Indonesia - The Missing Civ

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Sep 21, 2012
Jakarta, Indonesia
A lot of civs are missing from civ but there is one civilization that really deserves to be included and I would argue should even be a mainstay alongside the Greeks, Chinese, Americans, Indians, etc.

Who are they? Majapahit. But the game could call it "Indonesia" if it needs to be more accessible. (There is also Srivijaya, an equally impressive empire, and fast forward to modern times and you have Sukarno, the George Washington(ish...) of Indonesia and so on, so there are plenty of options but Majapahit is my favorite.)

First some modern background: Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim-majority nation and democracy and largest unified archipelago in the world and the fourth most populous nation on Earth. They represent an entire chunk of the planet that has been without representation in the civ games. They are a melting pot of cultures from around the world but they also have very unique cultures of their own. With so many islands, it's difficult to pinpoint any stereotypes as they are truly diverse. Their civ phrase (you know "Barbary Corsairs, Manifest Destiny") would be "Unity in Diversity". Their Unique components could literally be anything. From rich agriculture to entertainment to seafaring warriors and so on and so on.

Just how influential were the Majapahit? Just read wikipedia: "Majapahit was an empire of 98 tributaries, stretching from Sumatra to New Guinea; consisting of present day Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, southern Thailand, the Philippines, and East Timor." Even crazier, some historians argue their influence could be beyond that.

Simply put, they were one of the greatest, most powerful empires in world history.

Not enough for you? Here is just one story, among the many thousands, that represents their might militarily (I chose a war story over a culturally influential story just because Civ5 seems to revolve a lot around Unique Units and warfare). This is for the Singhasari empire, not the Majapahit but yet another impressive empire (there are so many...):

"In 1293, Kublai Khan, the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, sent a large invasion fleet to Java with 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. This was a punitive expedition against King Kertanegara of Singhasari, who had refused to pay tribute to the Yuan and maimed one of its ministers........
[Fast forward to aftermath]
"......The three generals, demoralized by the considerable loss of their elite soldiers due to the ambush, went back to their empire with the surviving soldiers. Upon their arrival, Shi-bi was condemned to receive 70 lashes and have a third of his property confiscated for allowing the catastrophe. Ike Mese also was reprimanded and a third of his property taken away. But Gaoxing was awarded 50 taels of gold for protecting the soldiers from a total disaster. Later, Shi-bi and Ike Mese were shown mercy, and the emperor restored their reputation and property.
This failure was the last expedition in Kublai Khan's reign. Majapahit, in contrast, became the most powerful state of its era in the region which is now Indonesia."

Thoughts, guys? And not just from history lovers, but also casual gamers who just enjoy Civ5 as a game. What do you think of including a Civ like Indonesia? I feel like there are so many overlapping European nations. Ideally, I would want overlapping civs from Indonesia but I know that won't happen so I think they need just one at the very least, to do Southeast Asia justice.

Edit: Boldfaced some key words to make it easier to read for those who prefer to skim through.
Texas, the other missing civ; just kidding ;)

No, but seriously, I would love for a civilization from that region to be included; I'm all for fair representation and for more diversity in selection for yourself and your AI foes.

All the other dozens of civilization suggestions put aside, the top three that are glaringly lacking, imo, are:

The Zulu (or a close analog), just by merit that they are a staple for the series

Portugal, because it has also been included in several civ games and is an important European power still absent

Majapahit/Indonesia, for the reasons you've listed.

Beyond that, in no particular order, I wouldn't mind civs like the Inuit, Sumeria, the Holy Roman Empire, Nepal, one more Native American civ (a western tribe), and Texas (just my fanciful wish) being included.
It's always cool to learn something new about a different culture.

I think we all agree that we'd be thrilled with new Civs to explore and learn about. And I, for one, am really down to explore all kinds of non-European Civs.
Not a bad top three. And I just opened your link in your signature and I love your Texas idea. A Civ variation of only American cities/states would be pretty awesome even though I know it would never happen. I am from Colorado so I would favor a Colorado civ. Definitely would have to be something mountain related although with the new amendment we might have to add in +1 :c5happy: for every city with a marijuana store/dispensary :lol:

Hmmm, I think I might do the same thing you did for Texas but with Indonesia since I know Indonesia as good as anybody else.

Expect an "Indonesia Civilization Idea" similar to ferretbacon's some time in the coming days/weeks, folks.
Thanks for the compliment!

It is a fun little exercise in speculation to come up with civ ideas like this, and challenging to come up with an idea that is both representative of the essence of a civilization while still being balanced for gameplay/suitable for acheiving a victory condition.

Colorado would be challenging to do though... Texas had the advantage of being a Republic for about a decade. Not sure who the leader would be. Guess a good UB would be a ski resort? UA is +2 :c5happy: and +2 :c5gold: from mountain tiles?
I don't live in Colorado, but my father does so nearly every summer and some winters my brother and I go visit him for a while. The foothills and true mountains beyond are one of the most beautiful places on earth, in my opinion. Here's the quick and dirty:
Colorado - Rocky Mountain High
Gain 1 local happiness from every mountain tile within your borders.
UU: Volunteer Regiment (rifleman replacement, starts with Drill 1 and has Minuteman's No Movement Penalty promotion) the 1st Colorado Volunteer Regiment, formed in 1861, fought for the Union in the Southwest Theater of the Civil War. I know them best for their 92-mile, 36-hour march to help garrison Fort Union before a Confederate force arrived.
UI: Ski Resort - can only be built on hills next to a mountain tile, like terrace farms. +1 gold, +1 gold per adjacent mountain.just a ski resort. Nothing special here.

Also, I really like the idea of an Indonesian civilization, as civs from that region of the world are very underrepresented.
EDIT: The leader of Colorado would, of course, be John Denver.
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