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ImmacuNES II B- Emperor of the Fading Heavens

Who will pay for the flood-gate maintenance and, Immac, what are the costs of this? And Tsedeq, this is a highly complicated process requiring centralised and careful management.

Ultimately, it may not highly destructive for E2's economy for all the money earnt from the southern Authority fief to be exported for the defence against the Symbiots. Remember that the Authority was not making a huge profit and only just keeping financially afloat when put under strain. I theorise that the profits from the southern continent may all be needed to upkeep the dykes and levees.

Eko: that isn't a leak; it's open for all to see, and I, IC, don't like how we're not being consulted about the general plans. This sort of cabalistic government is counterproductive and silly, especially as the impact of the matter in question concerns Minor Houses like the Quin more than anyone else. Besides, we have good ideas too and may well be able to add useful suggestions to your defence plans.
and I at least have a bigger stake then just about anyone else in the results of the Evvis diplomacy, since I have virtually all my holdings on that planet and am the single biggest presence there. If they turn out to be aggressive I need to know so I can rally defenses, while if we're going to be at peace then it'd be logical to have me or my wife as a diplomat between our empires.
Lord Nereus
Kinda IC-OOC, Garriks comments:

Garrik believes that Infantry should remain behind to protect the artillery. Infantry should not be used in front or mid-rows.

The main problem that plagued the infantry IV was the nuclear bombardment that had been done couple of years ago to defend ourselves, not actual combat with Symbiotes. Using them to defend the artillery was exactly what I did.

About Hubbard:
Both Garrik Harnoth aswell as Tenith Erona are on Hubbard and are willing to lead Imperial Garrison offensive/defensive there. Garrik was previous commander of Garisson and it'd be unwise to throw away such an opportunity. Of course I'll not be giving over control of my ACCs - they'll still follow my orders. I want Garrik to lead the assault/reconquest plans and Tenith defense/stop expansion plans.

That is fine as long as you clear the plan with me.

If I have to rename the city to "Raccoon City," and all that is left is a big hulking flaming wasteland, there will be some answering to be done.

About E2: Garrison should expand its territories and holdings there, just to gain access to extra funds and secure E2 future.

I would consider doing that if I didn't feel that it would set a bad precedent, and if the entire area had not been irradiated.

About magic: Garrison has no magic quality, better leave it to battle brothers or some other faction. Altho healers who can dis-spell symbiot magic and then heal would be useful, great idea!

Indeed. Sadly, events on Klorinheim destroyed the chance that Garrison had in developing magical troops that could teleport explosives directly into the hives. So we shall go for a consolation prize, although I would appreciate it if a magic-capable noble house can assist the garrison's magic development.

Meanwhile, I am taking suggestions for a Garrison's own air unit to counter Symbiot aerial creatures and also for reconnaissance. The one with the best suggestion will receive a small prize.
Again, House Klorin is more than ready to help in the war by training Garrison forces. We assure the garrison that there will be no problems with Klorinheim.
The Dead can Feel Just Pain (The Empty Whole Part 1)

Spoiler :
Never thought I’d be back in here, Miaden thought, looking across the roofs of City 17. It mostly looked the same, except for the armed teams driving the streets, fixing the House Thana crest to lampposts and walls. Not that it mattered to the common-folk, their only thoughts on the matter was a hope that it would provide them with some safety from the Warlords.

But warlords were not why Miaden and the Huntress were here this time. No, they had gotten word of a group of Apostates (possibly heretics) that had moved into the area. The Church was busy with other matters, so the Huntress were going to capture them and bring them in. She wasn’t sure what the Church did to Apostates, however she did know what it did to Heretics.

“Aiden, contact teams three and four, and ask if their ready.” Miaden asked over her shoulder.

“’k, I got it gov.”

After moment, she received her confirmations, and headed out.

A while later:
“Ok, our sources say this is the place.” Miaden said, stopping in front of a smallish door. “This leads into a network of rooms and corridors, with lots of modifications to layout, be ready for doors, rooms and passages everywhere. All ready? Let’s go.”

The first few minutes were uneventful, quietly moving through a maze of rooms and passages towards what they believed to be the Apostates headquarters. Uneventful didn’t mean easy thought; there were lots of dead ends, doubling back, and a steadily growing unease.

“Where is everyone?” Lurai asked, the large orc having to duck frequently to avoid splitting her skull open. “These look like apartments, but we havn’t seen anyone since enterin’.”

