If there was third Civ5 expansion which features would you like the most?

Which of these features would you like to see in official/unofficial Civ5 expansion?

  • Improved combat AI

    Votes: 37 43.5%
  • Improved diplomacy

    Votes: 49 57.6%
  • Extended World Congress

    Votes: 42 49.4%
  • Extended Espionage

    Votes: 36 42.4%
  • Improved middle game - Enlightment Era and so on

    Votes: 36 42.4%
  • More Interesting Scientific Victory

    Votes: 43 50.6%
  • Bringing warmongering and agressive AI back to game

    Votes: 23 27.1%
  • Colonisation and Exploration

    Votes: 42 49.4%
  • New Scenarios

    Votes: 21 24.7%
  • Balanced Tall vs Wide and early social policies

    Votes: 44 51.8%
  • Original Nations rebalanced and made more interesting

    Votes: 32 37.6%
  • Extended combat system and military units

    Votes: 20 23.5%
  • Extended internal management in the empire

    Votes: 22 25.9%
  • Revolutions and Civil Wars

    Votes: 39 45.9%
  • Basic Systems (science, gold) remade

    Votes: 12 14.1%

  • Total voters
Marriage between leaders.

Dynasties! :D

Added to that, governor units that can rebel ("Fear will keep the local [colonies] in line.") More politics/diplomacy. Better trade system.

More streamlined / ingame customizable civs. Start with a ton of civs, and bloodbath it to the finish line. More organic growth of technologies/philosophies and religions.

They've gone pretty wide, I'd like now to see them go deep with the design.

[Edit] And don't tell me I can't raze a capitol to the ground! I'll salt your fields for that!
I voted for 5 options:

[*]Extended espionage: This is my pet peeve. I think current espionage system is just horrible. I hate that it doesn't interlace with diplomacy better, like be able to share information on third party intents (hey Bismarch, Napoleon just asked me if I wanted to join him in war on you, I think you should watch your back).

You can do that. example. you send a spy to napoleon your spy will setup and tell you what is going on like what wonder they are building, or who are they plotting against.
So lets say your spy found out napoleon was plotting against Germany (there will be a notification on the bottom right ) you would click on Germany , click discus, and it should say share intrigue. but don't wait because after waiting 5 or so turns you cant do this. Germany or any other civ you share intrigue with are likely to share intrigue with you and will help form a alliance.:king:
I voted for 5 options:

[*]Extended espionage: This is my pet peeve. I think current espionage system is just horrible. I hate that it doesn't interlace with diplomacy better, like be able to share information on third party intents (hey Bismarch, Napoleon just asked me if I wanted to join him in war on you, I think you should watch your back).

You can do that. example. you send a spy to napoleon your spy will setup and tell you what is going on like what wonder they are building, or who are they plotting against.
So lets say your spy found out napoleon was plotting against Germany (there will be a notification on the bottom right ) you would click on Germany , click discus, and it should say share intrigue. but don't wait because after waiting 5 or so turns you cant do this. Germany or any other civ you share intrigue with are likely to share intrigue with you and will help form a alliance.:king:

Impossible with Immortal Leaders system.

I'm for separating the leader from the player. Leaders should have life times -- doesn't have to be realistic, per se, say something like 100 turn life span -- but eventually they'll should be replaced by death, elections, dismissal, appointment or assassination.

This would also allow for a more organic political system - things change over time, new people bring new ideas, and cultures adapt and grow. My thought is to create a governor/king/leader unit that would have randomly generated political views/scores (kind of the way the leader system is now). The closer that score is to yours, the more loyal they'll be. Too far out, and they'll start causing problems, instigating elections, rebellions, and what not. Or they could be assassinated or bought off by another empire and provide espionage.

Marriages between leaders would provide additional bonuses as well - more leaders for one. But also land, trade, and units depending on the city the leader is from. Also, peace, if it's two empires at war.

This could be all sorts of soap operaish fun! :D
I'm for separating the leader from the player. Leaders should have life times -- doesn't have to be realistic, per se, say something like 100 turn life span -- but eventually they'll should be replaced by death, elections, dismissal, appointment or assassination.

Good luck with doing this with 6000 years oh mankind history fitting in less than 1500 turns.

For 90% of game it would be like one leader per turn. As I said, good luck.

This would also allow for a more organic political system - things change over time, new people bring new ideas, and cultures adapt and grow.

