Ideas froma a newbie: "Caudillos" and army management

The Boss

Jan 27, 2010
:) First time in post; my english is as good as the one of a monkey, so excuse for mistakes.
Afforess, do you think is possible to start a revolution and a secession of 3-4 cities if a player has too many militar units and there's no war for too long?
So, we could simulate a coup that can happens when a very strong militar apparatus is inactive and a "Caudillos" take the power in one or more regions of empire. In the Western Roman Empire that has become little before barbarian invasion, so barbares find a Western Empire not ready for invasions.
If a player wish to have a big army, with may military units, he also must accept the risk of lose a part of empire and units.
An AI could use a big army as frequent as possible, increasing local wars; but if associated with diplomacy (cannot declare war if glance for another player is high), that could increase the depth of gameplay. And more, using diplomacy to stop a war between 2 AI, could destabilize AI more than a war, increasing the risk of a military coup.
Perhaps, if AI could understand the hazzard from an inner overwhelming army, that could also be useful to reduce the huge stacks units attack; surely, a human player cannot no more have an army 3 or 4 time more than AI player for 200 or 300 years, as i often have late in game: he could lose cities and territory and units. :cry:
Do you think that simply the numbers of military units could be useful for start a secession?
More and more, when a civilization is at war, there's a boost in scientific advance linked to the war's request; is possible to simulate a little boost in scientific research when a CIV start a war, just as a mini gold age?
Afforess, do you think is possible to start a revolution and a secession of 3-4 cities if a player has too many militar units and there's no war for too long?
So, we could simulate a coup that can happens when a very strong militar apparatus is inactive and a "Caudillos" take the power in one or more regions of empire. In the Western Roman Empire that has become little before barbarian invasion, so barbares find a Western Empire not ready for invasions.
If a player wish to have a big army, with may military units, he also must accept the risk of lose a part of empire and units.
An AI could use a big army as frequent as possible, increasing local wars; but if associated with diplomacy (cannot declare war if glance for another player is high), that could increase the depth of gameplay. And more, using diplomacy to stop a war between 2 AI, could destabilize AI more than a war, increasing the risk of a military coup.
Perhaps, if AI could understand the hazzard from an inner overwhelming army, that could also be useful to reduce the huge stacks units attack; surely, a human player cannot no more have an army 3 or 4 time more than AI player for 200 or 300 years, as i often have late in game: he could lose cities and territory and units. :cry:
Do you think that simply the numbers of military units could be useful for start a secession?

I'm not an expert on how the Revolution Mod works, I didn't design it. A request like that is better suited in the Revolutions forum, where they could potentially consider it.

More and more, when a civilization is at war, there's a boost in scientific advance linked to the war's request; is possible to simulate a little boost in scientific research when a CIV start a war, just as a mini gold age?

This is a great idea. Not just for research though. What if when you started a new war, you economy bumped up 25% in overall commerce and 10% in yield, but than as the war drags on, this falls back to zero... I'm considering making it go negative for really long wars, but I think the costs of running wars indefinitely already handles that fairly well...

Interesting idea though. Historically, starting wars did boost economies, as it meant the local industry and commercial sectors had a new market. It would be fairly trivial to add, too.
I'm not an expert on how the Revolution Mod works, I didn't design it. A request like that is better suited in the Revolutions forum, where they could potentially consider it.

This is a great idea. Not just for research though. What if when you started a new war, you economy bumped up 25% in overall commerce and 10% in yield, but than as the war drags on, this falls back to zero... I'm considering making it go negative for really long wars, but I think the costs of running wars indefinitely already handles that fairly well...

Interesting idea though. Historically, starting wars did boost economies, as it meant the local industry and commercial sectors had a new market. It would be fairly trivial to add, too.

