clamoring! :) Please clamor along with me, perhaps it will make some sort of difference?

Moderator Action: Edited the title - please refrain from user-specific threads/titles. Talking about Firaxis/2k in general is okay.
I guess I'll start the clamoring! :) Please clamor along with me, perhaps it will make some sort of difference?

I hate to break it to you, but someone else started the clamoring last Tuesday at about 12:01am. There's a few dozen threads like these out there, maybe use those to post your complaints.

2K and Firaxis aren't going to come talk to you, I'm sorry. Like you said: you're an adult, you know how the world works.

Best of luck.
Greg is far more likely to respond at the official forums, he even made a post here just before launch saying that he would be focusing his efforts there.
if 1/3 to 1/4 of the people posting on these forums don't like the game, then 2/3 to 3/4 do like the game and one could assume that most of the regulars that normally post on this board, are not posting because they are playing the game and enjoying it.

Keep in mind, the silent majority has nothing to complain about while the loud minority complains about, in most cases, non-issues.

I love the game, it has a few flaws, but I trust Firaxis to iron those out over the next few patches.
Especially not right now when people are so hot.

Unless Greg came by and said the following:

"People...here me! We at 2k games have done you a terrible wrong, but we have rekindled the old magics, and have completed a great task.

As I send you this edict, your Civ game is being updated with a patch that will fix all of your heart's concerns. But if your heart still wavers, if you still seek justice in the face of a terrible wrong, fear not!

For those who wish to give up this civ cup and walk another path, then we shall recompense you all the coin you squandered, plus 30 coin more for your trouble.

Go with the old spirits, and my your hearts be glad"

Then people are not going to be happy no matter what he might say. At some point when things calm down, and maybe these first initial patches are out, we might see some more direct communication.
It is because it is best for 2K games that their customer representatives to remain in their turf after the title's release.

Kinda of an old thing. When the quack doctor get enough money by selling his snake-oil, it is best to leave town quick before the angry mob come back after him when they discover it not what it appears to be.
2K's response would be the same as 2K Elizabeth's response to the overwhelming negativity of Mafia II: "We are very happy with the product."
When it comes to most things people that are happy rarely speak out, while those that are unhappy do. A common misconception that takes place is when people look at something and assume that just because there are more complaints visible than praises then customers must be overall angry or unhappy with the product.

Unfortunately most people don't realize this. Happy people typically aren't on forums praising whatever product because they're busy enjoying it. Unhappy people hit forums to try to find some sort of common connection, and strength in numbers.

Per Steam stats, it's pretty clear that at most times there are between 40-70k people playing Civ V just fine. Just about everyone I personally know really enjoy the game, but like in most situations they're not finding the time to go out and tell people about it. They're too busy playing.
At this point, it is not clear if the streamlining/dumbing down/whatever is the result of a deliberate decision to attract casuals, or because they didn't really have time to finish the game.

its a deliberate decision to attract casual/new gamers. A user over at the 2k forums emailed them asking about all the features missing and the reply basically said "we wanted it simpler to attract new gamers"
When it comes to most things people that are happy rarely speak out, while those that are unhappy do. A common misconception that takes place is when people look at something and assume that just because there are more complaints visible than praises then customers must be overall angry or unhappy with the product.

Unfortunately most people don't realize this. Happy people typically aren't on forums praising whatever product because they're busy enjoying it. Unhappy people hit forums to try to find some sort of common connection, and strength in numbers.

Per Steam stats, it's pretty clear that at most times there are between 40-70k people playing Civ V just fine. Just about everyone I personally know really enjoy the game, but like in most situations they're not finding the time to go out and tell people about it. They're too busy playing.
That is a fine piece there. And what does this have to do with why 2K Greg being all of the sudden absent from this forum since the game was released a few days ago? I don't see what relevant point you are trying to convey in this topic.

I can assure you that Civilization 5 is a game that is released for a new demographic of players who are not loyal Civ players, or just plain casual gamers looking for new easy games to play. So that is why they would more likely to go to a site like 2K forums to address their issues and concerns, as well as some praises.

