If a Civilization is featuring as a City State...


Aug 17, 2010
...then does that mean it is not featuring as a full Civilization in upcoming expansions?
Good question. Here is the list of the City-States from Arioch's site:

Cape Town
Kuala Lumpur
Rio de Janeiro

I suppose maybe there will be no upcoming Civs such as Austria, Brazil, Poland, Scotland, Tibet, Korea, and many others?
When (if) they release an expansion couldn't it just modify the city state name list? For example if Korea is added, the expansion could remove Seoul.
Just because a city from a full civ is listed doesn't mean that it can't be included in the game as well. In previous CIVs, whenever a city was already on the map and it came up in a specific Civilization's list, the city name was skipped. One example would be Thebes. It was listed on both Egypt's and Greece's lists. If both Civ's were in the game and one of them already founded the city, then it would be skipped when it came around in the other Civ's City Name list.
Just because a city from a full civ is listed doesn't mean that it can't be included in the game as well. In previous CIVs, whenever a city was already on the map and it came up in a specific Civilization's list, the city name was skipped. One example would be Thebes. It was listed on both Egypt's and Greece's lists. If both Civ's were in the game and one of them already founded the city, then it would be skipped when it came around in the other Civ's City Name list.
But the previous games didn't have City-States inhabiting the world along with Civilizations that also have them. Two Thebes is pretty much easy to look at with full consideration that each represented two different cities that happen to be influenced by two different empires at different eras. ... oh wait. I guess Florence was never Roman, but just a once thriving City-State that was later incorporated to today's modern nation state we now call Italy.:crazyeye:
I suppose maybe there will be no upcoming Civs such as Austria, Brazil, Poland, Scotland, Tibet, Korea, and many others?
I don't think so. In Aoe3 they had Aztecs as minor natives but in the expansion Aztecs were a full playable nation. Same thing can happen in ciV too. ;)
a patch within a dlc civ could easily change the name of a city-state to allow for the inclusion of a new civ.
I wondered this too. I doubt having Seoul on the map will make it so Korea can't build Seoul. that would be silly. Two Seouls would also be silly since they're obviously referencing the same city, not two different ones like the two Thebes. And also,

a patch within a dlc civ could easily change the name of a city-state to allow for the inclusion of a new civ.

Yeah, but city states all have specific attitudes and types. If Seoul is, say, cultured and friendly, they can't just remove it, they have to replace it with something else cultured and friendly to keep things balanced. So they're going to need a fairly long list of alternatives that make sense for each attitude/type combination ready when they start pumping out the dlc.
Yeah, but city states all have specific attitudes and types. If Seoul is, say, cultured and friendly, they can't just remove it, they have to replace it with something else cultured and friendly to keep things balanced. So they're going to need a fairly long list of alternatives that make sense for each attitude/type combination ready when they start pumping out the dlc.

That shouldn't be terribly difficult; history is packed with enough smaller empires to keep the city-state list brimming through dozens of expansions.
Seeing Stockholm as a city state, made me realize that I think they would deserve their own civilization and leader in future.

I mean, they had all of Scandinavia for themselves for centuries and had many great victories until defeated by Russians in 1709..
City States are a good idea, but most featured are not true city states - they have local administrative governments on top of the central government.

They could always change things around in the future but it is rather telling that they don't have the most influential and famous global cities such as New York, London or Tokyo whilst having the capitals of many countries included.

Some of these seem fair enough such as the Italian city states or Singapore but the rest seems to be capital cities. They especially have a lot of Eastern Europe. And some civilizations which were featured in previous installments have been demoted into mere city states. Celts and Korea for example.

I find it unlikely that these civilizations will feature in upcoming expansions. The only way now is if the team have a change of heart.
I wondered this too. I doubt having Seoul on the map will make it so Korea can't build Seoul. that would be silly. Two Seouls would also be silly since they're obviously referencing the same city, not two different ones like the two Thebes. And also,

Yeah, but city states all have specific attitudes and types. If Seoul is, say, cultured and friendly, they can't just remove it, they have to replace it with something else cultured and friendly to keep things balanced. So they're going to need a fairly long list of alternatives that make sense for each attitude/type combination ready when they start pumping out the dlc.

There are 1000's of city names to choose from that won't be in the game. It's attitude and type aren't important, would anyone really care if Minsk was described as a maritime state.
The fact that say, Seoul is a city state, and Korea is a playable civ doesn't matter.

If Korea is in a game, Seoul is removed from the list of city states when the game is placing them on the map. If Korea is not, it becomes a possible city state.
Consider also that many nations have been left out of the city name list, most strikingly are Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands. Seeing as many City States are actually important nations that arn't neccesarily important enough to warrant their own civ (Debateable but lets not get into that), I think that is indicative of either an upcoming release of these civs with potential for namelist changes later on, or the eventual release of these civs with no potential for namelist changes.
Of course that may just be Firaxis' plan, and no plan survives contact with the enemy.
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