Important question about resources


Sep 29, 2005
I have read in Civilopedia that when you trade with someone for example Crabs, and you see on your bargain table Crabs (1), that you actually lose that resource beacuse you traded it and you only had 1 resource of Crabs. Does that mean that we sould trade for only those resources on bargain table by which stands number 2, 3 or more? :confused:
Reg Pither said:
Yes, that's the way it's always been. And makes perfect sense, too. :)

Not necessarily. In Civ3 when it said, say Iron(1), that meant you had one spare iron resource, ie. you had 2 of them, one for yourself and one to trade. I'm not sure about Civ4 because I don't have it but it sounds logical to me.
OMFG ARE U SERIOUS???!!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!!!! which one is it, bcs i though it was one extra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BeefBayford said:
Not necessarily. In Civ3 when it said, say Iron(1), that meant you had one spare iron resource, ie. you had 2 of them, one for yourself and one to trade.

It did? Sheesh, no wonder I was never any good at Civ III if I never understood that! :blush:
Best way to find out, just trade it out and see if you have lost it completely :p

Like I said I don't have Civ4 yet so it may not be the case, but it certainly was in Civ3 so it would be intuitive to think its the same for Civ4.
BeefBayford said:
Not necessarily. In Civ3 when it said, say Iron(1), that meant you had one spare iron resource, ie. you had 2 of them, one for yourself and one to trade. I'm not sure about Civ4 because I don't have it but it sounds logical to me.

Well yes, in Civ 3 you couldn't trade anything that you don't have spare. In Civ4 it seems on bargain table everything goes, so you should be careful not to trade resources of which you posses just one item.
Yes I thought it was your spare also so I traded away my only Iron and the mine I got it from is all dried up so I can't make my samuri damn it!
Joebasalt13 said:
Yes I thought it was your spare also so I traded away my only Iron and the mine I got it from is all dried up so I can't make my samuri damn it!

I think Firaxis should make some special warning about this new feature, many players will trade like they did in Civ4 and then they will sell out resources.
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