“Ya, it’s maken me nervous too. Should be people all over this place. Looks, thar’s stuff averywhare!” Aiden said, kicking a straw-and-rag mattress.

“Maybe they all went for a smoke, Pancreator knows, if you lit-up in here, you’d probably burn the whole building down.” Anyais, formerly Delta Sierra 6, said, a disgusted look on her face.

“Hold the chatter, I think there something up ahead.” Miaden said curtly, the familiar feeling on he scalp. Something bad was going on.

And when they reached the large room, she was proven right.

“Whelp. Guess we found the residents.” Aiden said, her expression and tone contrasting sharply with her flippant words.

While it wasn’t clear if they were the building residents, there were lots of them, piled around the edges of the room, in heap on the floor, stacked upon tables and shelves, pale and naked. And utterly dead.

“Makers breath!” one of the Huntress gasped, before vomiting. Miaden couldn’t blame her; while they were used to death, this... this was not a normal sight. Slowly, Miaden walked along between the mounds of bodies, noticing how they had been carefully heaped to leave clear paths between them. And when she reached the far end of the room, she stopped, and icy feeling crawling down her spine. She hoped her thoughts were wrong.

Here, there were chairs and beds, all with restrains, all with a body still strapped in. Before she could suppress her horrified thoughts enough to speak, Aiden stepped up to the closest chair, and touched the woman’s cheek.

“Still a little warm.” She said quietly, her speak more conformed in proper. “And look-needle marks.”

“Umm, maybe their junkies? Lots and lots of...” Maraise started, eyes wide, only to tail-off quickly, then give a strangled cry and Aiden cut a long, deep piece of flesh from the corpse’s arm with her knife.

“Hmm,” Aiden said, looking at the cut and piece of flesh, which she then squeezed in her fist. When that didn’t seem to satisfy her curiosity, she leaned on the cut arm, as if trying to squeeze something out of it. She then knelt and placed a log cut on its calf, ignoring the sickened moans and groans from the others.

“As I thought,” she said to Miaden, standing. “Completely drained of blood. I’m guessing it’s the same for the others.”

“Wait, what!? Why would someone drain their blood!?” someone asked.

“Oh, lots of uses for human blood.” Aiden said, “Healers need it for transfusions, potions, growing certain herbs, feeding the leeches. Some warlords and ganglords like to mix it with wine and beer to drink from skulls, some nobles keep pets and plants eat/drink it. Then you’ve got the type that fancy their vampires of myth. Heard there’s a quiet market for that in ‘Als land.” She finished with a wink, then met Miaden’s eye. She deliberately hadn’t said what both women were scared of.

“Come on, we need to keep moving. We’ll get some priests to give them Rites after our mission is complete.” Miaden said, hurrying the soldiers to the door opposite where they had entered. With one last look over her shoulder, she began to follow, then froze, and looked back. One of the corpses was looking at her. A moment of paralysing terror and horror kept her from moving or shouting, at least, until the corpse stood of from its mound. As did two more.

“Inferi!” she screamed, her rifle sending bullets ripping through the firsts head. “OUT OF THE ROOM!”

As she ran backwards, part of her mind was running through the checklist: despite its head being destroyed, the corpse was still standing, so it wasn’t an Undead. That left a Puppet or Possessed. If it was a Puppet, destroying the sensory organs and limbs should stop it chasing them. If it was Possessed, then all Huntress had a small kit with a small, hard biscuit and a vial of holy water, which could be used as a substituted for Last Rites.

As it turns out, she was only slightly faster than the Dead, one of which scratched her arm. However, she reached the door and her soldiers had started to close it before the corpses could come through. At least almost, as one wiggled through near the top, launching itself at a Huntress named Oonear, sinking its teeth into the bridge of her nose and clipping a millimetre or two of flesh from its tip before Luria dragged it off and hacked it’s limbs of with a hatchet, then threw the snapping head down the hall.

“She’ll be ok,” Liala, the medic, said a she looked Ooner over, “except for some mental trauma. She shouldn’t fight like this.”

“Well we can’t leave her alone, and we can’t spare anyone to leave with her.” Miaden said, pointing down the hall, the opposite to the way Lurai had thrown the head. “I think the Apostates are that way, so-”

“No way, hold on.” Anyais said, waving her hands. “Apostates are one thing, but we’ve dealing with mages! Necromancers! Maleficar! We need to get out of here and get reinforcements.”

“No time.” Miaden responded, shaking her head “The mages must know were here, so if we leave they’ll be gone by time we get back.”