Here. It is wise that 2K take Greg out of here since they know that there will be more negative feedback here than what goes on in their forum.
Judging from the polls, about 1/4 to 1/3 of this forum (a forum of die-hard Civilization series loyalists who pre-ordered without a second thought) also does not like the game very much either.

With a consistent 50,000 playing Civ5 24 hours a day, I don't think a couple hundred people here rate on their radar. ;)
its a deliberate decision to attract casual/new gamers. A user over at the 2k forums emailed them asking about all the features missing and the reply basically said "we wanted it simpler to attract new gamers"

This i can't understand at all,was 3 mil sells from CIV and 2 mil from Civ III not enough?I know many of my friends who are not in x4 or strategy games to enjoy Civ 3 or CIV.:confused:
With a consistent 50,000 playing Civ5 24 hours a day, I don't think a couple hundred people here rate on their radar. ;)

That is a fine piece there. And what does this have to do with why 2K Greg being all of the sudden absent from this forum since the game was released a few days ago? I don't see what relevant point you are trying to convey in this topic.

I can assure you that Civilization 5 is a game that is released for a new demographic of players who are not loyal Civ players, or just plain casual gamers looking for new easy games to play. So that is why they would more likely to go to a site like 2K forums to address their issues and concerns, as well as some praises.

Here. It is wise that 2K take Greg out of here since they know that there will be more negative feedback here than what goes on in their forum.

Greg announced right before release that he was going to have to spend more time on the 2K forums, plus he has other duties to do as well. The 2K forums have been very busy not just with feedback, but also general game questions, technical support, etc.

I can assure you just as much that it's not right to assure anyone of anything in this case unless you were actually part of the team that created Civilization V. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I'm a die hard Civ fan just as much as you or anyone else and I personally love Civ V. I honestly think it's my favorite yet.

Of course I'm looking to future updates like many others, but the game itself is by no means unfinished or incomplete. This is a Civilization game. I saw the same complaints when Civ 3 came out, and then when Civ 4 came out. Several old school die hard Civ fans called both 3 and 4 abominations when they first game out.

Maybe I'm just open minded, I don't know, but I've enjoyed each and every Civ release from the original to Civ V, including Civ Rev and Civ IV: Colonization.
Atm i`m just waiting for a patch... Something to fix the gold problems. I`m not supposed to think way too much out of the box and play a game where i build no buildings, am I?

The game would be great if only it wouldn`t force you to choose between happiness and being bankrupt. Also i should be able to sell my buildings. What if i play long enough to complete the social policy tree (no further need of culture) or decide to change my city specialization? The buildings are going to sit there in my cities forever... and I`m the one who has to pay the maintenance for them.
Judging by the attached screenshot, taken 30 seconds ago, the MAJORITY absolutely adores this game, it takes one HELL of a game to top the Steam charts.


  • Steam Stats.png
    Steam Stats.png
    17.8 KB · Views: 555
Maybe I'm just open minded, I don't know, but I've enjoyed each and every Civ release from the original to Civ V, including Civ Rev and Civ IV: Colonization.

You can't go liking new Civ games around here, it's totally uncool dude. You gotta get with the program and hate on anything new or different. Also, make sure you call the game "broken" at every opportunity, spin wild conspiracy theories about how everyone in the software industry is out to get you, and call every design choice that you disagree with "a bug." Make sure you frequently mention the phrases "console-ized" and "dumbed down." The game as whole will be referred to as "an abomination" only.

Now get out there and start'cher hatin, boy! :rolleyes: :lol:
Of course, it's capitalist regimes like 2k that ruin perfectly good game franchises like Civilization by streamlining them and choosing middle-school brats as a target audience.

Moderator Action: There is no need for such an unconstructive comment. If you cannot post civilly, please stop posting.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
I hate to break it to you, but someone else started the clamoring last Tuesday at about 12:01am. There's a few dozen threads like these out there, maybe use those to post your complaints.

2K and Firaxis aren't going to come talk to you, I'm sorry. Like you said: you're an adult, you know how the world works.

Best of luck.

You might want to talk to someone about those daddy issues....
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