Immortal University 80 - Gandhi


Feb 28, 2011
Greetings, Immortals and would-be Immortals (and indeed any other players of any level), and welcome to the Immortal University.

Here is our Leader:

Here's the opening scene:

The following settings were used to create this map

Before we start, here's the copy & paste bit where I get to pretend that I'm TMIT:

To play, just extract the WB save file into your worldbuilder saves directory, then play it. Use custom scenario if you want some extra settings to tickle your fancy. This series was designed for people learning immortal, so most people here will be at that level or trying to attain it, although deity players are welcome also. Hell, if you want to play this on NOBLE. The intention of this and any other game thread I post is to get better. Play whatever level you need in order to improve.

If you are aspiring IMM+, try to remember to add archery back to the barbs in WB. Every time you don't, a deity AI will kill a kitten, although there are a lot of kittens so it's not the end of the world if you prefer easymode barbs .

I do request people to list their difficulty and speed. In terms of updates, well nobody follows that anyway. Post in the manner you feel comfortable. Typical comparison dates are 1 AD, liberalism, and victory/defeat, as well as any major events. If in doubt, go with that.

We also have an initial Immortal/Normal autosave which is much more convenient since you can avoid all the worldbuilder shenanigans. It comes with my personal seal of approval (not least as my worldbuilder edits may contain hideous game-destroying errors that could cause your computer to explode ).


  • IU 80 -
    52 KB · Views: 62
  • IU 80 - Gandhi BC-4000.CivBeyondSwordSave
    34 KB · Views: 93
1876 AD Conquest Victory/ Noble/ Standard Speed/ All other settings the same

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It was a fun game, first time I played the Lakes script. Also the first time I played any game here on the forum! I just got used to playing standard size maps. It was a fun game, cav rushed everybody after making the decision to NOT go culture.
I got into a winning position, but couldn't be bothered to play this out.

I'm really tired of joke maps spawned by failaxis where you see 1 civ get 25% land without capturing anything even when you settle straight towards them with your first 2 cities. Maybe it's because the other AI didn't try? No idea, but rather than winning another late 1800's/early 1900's win with infantry arty I'll just not be playing this guy out.
Nice start ^^ Propably I will try it, although I dont ike lakes mapscript, but high seas make it playable. Settling 1E seems to be obvious (3F city tile, fresh water and a landbridge between two seas)
Yeah enKage I SIP and wished I moved 1E or even 2E, but I don't think it made that much of a difference.
Immortal/Normal to 1190 AD (Rifling):

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After base techs went for Aestetichs, Drama, Literature, CoL, Music, Philosophy (don't remember the exact order) while expanding to 6 cities (still with 6 cities). Built GL and Parthenon. Took Constitution from Liberalism. Most of the time I've been running Pasifism with Caste and Representation after getting Constitution. The capital is an excellent specialists city as it can run a lot of specialists with a relatively small size (11 with GL):


Others are three or more techs from Rifling:


I got into a winning position, but couldn't be bothered to play this out.

I'm really tired of joke maps spawned by failaxis where you see 1 civ get 25% land without capturing anything even when you settle straight towards them with your first 2 cities. Maybe it's because the other AI didn't try? No idea, but rather than winning another late 1800's/early 1900's win with infantry arty I'll just not be playing this guy out.

Same here, but I never finish games anyway. I've grown tired of the slow and micro-intensive endgame waltz, so I just always stop when I feel like I'm in a winning position. (And I forgot deactivating vassals.)

Immortal/Normal Liberalism 820 AD:
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I think I've settled in this order: Delhi - Bombay - Vijayanagara - Pataliputra - Varanasi - Agra (I actually settled Agra only 10 or 20 turns ago because it's so marginal)


My tech path went like this: Farming - Bronze Working - Fishing ... - Literature ... - Currency

Farming was an obvious choice for a first tech and Bronze Working was just too good to pass in this spot. We're India, we've got seafood and we've got forests. I've chopped almost every forest in my borders in order to pump out workboats, workers (for more chopping action), warriors/archers and settlers. I've managed to do just fine with 3 early workers for the whole game.
I decided to go for Aesthetics - Literature because some AIs already had Alphabet before I could research it, so I managed to do some nice trades with Aesthetics.
Currency also was an extremely important tech for me. I usually play with less AIs, so Currency was even more effective with that many potential trade partners.

