Improved AI mod?


Oct 4, 2003
I'm a little new to modding CivIV, and search came up with nothing.. but my biggest concern with the game is the lack of simple decision making AI do, which mod(s) could better this?
BetterAI found in the projet and development forums.

Also any mod that uses RevDCM as a core included BetterAI + BUG.
Thanks, just what I needed. I'll just post this here, is there a way to load multiple mods? Because I don't have my Unit Statistics mod, which is pretty damn awesome to.
There is a way.

What files are in Unit Statistics? Is there a gamecore.dll? If not, you could do it by merging Python Code, if there is you would need to merge the SDK source and compile it. Merging isn't an easy thing to explain how to do. If you're serious about doing it, people will help you out with specific details or things you're stuck on, but only if you're serious about it, as it takes a bit to explain how to do, and it's contingent on what you find in the various mods you want to merge..
Alright cool, as long as there is a way. Someone should make a script for this, maybe a guide. I wouldn't be surprised if there already is one.. because having multiple mods seems like something a majority of people would be interested in. Not everyone knows python =(

I enjoy mods in small doses, I know some people just download full packs like FFH or BUG I'll look around the archive.
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