<trying to find any novelty in this, besides big fancy words>

My thought is to create a governor/king/leader unit that would have randomly generated political views/scores (kind of the way the leader system is now). The closer that score is to yours, the more loyal they'll be. Too far out, and they'll start causing problems, instigating elections, rebellions, and what not. Or they could be assassinated or bought off by another empire and provide espionage.

Too sophisticated for Civ game. I mean, you would have to handle with so many exceptions they would be more of them than general rules. Elections in prehistorical/ancient society? Hell, kings at all before classical era? So the entire system would activate somewhere in medieval era. Oh, and de facto 'monarchy' is only in Tradition social tree :D Ok, so other policy trees have Governors/whatever. But Governors/whatever cannot enter marriages so another problems with balance and stuff. Espionage is activated in renaissance era. In industrial you have ideologies. Next problem with Autocracy (and to lesser extent with Order). So basically you have a system which makes sense in medieval and renaissance era, not to mention it is unrealistic on another field - many of societies in Civ didn't have kings. Eurocentrism! And collides with social policy system as much as it can :D

Marriages between leaders would provide additional bonuses as well - more leaders for one. But also land, trade, and units depending on the city the leader is from. Also, peace, if it's two empires at war.

This could be all sorts of soap operaish fun! :D

FUNNY AS HELL :D Yeah one leader per turn! Micromanaging depending on the city the leader is from, marriages between leaders, next diplomatic rules with weird AI, everything depending on loyalty, randomly generated political views, exceptions and rules, colliding with social policies and stuff :D

The simpler the game is, the better. This is not Europa Universalis (which introduces stuff like that but instead doesn't have many obvious features of Civilization - you can't have everything in one game).
I think you read a tad more into what I was posting than what I actually wrote.

Good luck with doing this with 6000 years oh mankind history fitting in less than 1500 turns.

1500 turns would be 15 leaders, give or take if we used the lifespan idea.

Too sophisticated for Civ game. I mean, you would have to handle with so many exceptions they would be more of them than general rules. Elections in prehistorical/ancient society? Hell, kings at all before classical era?

Sort of went off the deep end here. I didn't say anything about elections in prehistoric society.

So the entire system would activate somewhere in medieval era. Oh, and de facto 'monarchy' is only in Tradition social tree :D Ok, so other policy trees have Governors/whatever. But Governors/whatever cannot enter marriages so another problems with balance and stuff.

I used the term "governor" for lack of a better one. "Leader" would probably be more apt, or something else. OR, it could change with the era/social policy. No biggie. No problem with balance.

Espionage is activated in renaissance era.
Yes. And?

In industrial you have ideologies. Next problem with Autocracy (and to lesser extent with Order).
I fail to see how having a leader unit in any era would cause problems with the ideologies or social policies? There have been leaders since day one, so? I'm not sure what the issue here is other than you don't like the idea?

So basically you have a system which makes sense in medieval and renaissance era, not to mention it is unrealistic on another field - many of societies in Civ didn't have kings. Eurocentrism! And collides with social policy system as much as it can :D
There's no Eurocentrism here. Call the leader what you like; Czar, Emperor, Chieftan, President, Imam, doesn't matter -- they're still a leader.

FUNNY AS HELL :D Yeah one leader per turn!
Hysterical. If that's what I suggested. Which it's not. :|

Micromanaging depending on the city the leader is from, marriages between leaders, next diplomatic rules with weird AI, everything depending on loyalty, randomly generated political views, exceptions and rules, colliding with social policies and stuff :D
Who said anything about micromanagement? I've found that when people don't like a new concept in these forums, they tend to throw the term "micromanagement" around a lot.
The simpler the game is, the better. This is not Europa Universalis (which introduces stuff like that but instead doesn't have many obvious features of Civilization - you can't have everything in one game).
I agree that simpler is often better, but it too often it ends up being severely dumbed down without a lot of depth to it. Which in turn leads to very predictable, and very boring games. I personally prefer something with a bit more flavor.

You don't like the idea. Cool. I'm not a modder, you are, so it's not going to happen anyway. However, I do think EU has some interesting ideas that would be fun to bring over to Civ to see how they'd work, instead of dismissing them out of hand.
Future era ala Civilization: Call to Power. I want my underwater and space cities, global warming mechanics, and space battles. I'd also murder someone to be able to play an expanded space race at all, I'd love to be able to spend gold or other points to be the first to Mars, start asteroid mining, colonize the Moon, etc.
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