If you are trying to be historical, there are some other constraints. Research is boosted on "military" type techs -- not on financial, cultural or pure scientific techs (in fact, there should be a "penalty" during times of true war) Ditto for production -- military production increased, other production decreased. And agreed, it should be an initial boost, with a drag that moves into below normal over time. That might just be a little too much to manage and track -- plus, I think it could cripple the AI.
Maybe this should be like a national strategy type civic thing. It would have an overall effect on the arc of your game. Though with anarchy that might not be a good thing. National security strategy changes every few years here. National defense strategy does even.
Nice idea re the war economy boost. My only concern would be that it might skew the game towards being more war oriented, and would clearly favour warlike civs such as the Aztecs who are often at war with someone or other for half the game. Would need careful balancing.
Here again, sorry for you.
Just a more extansive plan for the staring idea; posted at Revolution forum, but I got no answers or reply.
I do wish have a MOD unrelated to Revolution, where are important the numbers of military units in player's army and the time from the last war; if an army has more than a value "x" (perhaps dependent from the Leader's trait), triggers an event causes a "secession" of 3-4 cities (with all the military units in towns), generating a new nation, (a new leader take the control of a part of your empire); to stop that you need attack another player, or accept the event.
The trigger for event need to consider the numbers of units in an army, but also the numbers of turns from the last war, and more are the turns at peace with an army very wide, the more are risks for trigger the event.
A way for stop the trigger could be disband units, and reduce the dimensions of an army.
If a player wish to have a big army, with many military units, he also must accept the risk of lose a part of empire and the units in the regions.
Perhaps an AI could build-up and use a big army as frequent as possible, increasing local wars; but if associated with diplomacy (cannot declare war if glance for another player is high or if the enemy isn't nearby or if a player isn't the worst enemy), that could increase the depth of gameplay. And more, using diplomacy to stop a war between 2 AI when they have a big army, could destabilize AI more than a war, increasing the risk of a military coup. Also contrast the start of a war with gifts could induce a coup if the AI has a big army ready to attack.
Perhaps, if AI could understand the hazzard from an inner overwhelming army, that could also be useful to reduce the huge stacks units attack; surely, a human player cannot no more have an army 3 or 4 time more than AI player for 300 or 400 years, as i often have late in game: he could lose cities and territory and units.
An AI could decide to not build a big army, and to draft units in emergency when attacked, while builds new units in towns distant from the frontline to contrast the enemy when necessary (is similar to mobilization of an army).
Needs to realize the project:
- count of the units of an AI (if less than a value X, no events)
- count of time from last war (if less than a value Y, no events)
- AI logic for awarness of the risks of secession
- AI logic for draft units in emergency if attacked, and switch to military production in distant towns
- probably a revamp of diplomatic options
- probably revision of logic to attack an enemy
- AI logic to disband units in excess when they are not usefull (disband the units with less promotion or experience), recycling 1/4 of the cost of the unit disbanded in national land.
Linked to this, if a war starts, then we could have a temporary boost of research (linked to the war's request), commerce, economy, and then, if the war is too long, a depression of commerce and economy; if a player starts a war, he has "N" turns of bonus to win the conflict and stop the war (as a little golden age), or he'll destroy his own economy!
The Leaders could have as a unique trait the different levels of army dimension and time from the last war before the insurgency of a secession.
Thanks for your patience.
Here again, sorry for you.
Just a more extansive plan for the staring idea; posted at Revolution forum, but I got no answers or reply.

Yeah, the Dev's are all MIA.

I do wish have a MOD unrelated to Revolution, where are important the numbers of military units in player's army and the time from the last war; if an army has more than a value "x" (perhaps dependent from the Leader's trait), triggers an event causes a "secession" of 3-4 cities (with all the military units in towns), generating a new nation, (a new leader take the control of a part of your empire); to stop that you need attack another player, or accept the event.
The trigger for event need to consider the numbers of units in an army, but also the numbers of turns from the last war, and more are the turns at peace with an army very wide, the more are risks for trigger the event.
A way for stop the trigger could be disband units, and reduce the dimensions of an army.
If a player wish to have a big army, with many military units, he also must accept the risk of lose a part of empire and the units in the regions.
Perhaps an AI could build-up and use a big army as frequent as possible, increasing local wars; but if associated with diplomacy (cannot declare war if glance for another player is high or if the enemy isn't nearby or if a player isn't the worst enemy), that could increase the depth of gameplay. And more, using diplomacy to stop a war between 2 AI when they have a big army, could destabilize AI more than a war, increasing the risk of a military coup. Also contrast the start of a war with gifts could induce a coup if the AI has a big army ready to attack.
Perhaps, if AI could understand the hazzard from an inner overwhelming army, that could also be useful to reduce the huge stacks units attack; surely, a human player cannot no more have an army 3 or 4 time more than AI player for 300 or 400 years, as i often have late in game: he could lose cities and territory and units.
An AI could decide to not build a big army, and to draft units in emergency when attacked, while builds new units in towns distant from the frontline to contrast the enemy when necessary (is similar to mobilization of an army).
Needs to realize the project:
- count of the units of an AI (if less than a value X, no events)
- count of time from last war (if less than a value Y, no events)
- AI logic for awarness of the risks of secession
- AI logic for draft units in emergency if attacked, and switch to military production in distant towns
- probably a revamp of diplomatic options
- probably revision of logic to attack an enemy
- AI logic to disband units in excess when they are not usefull (disband the units with less promotion or experience), recycling 1/4 of the cost of the unit disbanded in national land.
Linked to this, if a war starts, then we could have a temporary boost of research (linked to the war's request), commerce, economy, and then, if the war is too long, a depression of commerce and economy; if a player starts a war, he has "N" turns of bonus to win the conflict and stop the war (as a little golden age), or he'll destroy his own economy!
The Leaders could have as a unique trait the different levels of army dimension and time from the last war before the insurgency of a secession.
Thanks for your patience.

I don't know, it seems unnecessarily complex. There has to be a simpler way to reflect this...
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