“Much as I hate runnin’ into things like this, Miaden is right.” Aiden said, stepping forward. “We leave, then so will the mages, then we’ll neva find em.”

“Right, so move out.”

As the others began down the hall, Aiden touched Miadens arm and leaned close to her. “You certain about this? If “happened” to stumble on an exit, no-one could blame us for trying to get help before going back in. You saw those corpses-Blood Magic.”

“Yes.” Miaden whispered back. “For all that blood they’ve taken, every mage and Thaumaturgist on the planet would know they were here if there was more than a handful. Beside, I’ve fought Blood mages, and this feels... different.”

“Ok. But if you get us killed, I’m going to kick your soul-ass.”

The next few minutes were uneventful. They didn’t see a single living thing, or mobile dead thing. The awful feeling was growing, however, guiding them towards whatever was waiting.

“Ok, hold up.” Miaden said, stopping the group in front of a non-descript door. “It’s through here. Weapons check. Ready? On three. One... two... THREE!”

There was a brief moment of frantic activity, the Huntress shouting and waving their rifles across the walls and floor, then silence.

“Barbatoses Holy Ascot!” someone gasped (or something very close). The rest could only stare in silence. There were only a few bodies, but those were possibly the worse.

“Well,” Aiden said in a weak voice amid a chorus of gags and vomiting. “I like the decoration, but I don’t think liver and brain go with black velvet.”

“It looks like... they exploded.” Maraise said, staring at the remains of what looked to be a man. Or three, plus a cat. “And they were the lucky ones.”

Further scrutiny was cut off at that point as running footsteps began down the hall behind them. It didn’t take much thought to realize what the stamped of feet was caused by.

“This way!” Miaden shouted, herding people towards a nearby door. Behind the door came a short hallway, door at the end that seemed to have a sliver of like around it. “Quickly!”

Miaden waited for the others to be most of the way down the corridor, watching the far door, then closed this door and bolted it. It wouldn’t slow the Dead by much, but they might not follow them outside. She almost made it to the far door, when a crudely-boarded over door partway down the hall smashed open, allow a corpse the appear just behind her, grabbing at her flackvest.

“Miaden!” Aiden screamed from the exit, starting to run back in.

“Get out!” Miaden shouted, her knife stabbing through the corpses elbow before her rifle blasted both knees off. At that moment, the door to the room with the mages remains opened, allowing more Dead to rush into the narrow corridor. “GO!” Miaden turned and shouted at Aiden, feeling a flash of relief as Aiden ran out. When she turned back, however, a corpse was already grabbing for her. She felt the searing pain as its fingers punctured her arm just below the elbow, the other hand slipping through the seam of her vest. Then she screamed as it bit into her bicep.
House Kilgore will volunteer a portion of its forces on Hubbard to aid in the destruction of the Symbiote.

ooc: Seon, contact me and tell me how much you need, I'll tell you how much of that I can give.
We wonder of the effectiveness of the newly minted NBC forces in Symbiot attacks, and are willing to send armour samples to Stigmata to be tested. They can be added on the outside of normal armor and returned after battle to notice the time it took to destroy.

Also, we note that Aries Medium Tanks have served well against the symbiot in the distant past, and can be re-utilized in the present.
A very important OOC note for Immaculate:

We no longer have the Authority interfering in our trade and we can trade freely without them receiving a cut in every deal. Therefore fiefs on E2 ought to receive a pretty hefty income boost?

trade is only starting to re-establish itself. Once you've redeveloped the trade networks you'll get a bigger cut of the profits yes.

Also, what happened to the Orthodox fiefdom immediately to the south of my fiefdom on Errovus Secondus?

overrun by warlords- written off as not worth consolidating by the Orthodoxy.
Regarding the Western Authority Immac sent me an answer on that but I didn't get it in my Email, but I know it's not under the legal control of the Guilds, for some reason. Maybe the Church.

Regarding the lost infantry units, we believe that they have been risked where they shouldn't have been sent, proven they are ineffective, and should be kept to garrison duty.

That much is obvious (or rather what's obvious is that the whole offensive should not have been launched) but Naprous chooses to focus on repairing the situation rather than blaming for mistakes (the first Hive was a cripple, I don't know why the second one was attacked immediately thereafter). However, parceling blame around does not revive dead infantry units. There is virtually no unarmored garrison anymore.

But that is the purpose of the Garrison Commander, to be in ultimate control of the Garrison. The Garrison already has generals in charge of various locations and forces who are doing exactly what you propose.

