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If you didnt put a password on your civ, but the game asks for one, Enter this thread


Jan 1, 2006
I found a way that everyone's saved game will work, tryed it 4 times with 4 different ppl in 4 different save files and they all work!
you dont need to do any thing with hex editor, just put this password- d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e when the game asks you to put a password. its a universal password for every single save file that had no password in the 1.09 version, but asked for it in the newest version. those who think this password is too long, are wrong, there are 32 chars in this password and you can put 32 chars in the game.

if you entered any password other than none, go to this thread -http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=3526353#post3526353

I think the reason ppl's save file needed password when they upgraded to the last patch is because this password isnt a universal "no-password" password =D. what i mean is- when the programmers made the newest update, they did something with the way the game reads save files
("Fix for competitive games: Password-protected saves can no longer be easily stripped of their passwords, and the assets checksum in the save can no longer be modified by external means" this is from the latest update's fixed bug list). so insted of reading this code as "no-password" the game thinks this code is the password! thats why this code works as a universal "no-password" password for every1 that has upgraded to the latest upgrade and used the save file from the 1.09 version, but it doesnt work on any new save file.

Always Happy to help! =D
btw, any1 is welcome to take anything from my post and put it in other posts that have the same problem.
roadkill15 said:
hmmm, thats the problem, they cant...
they didnt put anything, but when they click "ok" when its blank, it says "wrong password".
One of them I just managed to click-through. It makes sense, because the "password" you're posting is actually the hash for an empty string (ie the 'password' for 'no password')
so i guess he didnt have this problem, or any problem for that metter.
the newest update's save files have hashes at the start of the save file (if you open it with an hex editor) but the 1.09's save files doesnt. most likely the password hashes are connected to the hashes at the start and other things to make it almost imposible (at list for me) to mass with the save file w/o letting the game notice it and crash. this has caused a bug with the 1.09's save files, the game doesnt accept the no-password's hash as no-password, the game mistaken it with - a password (i guess the programers made some sort of shield against no-password hash because of ppl that looked/changed/deleted save files). but if ppl enterd some password, and then upgraded. the password's hash file isnt the new password [tried this once and it didnt work. but it could of been any other bug and not this. ill try this again as soon as some1 will send me another case of this bug(that some1 had a password, but when he upgraded it was changed)].
Sorry for all the hub-bub I created. But as I mentioned in my test, I did not play test it. I did not think it would let me go further than the next screen it gives you after the password screen. I tried it tonight and see that you are right, it does say the file is corrupt. My guess is that CIV does some sort of a checksum on the file to make sure it has not been altered. Oh well. If someone can figure out how to recompute the checksum, that would be great. A bit beyond my skills though.

I guess I am stating the obvious here, but the best solution to all this is for the original programmers to fix the damn problem that is preventing us from having a great gaming experience. Right now we are stuck with, "Finish the game, because Civ won't let you come back later!"

BTW, This is not just a "game started in v1.09 upgraded to v1.52" problem. We all started this game on 1.52 on 12/30/2005.
This is a problem with games created with Pitboss as well. This solution solved my problem and inability to log in as I hadn't chosen a password, but it accepted this hashstring.

My friends and I could never get our original game working again. So we started a new one and did a few things differently.

I did not put a password on the game when I created it in GameSpy. I did not select NO CHEATING. None of the four of us put a password on our Civs when we started the game.

I checked the auto save games throughout the evening and found that the passwords stayed d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e the whole evening for all 4 of us. When we finished playing, I saved a final copy and we then restarted the game, just to make sure it was still going to work. It did.

I do not know if this will work every time. But it is worth a try till they get this problem fixed.
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