• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Im new and i just want to say hi...


Oct 30, 2005
Hi all im new to this forum im 19 m from illinois,usa and i dont have the game yet but my mom is picking it up from wal-mart right now... And well i just want to say hi and that my mom is picking it up for me so ill have it in an hour or less.

Have fun and pay no attention to the nay-sayers around here.
Do you meet the minimum hardware requirements? Cray X1E or better, required...
videogamer, my earlier post was a joke. Cray is a supercomputer manufacturer. A supercomputer is one of those things that compute special effects in movies or analyze human genome. They often cost millions of dollars each.

I wrote my cynical post because lots of people (myself included) are running into performance problems. Hopefully Firaxis will fix that one way or another. Hope you don't bump into those problems as well. It certainly takes away from the gameplay when you have to wait 2 seconds after issuing each command.
my game wont run. I click the icon and it loads but then goes to a problem with direct x. Says i need the latest direct x and now im downloading that right now so hopefully it will work when i download it.
welome videogamer! i hope it works fine for u. when it works it's a great game!
Welcome and enjoy your stay!

I only wish I was getting the game as soon as you were. =P
Now it says failed to initialize renderer check driect x version and graphics settings.

Were do i download direct x can you give me a link and how do i check my graphics settings too?
Firstoff, install the direct X on the game CD.

Second, download the latest ATI drivers (Omega ATI drivers will do as well).

Report back.

edit: On downloading the drivers DO NOT download the version with the Catalyst Control center.
you have to install the direct x from the cd

browse the cd from 'my computer' and go to the directx folder and doule click dxsetup
that should sort it :)
How do i brows the cd from my computer and you got a link to the ati x800 driver update?
I mean its a new computer like 3 or so months old maybe not even that , i dont know whats going onnnn. Other games have worked fine.
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