I feel that adding another commander to the mix would create two garrison commanders essentially. Two seperate people using the same pool of resources to accomplish different ends. Why add this confusion and potential for conflicting orders to the troops?

Because the war is being lost (if the Imperial Offices do not appear to be containing the threats it is natural that planetary forces will begin to attempt to organize). But fine, Naprous shall not bother the Imperial Community on common issues anymore. Even to advice such things as taking control of massive nuclear ICBM networks. And contrary to some popular opinion Duscha was not in control of the networks at the start of the year.
When the Symbiots make huge strides towards humanity, forcing the remaining Imperial entities to band together under the Imperial Offices for centralized leadership, we shall be there to say we told the Imperial Community.

Who will pay for the flood-gate maintenance and, Immac, what are the costs of this? And Tsedeq, this is a highly complicated process requiring centralised and careful management.

Ultimately, it may not highly destructive for E2's economy for all the money earnt from the southern Authority fief to be exported for the defence against the Symbiots. Remember that the Authority was not making a huge profit and only just keeping financially afloat when put under strain. I theorise that the profits from the southern continent may all be needed to upkeep the dykes and levees.

This reminds us of when Texier made it a core part of its platform to rob Naprous of its costly, no-profit urban salvation mission through a pack of jealous lies and Church misinformation (still heavily in the red on that project, but the area and loyal serfs are mine). Honestly, whoever owns the Western Continent now, probably the Church, has invested money in saving it from Duscha Sehryi. Charity should not make you a target of expropriation. Please leave your neighbors alone.
Because the war is being lost (if the Imperial Offices do not appear to be containing the threats it is natural that planetary forces will begin to attempt to organize). But fine, Naprous shall not bother the Imperial Community on common issues anymore. Even to advice such things as taking control of massive nuclear ICBM networks. And contrary to some popular opinion Duscha was not in control of the networks at the start of the year.
When the Symbiots make huge strides towards humanity, forcing the remaining Imperial entities to band together under the Imperial Offices for centralized leadership, we shall be there to say we told the Imperial Community.

This is why we propose the Garrison and Fleet take over the southern continent on E2 to expand their holdings. This will gain them both more serfs to build their forces and income. This is also why many of the houses volunteer to aid these organizations who are specifically there to fight these threats.
House Query makes good points. Very well, we bow to your wisdom then.
(We think their suggestion should be acted upon.)
House Naprous is selling Klorin the reclamation rights for its scepter to be paid 1 year from now to the tune of seventeen million firebirds only.
~ Rhodes Bertrand Naprous
House Naprous is selling Klorin the reclamation rights for its scepter to be paid 1 year from now to the tune of seventeen million firebirds only.
~ Rhodes Bertrand Naprous

To clarify, this means that House Klorin has full rights on the lost Naprous Scepter, both to claim it from whoever recovers it, and to bond on of our Nobles with it.
Neither the church nor the guilds recognize 'reclamation rights'.
Klorin is the owner of the missing scepter. It is Klorin's business, but in such situations the finder usually receives a moderate reward (if someone else found it before I sold these rights I would definitely reward them).
At the crux of the matter... House Naprous will support Klorin's rights 100%, up to wardeccing any offender. On the legal side our ownership was valid, it was taken away by force and the contract to sell it to Klorin is valid, we are simply not in possession of it.
Not recognizing our basic ownership of it is de facto and de jure approval of theft, assault and murder. With their moral high ground of burning girls for being a bit late to report wrongdoings the Church might not want to encourage assassinations, banditry and immoral oppertunism.
In short, I will knock on guild houses and church doors until they do recognize it and if Klorin house backs out on this deal or someone finds the scepter and does not give it to him for a reward or not depending on his own feelings then Naprous house will consider it an act of war.

It is good to reduce the number of freemen by providing them for them. It is questionable to scavenge the Western Authority continent when there is no owner (though it is true times are dire), but it is outright scandalous to aid and abet assassinations, warfare, banditry and piracy by acknowleding illegal transfers of property, especially property bound to the lives of people, noble people!

Or perhaps we should not recognize that Grimkill's scepter should go to the guilds? Is it first come, first serve? Is it a Darwinian battlefield, or do we live in a society?

House Naprous will insist on Klorin's ownership if it is reclaimed, at all cost. We will not be pushed around by pirates or unethical policies even when it costs us dearly as it has before.
(OOC: the above may not be a good idea...)
OOC: Thanks, but I'm not going to let the NPCs push me around on this one (especially the Church), regardless of cost. If they're ethically upstanding/superior they better prove it.
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