I won! 3 cheers and a tiger for me!


Nov 2, 2001
I finally won a game! I'm so bloody happy....

....and I never went to war with anyone. Though the greeks were destroyed late in the game by a combined greman-egyptian front. And the english... I never heard from them at all during the game. During the replay I found out that they were on this little tiny island up north away from everything, and only had 2 cities.
Anyway, I won. :) Okay, so I only had a score of 383, but that's not the point! I W O N!!

What's the LOWEST score anyone has gotten and still won the game?
Originally posted by catmandu
I finally won a game! I'm so bloody happy....

....and I never went to war with anyone. Though the greeks were destroyed late in the game by a combined greman-egyptian front. And the english... I never heard from them at all during the game. During the replay I found out that they were on this little tiny island up north away from everything, and only had 2 cities.
Anyway, I won. :) Okay, so I only had a score of 383, but that's not the point! I W O N!!

What's the LOWEST score anyone has gotten and still won the game?

I'm happy for you.

Now start a war and see if you win!:goodjob:
Originally posted by civfanatic41
is this big news ( a victory) are wins few and far between ?

I am afraid it's not. :p I had my second win on sunday. The game was on Monarch level and my rating was "Thunderfall the Magnificent"!! I won the game by conquest. :king:
I will prolly win the game I am currently playing but first thing in the morning... Now I need some sleep..
And It will be a diplomatic vicory I quess...
Or Cultural... what ever comes first...
I've only won by score but I've only really played two games heh
Winning is very easy on the two lowest levels. Starting position (and neighbor position) dependent on warlord and monarch. And very difficult on emporer and deity.

I just want to know how people can win without the space race. Every game I've won (three) has been by spacerace with me only having about 1/3 to 1/2 the planet conquered by then. I've also only played on normal and huge sized maps. Maybe its easier to win by conquest on small or something.
Originally posted by Suvorov
How did you win? Diplo or cultural or spaceship or what?

It was distinctly cultural, added to the fact that I started alone on a big island. I was just REEEEEALLLLY nice to everyone, didn't ever enter any mutual protects, and rush built every cultural thingie that I could. It was my first victory, so I was pretty happy about it, even if I did it on chieftan.
How did you win a cultural victory sequestered on an island? Did you make your cultural improvement in a city off your main continent?
Originally posted by mgdpublic
How did you win a cultural victory sequestered on an island? Did you make your cultural improvement in a city off your main continent?

I see what you're getting at. A cultural victory is by points, not assimilation. If you amass 20,000 cultural points in one city or 100,000 points in the entire empire and you are ahead of the other civs in culture by a certain number of points, then you win.
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