Regarding diplomacy:

It was easy to keep people from attacking me, since Gandhi can juggle religions easily with his spiritual trait. The AIs ended up mauling each other pretty early and almost everyone was at all times at war in the midgame, while I sold my tech to them and made a ridiculous amount of money.

I only cottaged Bombay and turned it into my capital upon getting Bureaucracy, I used the other towns for GP farming. That way I could bulb Philosophy and Education, settle a Great Scientist in Bombay and build Academies in Bombay and Delhi quite early.
Since we had marble I decided to build the University of Alexandria. I also got the Pantheon in Pataliputra for even more GP-growth. The National Epic landed in Delhi.
Thanks to Currency I could tech at 100% for almost the whole game.

How I'd continue:
I'm very far ahead tech-wise. I'd get Representation for a nice tech increase, conquer the barb city in the north in order to get steel and build an army consisting of drafted units and cannons. The Khmer would make good victims.

The map would've been cooler with some warmongers close to us, it was simply too easy to avoid conflict with the competition we had.

Yeah enKage I SIP and wished I moved 1E or even 2E, but I don't think it made that much of a difference.

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I don't think not settling in place is a good idea.
If you settle 1E you (obviously) lose your irrigated rice and (not that obviously) lose one of your two hills, thus screwing your production up and making you depend on your mediocre forests for production.
Settling 2E is even worse. You don't have a single hill. You can only work one clam (as opposed to two clams with sip and three clams with 1E). But the worst thing is that you can't settle your great commerce city 1 NE of the sheep because it's too close, thus forcing you to plant it one tile further east and losing out on the deers. That makes your (only viable) commerce city depend on the sheep for growth, so your capitol can't work the sheep, which was the very reason for moving 2E.

edit: I overlooked the hill you gain when you move your settler, so moving your settler might not be as bad as I initially thought.
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I don't think not settling in place is a good idea.
If you settle 1E you (obviously) lose your irrigated rice and (not that obviously) lose one of your two hills, thus screwing your production up and making you depend on your mediocre forests for production.
Settling 2E is even worse. You don't have a single hill. You can only work one clam (as opposed to two clams with sip and three clams with 1E). But the worst thing is that you can't settle your great commerce city 1 NE of the sheep because it's too close, thus forcing you to plant it one tile further east and losing out on the deers. That makes your (only viable) commerce city depend on the sheep for growth, so your capitol can't work the sheep, which was the very reason for moving 2E.

edit: I overlooked the hill you gain when you move your settler, so moving your settler might not be as bad as I initially thought.

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I doubt settling IE is a good idea even on the short run. While you get your third clam tile earlier, rice is the first food tile you can get and will be the best until a lighthouse is built. On the long run, it's obviously a weaker choice as you only get 3 good food tiles instead of 4.
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I doubt settling IE is a good idea even on the short run. While you get your third clam tile earlier, rice is the first food tile you can get and will be the best until a lighthouse is built. On the long run, it's obviously a weaker choice as you only get 3 good food tiles instead of 4.

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Valid point MkLh you made me feel better about my decision to SIP :goodjob:
I don't think not settling in place is a good idea.

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Consider 1SE.
What a beast GP farm :eek:
Let you place one extra city 1S of Marble to share the clams.

@ MkLh.
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Did you bulb anything or just settle all of your GS?
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Consider 1SE.
What a beast GP farm :eek:
Let you place one extra city 1S of Marble to share the clams.

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I don't know, I'm not quite convinced... If you place your city 1SE you lose your fresh water source and you can't reach the northern clams with your workboats. I have to admit that it looks like you can circumnavigate the land tongue in the start, but it turns out you can't. This forces you to build another city adjacent to the northern sea early on, while you might want to block your opponents with your first settlements instead.
I think I'd still SIP after moving my warrior to the east and discovering the sheep. The lack of fresh water and the turn you lose moving your settler are the dealbreakers for me. It looks like a rather marginal decision to me, though.

