I'm questioning the rules again


The one and only.
Oct 24, 2001
Charlottetown PEI, Canada
"Advertising and solicitations are NOT permitted.
Posting of advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on this forum. You are ONLY permitted to advertise your site in your signature or in the "Other Civ-Related Sites" forum. The exception to this rule is to inform others of sites that provide a service to benefit them. For example, posting a thread regarding a new free web space provider is acceptable providing there's nothing in it for you except the satisfaction of helping your fellow members. "

does this mean I cant make a new thread, linking to a non-civ realated website?
Yep! But only if the thread is intended as an advertisement. You can advertise civ-related sites in the appropriate forum but you may not advertise for non civ-related sites :)
Talked with TF on this. Basically if you want to promote one of your Political Chat fora then you need to keep the link in your sig. TF doesn't want people opening new threads all the time advertising other sites....it is boring for others and why should TF's site promote theirs?

Now if you were to provide a link to cnn.com for a particular story in the correct forum (OT in this case) then the link is supporting your post....and not the purpose of your post.

Get it?
Originally posted by Pellaken
does this mean I cant make a new thread, linking to a non-civ realated website?
That's correct... Threads created solely for promotion of non-Civ sites are not allowed.
Originally posted by Pellaken
I understand. but starting a thread, and throwing the link up "by accident" like my canadian politics thread is ok, right :D
Now that you've warned us....; well, it won't really work anymore, will it? ;)
TF has the say, whether it stays or not is up to him.
Make sure it stays that way.
What about the OT thread I did called "For those who need need more than CFC at work" or something to that effect? It was just a link to a site... (maybe it was closed over the weekend, I haven't got to OT yet...) But... ?
It was fine, you ain't getting banned for that, you bastard, keep trying! :p

Was that a challenge? :p

Hey Pell, I thought you were never coming back here? :confused: Did I miss something somewhere along the line? Or did GC just permaban you? :eek:
Ha, PERMAbanned as in FOREVER??? Well why can't we do that here? I know I know, the mods are too soft... Buncha flower sniffers... Well TF, you got your permabanner right here pal! I'm your man, Pell will be my first VICTIM... :) Then maybe Dell and Miko... Juize would be a good victim... So would the two Dukes... Hmm... Decisions decisions...
I'd really like PC Reduction powers and banning, permaban might be too uh, permanent? Well TF can undo those... And I would give myself a 3 day vacation, why not? "Ain't nobody below a vacation." ;) "Here a ban there a ban everywhere a ban ban." :p "Why'd the chicken cross the road? BAN!!!"
I previously posted that most of what I post would be considered spam by definition. Not proud, or ashamed of the fact. :D Maybe I go post more spam at GC... :)
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