Settling 1S also looks fine. You get a landbridge and another bonus hill, but lose out on fresh water.
1690 conquest / immortal / no huts / no events

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Settled on rice, went for bw/fishing, skipped ah, went for oracle+col. Settled second city 1N to gold, third city for commerce near sheep (moved palace there later). Horses were a nice bonus, since i had no copper, and wildlings kept coming from beyond the wall. Then i went for music, just cause i could, and i wasn't feeling, like i will benefit from civil cervice much, since i was running specialists in my cap, and building palace in my 3rd city, while running pacifism/caste would be a waste of hammers. Also i had marble and since Great library is an obvious wonder here, why not to go for music?

1 AD:

Expanded to 7 cities, won lib at 720 by double builbing education:

Ran some merchants in dehli, which with a total of 3 gm (1 from economics). Got near 3500 from trade missions, went for rifling.

1000 AD:

Built Taj Mahal in Dehli. Not that i really needed it, but just to be historically accurate :p. Though it would be more accurate if i'd build it in Agra, but it was just too hammer poor, and Hatty had already had Nationalism.

1180 AD:

Since the jewish alliance that i was a part of kept forcing me into the war with the help of AP votings the first 2 target choices were, obviously, Surry and Salladin, because else they would vassal to someone else and would be a pain in the ass. Also Surry had mids, so i've benefit from this choice even more, cause i could switch to police state. That was also the reason, for self teching military science after steel. (police state+ military academies = profit!)

1460 AD:

Than i vassaled Hatty, too bad, that i forgot to make screenshots of that war, but it was pretty quick and painless. She managed to get grenadiers but it was too late, and wouldn't really matter at that point. During that war Izzy started to plot against one of my vassals, so i asked her for money and the war with Egypt ended just in time, our peace treaty expired. That made her my next target. She capped surprisingly fast with her main stack alive near Madrid, where i had not enough troops to defend it. I guess it happened because i was thretening Barcelona. So instead of taking barcelona with Jewish shrine and losing all my troops in Madrid, i decided to accept her capitulation. I could vassal Brennus the same turn, but i misclicked and just ceased fire with him, so he capped to Justinian.

1645 AD:

Justinian surrendered in no time when i captured 2 of his cities, there was nothing spectacular during that war.

Scoreboard looks like this:

P.S.: I am having troubles with attachments, so instead of images and a save i will give URLs to images and no save file.
Well, 1st try on immortal ended quickly. If you go for Oracle and don't get it you waste so many beakers. 2000 BC is not something I have a chance against. Having teched poly and priesthood for nothing is enough for me to quit.
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I doubt settling IE is a good idea even on the short run. While you get your third clam tile earlier, rice is the first food tile you can get and will be the best until a lighthouse is built. On the long run, it's obviously a weaker choice as you only get 3 good food tiles instead of 4.

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Not 100% true, as settling on the Rice gives you a 3:food: city tile so working Clams is 1:commerce: better than working the rice in the short run, so a superior option. It also allows for a city on the plains hill that can share the 2 clams, thou since its unforested the possibility of a resource would mean you are less likely to use that option.

As for my game, I moved my scout to 2E plains hill and upon seeing the riverside sheep settled 1E on rice, then built a warrior that finished as fishing was teched, i think i microed for overflow as well to allow the WB to finish a turn early but not 100% sure. BW was after fishing and that allow a last turn whipping of a worker after the WB to overflow to finish another WB and the worker then improved the hill you start on, chopped a 3rd WB. So 4 decent tiles improved for the capitol to pump out worker/settlers for abit. From there i pretty much decided on culture after spotting the marble, the capitol was my GP farm, and built Sistine's, SoZ, Parth, and Taj, Sheep was a cottage city, i had a crappy third legendary at cows+gold and rest of cities were just helper GP farms. Early 1500s culture win iirc.
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